The Noble Process of Peer Review

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Description summary:
The description varies based on the progress of A Meeting of the Dilmun Club

A MeetingDescription
0Everyone is gathered […] The Superannuated Explorer has installed himself in an armchair […] The Bishop of St Fiacre's whispers to Feducci […] More members are seated […] rather like jurors in a court – which would make the Implacable Detective […] the judge.
20All eyes are on you as the Dilmun Club anticipates your report. Your sponsor's gaze, however, occasionally roves around the room, watching the other members. […] space has been cleared for you to stand beside the black box. You have your research ready.
40Raised voices fill Orchard House […] Each opinion is another bubble. His Lordship proposes a toast "To Knowledge!" which the Bishop, however, politely declines. […] The Woman in Green […] scribbling rapidly to record the minutes as everyone talks.
60[…] after […] your funding […], the Implacable Detective calls for everyone's attention again. "Knowledge is what we toast!" she says. "And knowledge is what the Newest shall receive. The Club now admits the Newest into a deeper confidence, as we agreed."
80Notwithstanding the dead thing in the jar on the table, the other club members are still drinking champagne. […] "D__n it, this keeps happening," grumbles His Lordship to Feducci. "Why is it always a Constable or a Priest who has to spoil the mood?"
100[…] There is also […] discussion about finding a newer Newest. Now that you know […], you're unfit to conduct certain business for the Club […] But that can wait. Tonight, the Thirsty Croupier is counting […] funds, the Woman in Green is documenting the financials […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Ride to Orchard House

Storylet appears in Ladybones Road


Listen to the Implacable Detective

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 20

Present your research with a measured interpretation
Present your research with an optimistic interpretation
Present your research with a cautious interpretation

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 40

Attend to the conversation

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 60

Be admitted into a deeper confidence

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 80

Ask about the College of Mortality

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 100

Accept funding for your research
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with A Meeting of the Dilmun Club exactly 100



    The cost of knowledge

    Success Instructions: Put to Zee! at Wolfstack Docks and enter the captain's cabin. You can now chart another course to the Tomb-Colonies to deliver the news to the Youthful Naturalist. Be careful with your rostygold; you will need to spend it later.
