The Tale of the Clay Highwayman (Guide)

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The Clay Highwayman and his merry band of Scottish outlaws are part of the Railway storyline. The first part of meeting them is becoming invested in the Great Hellbound Railway Company.

The story of the Clay Highwayman is structured as a "side quest" to the Railway storyline. Progress in his story happens in parallel to the main storyline, but is not essential to completing it. The amount of story content is comparable to the largest Railway stations, and the mechanical rewards include permanent access to a new and rewarding location.

Progress in this storyline revolves around several qualities with the words "Clay Highwayman" in their name. Searching for that phrase in your Qualities tab should tell you of your current progress.

On The Trail of the Clay Highwayman[edit]

You may seen vague allusions to the Clay Highwayman earlier in the Railway, especially riding between stations with high levels of Seeing Banditry in the Upper River. The first chapter of his story begins in earnest at The Magistracy of the Evenlode.

The Magistracy of the Evenlode ( Involved in a Railway Venture 70)
Tracking Qualities
On the Trail of the Clay Highwayman - Up to 5.
Who is the Clay Highwayman? - A new Opportunity Card.

Once you reach the Magistracy, the new card may be drawn anywhere in the Upper River. Playing it increases On the Trail... by +1 CP each time, up to level 5. The text on the card and each of the options changes as you increase this quality, so be sure to pay attention as you play. After reaching level 5, new options become available that can adjust Banditry levels in the Upper River.

Meeting the Clay Highwayman[edit]

The next step is to meet the Clay Highwayman personally.

Balmoral ( Involved in a Railway Venture 80)
On the Trail of the Clay Highwayman up to 5
Seeing Banditry in the Upper River 8
In Corporate Debt less than 7

Spoilers: I recommend finding out for yourself.

If you want to raise Banditry in a hurry, Invite the Gracious Widow to the Board and then use a Board Meeting to propose special consideration to certain charitable groups.

NOTE: Increasing Banditry to 8 without satisfying all other requirements (e.g., before On the Trail has reached 5) will not attract the Clay Highwayman. It will only trigger the usual menace card, which sets Banditry back down to 3--a decidedly suboptimal strategy.

The Clay Highwayman's Camp, Part I[edit]

Try to learn more about the Clay Highwayman.

Tracking Qualities
The Tale of the Clay Highwayman up to 3
A Visitor of the Clay Highwayman
A Scheme with the Clay Highwayman
Waiting on a Ransom
a hidden camp nestled in the woods of Balmoral

The quality Waiting on a Ransom acts as timer limiting how long you spend in the Clay Highwayman's camp. During that time, play cards to increase Investigating... or Fascinating.... Spend those qualities to increase The Tale..., ideally reaching level 3 before exiting, or else you will need to return to continue the story. It is possible to build it up to level 4 by progressing only Investigating until level 3 and then switching to Fascinating. DO NOT DO THIS. That will block you from learning part of the story.

Players who wish to play optimally may wish to have 5 levels each of Investigating... and Fascinating... before entering. Excess levels will be wasted.

You may also begin your acquaintance with the best girl. She will stay your friend even when everything else becomes different.

The Clay Highwayman's Camp, Part II[edit]

Try to become close to the Clay Highwayman and his crew.

The Tale of the Clay Highwayman 3
A Cover Identity with Surface Ties, 7 Elaboration, 3 Nuance, and 3 Witnesses
Tracking Qualities
The Tale of the Clay Highwayman up to 6
A Game with the Clay Highwayman up to 5
A Marauder of the Clay Highwayman
Investigating... or Fascinating...
a hidden camp nestled in the woods of Balmoral, but different

You may now enter and exit the camp freely, at the cost of only an action. You have also gained access to the most important mechanical reward of the Clay Highwayman story: CRIMES! Specifically, larcenies (action overview, reward overview). Larcenies require Casing..., which is best acquired elsewhere.

The story continues by raising The Tale... to 6 in one of two ways: becoming close to the Clay Highwayman himself, or by becoming close to the Burly Lieutenant.

In both cases, each level of Tale tells you a new part of the Clay Highwayman's background from a different perspective. It is possible to advance partway through the Lieutenant's telling and switch to becoming close to the Clay Highwayman himself, but not vice-versa. Choosing the Clay Highwayman unlocks one set of endings to his story.

The Burly Lieutenant
Raise A Marauder of the Clay Highwayman by performing Larcenies. Take tea with the Burly Lieutenant to spend two levels of Marauder for each level of Tale.
The Clay Highwayman
Raise Fascinating... via cards in the Camp, or elsewhere. Talk with the Clay Highwayman, alone to trade Fascinating... for A Game with the Clay Highwayman, and then talk further to raise Tale.


The Tale of the Clay Highwayman 6
Tracking Qualities
The Tale of the Clay Highwayman, up to 11 and beyond.
A new Storylet in the Clay Highwayman's camp.

The Clay Highwayman's camp will be temporarily unavailable until you continue the story in Wolfstack Docks. Depending on your choices there, the next step may be a Living Story. Don't zail to Polythreme, you won't find him there.


If you wish to accompany the Clay Highwayman on his journey, make sure to make a confession to him, rather than any other option you can take at the docks.


Conclude the story at the Camp. There are no further ramifications of the story.

If you find yourself wishing to play the story over again, you can always Reset the Clay Highwayman's Tale for 20 FATE at The Clay Highwayman's Camp.