The knife with an ivory handle

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Rat Market (Guide)

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From: The Maundering Rat's Stall

Action Cost: 0

"Cousin o' mine lives at the Chelonate. Comes home for a week every June with a boxful of these beauties."

Game Instructions: This item is a Weapon that grants Monstrous Anatomy, Shadowy, and Dreaded.

Unlocked with The False-Season: is Summer (World Quality, now available), The Rat Market is present (World Quality, now locked), 10000 x Rat-Shilling


Coughed up

The handle is ivory, but the blade itself carved from […] bone […] perfect […] for concealing inside a boot.

[…] "The legend goes that an accuser-eel the size of a locomotive swallowed up a master bone-carver. It's been spitting out these knives ever since."

[Find the rest of the story at]