Vet a speaker, and invite them to address the public

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Raising a Mob

They'll help you to rally the people.

Unlocked with 1-6 x Rallying a Mob

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful 30

  • 21 - very chancy (42%)
  • 26 - chancy (52%)
  • 31 - modest (62%)
  • 36 - very modest (72%)
  • 41 - low-risk (82%)
  • 46 - straightforward (92%)
  • 50 - straightforward (100%)


Good for the cause

To ensure they're not a plant for the other party […] you follow them throughout their day. When all proves satisfactory, you invite them to address the public on your behalf.[…] The crowd is furious, and with a few words you've earned new followers.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Raising a Mob


Help is hard to find

They seemed so promising. But as you sat in the dark corners of a cafe, […]you watched that hope die as they exchanged a few cosy words with an agent from another party. Oh, well. At least you knew before inviting them to speak at one of your events.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: Raising a Mob