What should you be up to?

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Consider the Next Steps

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
The description varies based on your Motive for visiting.

1You came to help the city on its way.
2You came to discover what the city is, and what (or who) lies beneath it.
3You are here for your own enrichment.
4You are here to make sure that the Creditor bears you no grudges.
5You are here to see whether former-Furnace is happy in her new situation.
6You are here because Furnace is here.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Locked with Exploration of a Hinterland City 100



Description summary:
The first paragraph varies with Exploration of a Hinterland City, while the second seems to vary based on your Motive for visiting.

ExplorationFirst Paragraph
0For now, best to play your opportunities and increase Habituated to the Hinterland. The more you know of the place, the more possibilities will open up to you. It may be worth speaking to the leadership, when the chance presents itself.
5 - 15For now, best to play your opportunities and increase Habituated to the Hinterland. The more you know of the place, the more possibilities will open up to you.
25It is time to try, if you can, to speak with the city directly, mind to mind.
35It is time to try, if you can, to speak with the Creditor directly, mind to mind.
47It is time to take the Sun-Blazoned Cuirass to your laboratory for investigation.
50It is time to repair to London and seek an audience with the agents of the Bazaar. You will find the opportunity among the activities in your Lodgings.
60You must speak to London herself directly. You will find the opportunity among the activities in your Lodgings.
70With a little more time in the city, you are bound to find the Grey Man again.
80You have contained the Grey Man, but will need to seek opportunities to deal with him more permanently, if you intend to do so.
90Hell will be able to subdue the Grey Man. You will need to take him there; you may need to visit the place a few times yourself, via Marigold.
MotiveSecond Paragraph
1?The City Waning threatens the city's welfare; you'll want to keep that low while you see to other business.
2, 4, 5Your explorations will lead you to the deeper secrets in due time.
3Engaging in the life of the city will build Hinterland Prosperity – [...] faster with Hinterland Efficiency. [...] make the city more profitable. If you dislike the city [...] drive up The City Waning [...] to keep the place under your own thumb.
6Your explorations will lead you to the deeper secrets in due time. You may see her when she is leader, and speak with her frequently.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]