Worth a flutter?

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Sporting Sort

One of your sporting associates has a hot tip: the Turkish Girl is on form for tomorrow's shroom-hopping meeting. She favours boggy, spore-laden tracks and you can get a cool three to one on her.

Unlocked with 100 x Nodule of Deep Amber

Challenge information

A matter of luck: It could go either way (success chance: 60%)


Never in doubt

The Turkish Girl is away at the first corner, and lopes to an easy victory. The Rubbery Racer has malice in his yellow eyes, but doesn't get close enough to enact his presumably terrible schemes. Your bookmaker's look would grace a portion of chips.


It's always the Rubbery

It's always the Rubbery Racer. He's the nemesis of the Turkish Girl. This time he kicked at her ankles on a tricky giant morel turn. The villain!