Map the constellations

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Constellations

They may not remain in this configuration.


The cross, the hunter

Here are the familiar forms; and there, dimly visible over the hill, is [Constellation].

Description summary:
The Constellation name varies with the Airs of Ealing Gardens. A second paragraph also appears under very specific conditions.

1-9The Cedar Tree
10-14The Beehive
15-19The Rose
20-29The Eating Bear
30-37The Forked Tree
40-49The Cask of False Drugs
50-59The King of Ways
60-69The Prison Gate
70-79The Debtor Asleep
80-84The Khan's Stallion
86-88The Cantigaster
90-94The Imago
95-96The Larva
97The Pupa
99-100The Egg
ConditionSecond Paragraph
A False-Star of your OwnYour own False-Star is just coming into sight, perhaps 35 degrees above the western horizon.

[Find the rest of the story at]