Ambition: Enigma

From Fallen London Wiki
Enigma.png This page contains information about Ambition: Enigma, which is designated by FBG to require strict spoiler protection. Proceed below at your own risk.
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Ambition: Enigma (Guide)

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Why are you here? Are you here at all? Or is that just the treachery of maps?

A secret ambition (although in truth it's merely a morsel), for those who seek a way behind the scenes and are willing to dig very deep indeed to find it. It does not replace your existing Ambition, nor does it prevent players from selecting a regular Ambition if they don't acquire one first.

The entry point is not in Fallen London. This is not the entry point, either.

Some reading into Fallen London's inspirations would be advisable; the rest is up to you.

It's likely you may not find the way in, or solve future steps in Ambition: Enigma; take it as a sign, and accept that some storylines are not for you. Here's a hint for one of said future steps. This will not help you at all if you don't have Ambition: Enigma.