A Meeting with Radical Academics

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.


His Amused Lordship and the Bishop […] chat amiably […] but Feducci rests one hand on his sword's hilt. An Unlikely Florist has brought along a bottle with a nozzle […] The Implacable Detective watches you […] while a Woman in Green records the minutes.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with a redirect from Reporting to the Dilmun Club

Storylet appears in Your Lodgings


Deliver the Fossilised Shell of Regret
Deliver the Living Shell of Regret

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 25

Tell them about your trip to Cline (With Evidence of Persistence 1)
Tell them about your trip to Cline (With Evidence of Persistence 2)

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 50

Tell them about the Youthful Naturalist

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 75

Eye brown.png
Discuss the Youthful Naturalist's history

A Meeting of the Dilmun Club 100

Bring the meeting to a close