An initial visit with Furnace/Tables

From Fallen London Wiki

These tables are transcluded on An initial visit with Furnace and An initial visit with Furnace (forced).

AcquaintanceFirst Paragraph
10, 12 - 13Furnace greets you as an old friend and ally. You have seen her in difficult times, when she was not at her best. Now she trusts you enough to speak frankly of the city.
11Furnace greets you as an old friend and ally. Her voice is warm, but sometimes she doesn't meet your eye. Is she remembering that you hinted at feelings for her once? Easier to talk about the city instead.
Founding BodySecond Paragraph
CorneliusShe does not entirely enjoy [...] managing a city that used to be Cornelius. His odd ideas keep popping up again among the population. [...] It is as though all the aggravations of their old partnership have been given a new form, and she has to live in it.
Your Own DoubleYou quickly realise that she knows things about you that you never told her. She's not the type to tactfully pretend ignorance, either. Well, what do you expect, when you invite someone to live inside your own ribcage, or close enough?
Manager[...] when you made the city this city [...] Did you realise that there would be brass fittings on everything, that shadows would lurk at the windows, that people would have longing dreams? Did you know that the city was deeply and hopelessly in love?