Ask him about the Emancipationists (Cornelius)

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From: Conversation with Cornelius, Alone with Cornelius, or An Audience with Cornelius

Action Cost: 0

Do they have a philosophy?


A space in which a philosophy could go

[…] "it is a pragmatic approach that does not embrace any single ideology […]


[…] Anti-markets where you could pick up anything […] without paying, or drop off spare supplies. Amphitheatres to debate in, and a wardrobe of clothes anyone could wear for a day[…]

Description summary:
The beginning of the first paragraph and the second paragraph vary depending on which storylet this action is played from. The first sentence of the third paragraph varies with something, possibly Furnace's Faces.

Source StoryletFirst paragraph snippet
Conversation with Cornelius
Alone with Cornelius
"According to Furnace," says Cornelius, in a voice that is obviously straining to be fair,
An Audience with Cornelius"If you go by what Furnace said on this last job," says Cornelius, in a voice that is obviously straining to be fair,
Source StoryletSecond paragraph
Conversation with Cornelius
An Audience with Cornelius
He holds up a finger.
Alone with CorneliusHe dips his brush again and paints more muscle on the bones before him.
Furnace's Faces? Source Storylet?Third paragraph's first sentence
Conversation with Cornelius; Alone with Cornelius?"That's now. But when she just had the one face, if you gave her a couple glasses of the good liquor, then she'd start planning villages on whatever bit of paper came handy.
An Audience with Cornelius?"That's now. But back in the day, if you gave her a couple glasses of the good liquor, then she'd start planning villages on whatever bit of paper came handy.

[Find the rest of the story at]