Augment the Empowered Principle of Hollows
From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Begin a Scientific Investigation
The Principle has no love for his Fingerking comrades of old. But he wears the raiment of their kind: his body is on loan. An alteration of state would be appreciated.
Game Instructions: This will enhance the effectiveness of this General and allow them to be employed in any Parabolan Campaign. This experiment will require Parabolan Research, for which you will need either a Base-Camp or an assistant who is able to create Parabolan Research on their own.
Unlocked with General: Principle of Hollows exactly 2
Freedom half-won
The Principle billows through your Laboratory like a cloud of smoke. Your assistants appear alarmed. The Principle makes great sport of chasing them around the equipment, pretending to be a particularly stubborn chemical fire […]
[Find the rest of the story at]
You are freeing a Parabolan General from the bonds of its obligations. (Sets
Experimental Object to 150 - Augmenting of a Parabolic General)
An occurrence! Your 'Total Lab Research Required' Quality is now 450!
An occurrence! Your 'Total Parabolan Research Required' Quality is now 50!
Conclusion: Conclude your Augmentation of the Principle of Hollows