Prepare your Heist

From Fallen London Wiki
(Redirected from Begin the Heist)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
When you have enough Casing, you can begin your Heist.

Game Instructions: Increase your Casing further if you want to buy Inside Information, Intruguing Keys or Escape Routes that might help you on the inside.

Unlocked with redirect from Get ready for your Heist!


Consider the task before you
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    An Unlicensed Handbook for Breaking and Entering

    Success Instructions: Beginning your Heist will transport you to a special area, with its own Opportunity Deck. You will need to draw cards to gain Burglar's Progress. When your Progress is high enough – usually 5 – you will be able to claim your bounty. But theft is not without its risks. You start a Heist with 3 Cat-Like Tread, representing your stealthiness. Failing checks within the Heist can reduce your Cat-Like Tread. When it hits zero, your presence has been noticed, and you will need to abandon the Heist – before the Constables catch you! And remember – once you are within a Heist, you will not be able to change your outfit. Maximising your Shadowy and Dreaded may prove useful.

Begin the job
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with Casing... 5



    Into the shadows

    Success Instructions: Complete the job by increasing your Burglar's Progress to 5. Keep your Cat-Like Tread quality above zero, or the evening will end badly.

Purchase an Escape Route
Purchase Inside Information
Purchase a copy of an Intriguing Key
Do more preparation