Hallowmas (Guide)

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Foxmask hallowmas.png

A damp fog fills London’s streets. Londoners of all stripes lurk in its concealment: masked, cloaked, triply hidden. It is the season of Hallowmas, of the commission and purging of sin. Londoners seek out the Attendants – the masked representatives of the Bazaar – to be shriven.

Hallowmas is Fallen London's annual feast of masks and confessions. Hallowmas starts roughly a week before Halloween and ends a week afterwards.

During the festival, you can:


Masks visage.png

At Hallowmas, Londoners wear masks. Those in the know will wish to pick a very particular mask. Three have particular import.

Each year, three of the four different Masks are available to wear. The ones available in 2023 are The Demon, The Infant, and The Crown. They grant stat bonuses and can cause an opportunity card to appear while worn during Hallowmas. Masks will become tattered and useless (except as a memento) by the end of the festival, unless you choose to purchase a gilded one for FATE.

Each mask grants you free entry to one of the Hallowmas Masques via an opportunity card. While attending a Masque with its associated Mask, a particularly lucrative option will be available to raise the associated Menace. When the Menace reaches 7, it can be relinquished to The Fool's Apostate in exchange for Spirit of Hallowmas.

The Masks of Hallowmas
The Demon The Infant The Crown The Moth
Masque Saint Dunstan's Sacristy The Roof Below The Wreck of the St Elmo The Pavilion of Butterflies
Card The Devil's Gambit The Squall of Infants The Crown's Splendour The Flight of Moths
Menace Scandal Wounds Suspicion Nightmares

Note: Nightmares could not be submitted to the Fool's Apostate in 2023.

The main reason to choose a particular Mask is to make it easier to raise a particular Menace, due to the privileges the Mask grants at its affiliated Masque. Changing your Mask costs 10 x Spirit of Hallowmas — though if you have any of the Fate-locked gilded masks, you can swap between them and your temporary mask whenever you wish.

Temporary Mask Gilded Mask (30 FATE)
The Demon The Violant Demon
The Infant The Ephebe, Manifold
The Moth The Gant Moth
The Crown The Cosmogone Crown

Not available in 2023: The Moth / The Gant Moth.


The Fool's Judgement Summary
Limited-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
0 A 4+ A 1 A


Raise Wounds, Suspicion or Scandal to 7 and turn in to the Fool's Judgement. Cash out at the end of Hallowmas.
Items Inputs/Outputs
Raw EPA 1.90Raw SPA 1.12

The Fool's Apostate is the arbiter of Hallowmas. He judges whether Londoners have adequately entered the spirit of the festival.

Three Menaces are part of the Hallowmas festivities every year. The Menaces for 2023 are Scandal, Wounds, and Suspicion ( Nightmares could not be turned in).

Menaces can be raised at Hallowmas Masques, or in any of the usual ways. See Menaces (Guide) for Menace-raising strategies.

When one of this year's Menaces reaches level 7, a storylet will appear: The Fool's Judgement, where you can trade all of that Menace to The Fool's Apostate and receive 28 x Spirit of Hallowmas. This can be traded in at the end of the festival for rewards of valuable items. Additionally, the Menace you turn in the most of will grant you a particular Affiliation.

Note: The Fool's Judgement is not an autofire storylet; you will have to leave any storylet you are currently in, and then click on The Fool's Judgement. Don't get distracted and overshoot, as you will be sent to the associated Menace area if it reaches 8! (This isn't as punishing as it would otherwise be, as during Hallowmas there are cards which let you return to London with 5 levels of menace remaining.)

You can track your Spirit of Hallowmas on the Myself page, under Stories. The quantity of individual Menaces you turn in are tracked by hidden qualities.


Bring Confessions to the Attendants to upgrade certain Companions, improving their stat bonuses.

Confessions are released throughout the festival: seven at the beginning, and seven more a week later. You will get a random assortment of the available Confessions: Curiosity, Guile, Impropriety, Pride, Violence, and Whimsy. Different combinations of Confessions can be traded to the Attendants in order to upgrade certain Companions. Different companions are upgradeable each year.


At the end of Hallowmas, you can turn in leftover Confessions at The Fool's Justice. Any Confessions you hold onto after Hallowmas will disappear when next Hallowmas begins; they cannot be saved from year to year.


During Hallowmas, three Balls will be held in different locations across London. Attendance is by invitation only.

The Masques appear as storylets, with a Favour required for entry. At each Masque, different options are available depending on Airs of the Hallowmas Season (which changes randomly with each action you take). These allow you to obtain small rewards, raise that Masque's associated Menace, and swap certain Confessions for others.

Attending the Masques[edit]

Each year, three Masques are in swing; click their titles to see all the actions available there.

The Roof Below — Mrs Plenty's Carnival

Options to raise Wounds. The Infant allows free entry via the opportunity card The Squall of Infants; otherwise you can spend a favour from Rubbery Men, Constables, or Criminals. You can trade confessions of Whimsy for Guile, or Curiosity for Pride.

Saint Dunstan's Sacristy — Spite

Options to raise Scandal. The Demon allows free entry via the opportunity card The Devil's Gambit; otherwise you can spend a favour from Hell, the Church, or Bohemians. You can trade confessions of Impropriety for Violence, Pride for Impropriety, or Guile for Violence.

The Wreck of the St Elmo — Watchmaker's Hill

Options to raise Suspicion. The Crown allows free entry via the opportunity card The Crown's Splendour; otherwise you can spend a favour from the Docks, Urchins, or Tomb-Colonies. For 2023 you can trade confessions of Violence for Whimsy, or Impropriety for Curiosity, or Whimsy for Pride.

The Pavilion of Butterflies — Veilgarden (not active in 2023)

Options to raise Nightmares. The Moth allows free entry via the opportunity card The Flight of Moths; otherwise you can spend a favour from Society, the Great Game, or Revolutionaries. You can trade confessions of Impropriety for Curiosity, Violence for Whimsy, or Whimsy for Pride.

Exchanging Confessions[edit]

All exchanges require Airs of the Hallowmas Season 34–66; this can be cycled using the other options at the Masque.

Hallowmas confession cycles.png
Location Required Confession Gained Confession
The Roof Below (Mrs Plenty's Carnival) Whimsy Guile
Curiosity Pride
The Wreck of the St Elmo (Watchmaker's Hill) Impropriety Curiosity
Violence Whimsy
Whimsy Pride
Saint Dunstan's Sacristy (Spite) Impropriety Violence
Pride Impropriety
Guile Violence

(Confessions can also be exchanged via social actions: Trade confessions with another player who has the one you need.)

What to do with all these Confessions? Seek out the Attendants, and hand in your Confessions to upgrade certain Companions you may have acquired.

Companions and Items[edit]

At Hallowmas, specific combinations of the Confessions can be brought to the Attendants. If you have a certain Companion, these Confession combinations can be used to upgrade that Companion to a superior, Hallowmas version of that Companion.

Obtaining Companions[edit]

See Hallowmas (Guide)/Item Comparison for a detailed breakdown of stats and uses for Hallowmas items

When Hallowmas begins each year, a new Companion joins you. This year, you'll meet the Acerbic Clay Man, who can also be upgraded this year using Confessions. Other past companions can be acquired for Fate.

This year's freely available companions:

The many, many companions from Hallowmases past, available this year for Fate, may be perused at Let Slivvy Speak.

Upgrading Companions[edit]

If you have certain Companions already, the right combination of Confessions will allow you to upgrade them.

Note: The information under Uses will be filled in as uses for the new Companions are discovered.

Hallowmas Companions available this year
Original Confessions Upgrade Stats Uses
Acerbic Clay Man Clay Corroborator Employ the services of the Clay Corroborator
Gravel-Voiced Gossip Engage in moral rectitude with the Gravel-Voiced Gossip
The Precocious Engineer (Companion) (Last Year's HALLOWMAS or FATE) The Eagle, Ascendant
Starry-Eyed Scoundrel Silver-Eyed Scoundrel
Verity (FEAST OF THE ROSE or FATE) Verity of the Savage Lily
Araby Fighting-Weasel Ermine Assassin Attend with your Ermine Assassin
Ivy (FEAST OF THE ROSE or FATE) Timeless Gown Accept, wearing timeless fashions
Timeless Three-Piece
Winsome Dispossessed Orphan Unforgiving Urchin
Dutiful Orphan
Bat with Attitude Utterly Livid Bat
Bengal Tigress Extravagantly-Titled Tigress
Hallowmas Upgrade by Confession
Original Upgrade Curiosity Guile Impropriety Pride Violence Whimsy
Acerbic Clay Man Clay Corroborator
Gravel-Voiced Gossip
The Precocious Engineer The Eagle, Ascendant
Starry-Eyed Scoundrel Silver-Eyed Scoundrel
Verity Verity of the Savage Lily
Araby Fighting-Weasel Ermine Assassin
Ivy Timeless Gown
Timeless Three-Piece
Winsome Dispossessed Orphan Unforgiving Urchin
Dutiful Orphan
Bat with Attitude Utterly Livid Bat
Bengal Tigress Extravagantly-Titled Tigress


When the Hallowmas revelries come to an end, you will encounter a universal storylet named Hallowmas: The Fool's Justice. Here, your Spirit of Hallowmas may be traded in for a variety of rewards, and you will receive a gift from one of the leaders of the Masques depending on which Menace you submitted most often.

Spirit of Hallowmas[edit]

Each reward costs a certain number of Spirit of Hallowmas. You can spend your Spirit however you want—take the highest-tier reward, and then smaller rewards to spend whatever you have remaining, or opt for more of the smaller rewards. For example, 1600 Spirit could be spent as 1000 + 500 + 100, or 3(500) + 100, or 16(100), etc.

Any Spirit of Hallowmas above 2500 will be converted into CP for the The Knight of Hallowmas vanity quality at a ratio of 20:1 (in other words, plug the result of (Spirit of Hallowmas - 2500) / 20 into the CP Calculator as your CP gain). Obtaining this quality sets your Spirit to 2499, which you can then spend as you wish on the other rewards.

Turn-in Cost Rewards E (Sell) E /
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for a morsel of gossip 1 2 x Appalling Secret 0.30 0.30
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for a seasonally apropos story 5 3 x Tale of Terror!! 1.50 0.30
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for a gift from the Bazaar 50 1 x Muscaria Brandy, 1 x Bazaar Permit 15.00 0.30
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for the Fool's Favour 100 1 x Favour in High Places, 1 x Cellar of Wine, 3 x Stolen Kiss 32.50 0.325
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for an evening with the Fool 250 3 x Cellar of Wine, 2 x Vital Intelligence 62.50 0.25
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for Silent Souls 500 10 x Silent Soul 125.00 0.25
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for a quartet of Night Whispers 1000 4 x Night-Whisper
  • 250.00
  • 340.00 w/ Ratket
  • 0.25
  • .34 w/ Ratket
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for elements of light 1500 3 x Element of Dawn[1], 3 x Mountain-sherd 375.00 0.25
Exchange your Spirit of Hallowmas for a Fool's Error 2000 7 x Direful Reflection, 1 x Searing Enigma, 1 x Vial of Tears of the Bazaar 462.50 0.231
  1. This is currently the only non-FATE and non-Ambition source of Element of Dawn, aside from turning in Officially Recognised Valorous Deed gained from the Lifeberg events


These are awarded depending on which Menace you submitted to the Fool's Apostate the most. If you already received the Affiliation associated with that Menace in a previous year, you will get the repeat reward instead, a non-unique but high-value item.

Menace First Reward (Affiliation) Repeat Rewards
Wounds Inducted into the Inverted Stalactite Society 1 x Primaeval Hint
Scandal A Seat at the Bishop's Table 1 x Primaeval Hint
Suspicion A Member of the Crew of the St Elmo 1 x Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise

Not available this year: A Member of the Order of Those Who Will Not Be Caught Red-Handed (the Nightmares Affiliation) or its repeat reward of 1 x Night-Whisper.

Each of the affiliations you can gain has an associated Opportunity Card, with options to gain items or Favours. These cards can appear year-round, as long as you have the Affiliation equipped when drawing from your deck.

A Member of the Crew of the St ElmoDrink with the Crew of the St Elmo

A Seat at the Bishop's TableAttend a dinner at St Fiacre's

Inducted into the Inverted Stalactite SocietyMeetings of the Initiates of the Society of the Inverted Stalactite

Not available this year (but if you already have the Affiliation, you can continue to draw its card):

A Member of the Order...A Shrouded Soiree with the Order of Those Who Will Not Be Caught Red-Handed


Any leftover Confessions can be traded to the Fool for item rewards. Note that any Confessions kept after Hallowmas will disappear when next Hallowmas commences; they cannot be saved from year to year.

Confession Reward
Curiosity Extraordinary Implication
Guile An Identity Uncovered!
Impropriety Touching Love Story
Pride Sworn Statement
Violence Aeolian Scream
Whimsy Bottle of Broken Giant 1844


A smaller activity that can be done is attracting a visitor. Most of the actions are rather unremarkable, trading an action and some low value items for nightmares and making waves, which are consequently what you need 5 of both to draw the Visitors at Hallowmas card. The option Open a window to the night air cycles the airs for an action. There are however 2 options here that are of note:

Strategies and Analysis[edit]

Strategies and Analysis →

Hallowmases Past[edit]

Hallowmases Past →


It is useful to know what your deadlines are. As of 2020, the timing of different events is recorded below. Past events are no guarantee of future behavior. All switch-overs happened around noon-ish GMT.

  • First Monday: All main-event storylets are opened. First batch of 7 free Confessions is available. October 23, 2023
  • Second Monday: Second batch of 7 free Confessions is available. October 30, 2023
  • Third Monday: All main-event storylets are closed, and post-event turn-ins become available. Unused confessions can be turned in for 2.5 echo items on the storylet Hallowmas: The Fool's Justice. Upgrading Companions is closed. November 6, 2023
  • Fourth Monday: Post-event turn-ins are closed. Remaining spirit and confessions are wiped by Time, the Healer. November 13, 2023