Blog talk:ZDee/Are we 'occasionally seen at Mr Wines' Revels' or not??/@comment-3400522-20130404182455/@comment-6042046-20130404215713

From Fallen London Wiki

I try to be faithful to the grammatical idiosyncracies of FL's result text. I'm fairly certain now that it's supposed to be 'occasionally seen at Mr Wines' Revels' no matter how odd it looks in some sentences. I believe the FL team knows it looks silly starting a sentence with a lowercase letter, but the consistency is probably important for their source code. Randomly enough, there's an instance in a related fate-locked card's description where it's a capital O for "occasionally" even though it's in the middle of a sentence.

I've recently switched to using '< b >[ [Link Here] ]< / b >' rather than putting four apostrophes to each side. It requires more time to type but it looks better in the end. Have you noticed that if you hug a link with four apostrophes to each side, the left quote mark comes out plain while the right quote mark comes out bold? You can see it in my blog post above. It's much more noticeable when the link is a short one. If you use the alternative means of bold code control < b > and < / b >, you don't get that issue. :)