I don‘t know how to do it

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Direct its attention towards the Starved Men

An Action from:

The Light-In-Exile

The Light-in-Exile is ancient and alien. Does it know anything of import about London's current adversary?



The light of the lure bathes your thoughts in peligin. You direct the flow towards your recollections of the Starved Men – their many-jointed limbs, their bubbled flesh, their carnival-mirror silhouettes. They are a breed apart; they are alien in their strangeness. The Light-in-Exile's curiosity piques. Its light flickers like a queasy flame. The lure probes deeper.

But there is something to their movements. A unity. A belonging. The bent-limbed swarming of the Starved Men across the London of your memory is full of fractious factions and warring wants, but still; none of these creatures are truly alone. Even on the Roof, where other forces swarm and muster, there are no outcasts – just two communities, working to different ends.

Is this disappointment, expressed in the vast creature's light? It withdraws from your memories, turning itself once more to its little family of exiles.

You‘ve learned something from the Light-In-Exile

The Overworked Commodore will want to hear this

+1Aeolian Scream