From Fallen London Wiki

"Look have you ever run a railroad, sonny-boy?! It's exHAUSting. Decisions all day long, hearing EVERYone complain; knowing LIVES hang on every decision you make!...and COURT! Celebrity! ALWAYS having to put on the latest FASHions and speak the latest NOVELS and watch the latest avant-bullshit--oh, please that I might muster applause after someone works out their demons on a dim stage for 2 hours of panting thrashing and screaming,--for the tenth time this year. And the critics--worst of all! Five people described my food at Station Ate as...'Thelassic.' If I ever find this Slowcake person--if person he be, and not some dream of the bl__dy Master Spices--I am throwing him and his amaneunsis in a Hessian sack and feeding them to the Hurly Burly as a Sliotar."

"Here...I am at peace. No one hangs on my every vowel, no one criticizes every thread--Beau Brummel! Also! Into! The Bl__dy sack!--no one hurts from my mistakes, but me. Ahhh. I ache now, but it's a good ache. Ache earned well."