now with more shadowy gains!

From Fallen London Wiki

It looks like the MYN updates mean these thefts give a bigger shadowy boost, at least for early-game characters? For my newest alt (not a POSI, shadowy 79+21), I just did this one and got 41 CP shadowy. I was dumb and forgot to check my exact shadowy before doing other thefts, so I'm not sure exactly how much I gained on other thefts, but I think they had similar increases of around half a level. I tried to do this theft again to see how broad a range it is, but then I failed an 80% check for it, wasted a coffee in my excitement to build up casing and try again, and failed a second 80% check. Love this game.

I also tested this with my two other alts to see if it was only for pre-POSI characters. With one (shadowy 167+66, POSI), I didn't record the exact CP, but it looked like 5-10 CP. The other (shadowy 160+38, POSI) got 24 CP shadowy. My main is at the shadowy cap, so I don't think I can check with her — and she's away on business in the Khanate anyway.