From Fallen London Wiki

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Before I was a PoSI, it takes me a lot of time to grind these for my submarine. For now, It's just a piece of cake.

Shrieks and moon-pearls can be easily gained in <a href="/wiki/Entrepreneurs_and_Opportunism" title="Entrepreneurs and Opportunism">Entrepreneurs and Opportunism</a>. To buy them costs too much.

<a href="/wiki/Mortification_of_a_Great_Power" title="Mortification of a Great Power"><img alt="" src="/w/images/thumb/5/51/Whispered_secret_TC.png/20px-Whispered_secret_TC.png" decoding="async" width="20" height="26" srcset="/w/images/thumb/5/51/Whispered_secret_TC.png/30px-Whispered_secret_TC.png 1.5x, /w/images/thumb/5/51/Whispered_secret_TC.png/40px-Whispered_secret_TC.png 2x" /></a> <a href="/wiki/Mortification_of_a_Great_Power" title="Mortification of a Great Power">Mortification of a Great Power</a> is the real problem. Khanate is not in priority anymore, compared to the Roof or London Bone Market.