Not profitable, but very much usable for the early POSI without a massive hoard

From Fallen London Wiki

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While the Cellar is worth 12.5<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r1245547">html[data-flw-theme="dark"] .mw-parser-output .flw-echo{filter:invert(70%)sepia(4%)saturate(1224%)hue-rotate(1deg)brightness(102%)contrast(89%)}html[data-flw-theme="light"] .mw-parser-output .flw-echo{filter:invert(3%)sepia(5%)saturate(6260%)hue-rotate(351deg)brightness(96%)contrast(99%)}.mw-parser-output .flw-echo{vertical-align:-8%;margin:0 -6px}</style><a href="/wiki/Penny" title="Penny"><img alt="E" src="/w/images/6/68/Icon-echo-black.svg" width="23" height="15" class="flw-echo" /></a> the components here cost a total of 14<link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r1245547"/><a href="/wiki/Penny" title="Penny"><img alt="E" src="/w/images/6/68/Icon-echo-black.svg" width="23" height="15" class="flw-echo" /></a> , and there is also an <a href="/wiki/The_Affable_Monsignor_has_a_particular_taste_for_the_%2744" title="The Affable Monsignor has a particular taste for the '44">up-conversion from Broken Giant</a> that also yields Cellars. However, you are more likely to just happen to have all these assorted wines lying around than 25 bottles of Broken Giant, and up-converting all these bits and bobs is not worth it if you only need a single Cellar.