Best grinds, as far as I can tell

From Fallen London Wiki

anonymous|Posted on Jul 13 2021 at 7:43 pm

The best grinds for this seem to work out to 1 gazette per action, either by communing with the chorus of cats at the dome of scales, or visiting the dreams of the church of the wild. The only sure way to do better is using cards on the upper river.

Working in the lab seems guaranteed to be around ten actions for five for sufficiently developed labs, unless there are some exceptionally efficient sources of parabolan or laboratory research that I don't know about. That's not a bad start, and it's most likely available sooner than any of the other options.

The best one in london alone would be repeatedly going up and down the vitreous almanac<->oneiromantic revelation<->parabolan parable chain, which only yields slightly more than 1 gazette every two actions even if you pass every glasswork check.

With cards it seems like you can get to 6 gazettes for four actions, using the fingerkings statue at the hurlers to get 100 sightings (2 actions), turning them into an almanac (1 action), and turning the almanac into six gazettes (1 action). You could also turn the sightings directly into gazettes, which is less efficient in terms of actions (4/3 instead of 3/2) but gets you more gazettes per card draw (4 instead of 3)

If there are any ways to get more than 20 khaganian coinage per action, it may be possible to get better than 1 gazette per action from buying vitreous almanacs in the "stroll into a bookshop" option at the imperial colleges. I'd need to know the exact rare success/rare failure chances to say for sure.

anonymous|Posted on Aug 10 2021 at 12:29 am

Very helpful summary of the status quo re: gathering gazettes.

Looks like I was correct in thinking the Church in the Wild was my best option for these at the moment. Thanks!

Simmery|Posted on Sep 15 2021 at 2:42 am

With the Sunken Embassy, it is now possible to gain Glass Gazettes more efficiently than 1 gazette/action by grinding Oneromantic Revelations and downconverting to Glass Gazettes. With maxed Watchful it works out to 30 Gazettes in 24 actions.

Sarhkais777|Posted on Feb 19 2022 at 7:33 pm

It can now be done even faster by doing Ipseity at the Polythreme Maze-Garden, 26 for ~18 actions on average