Lay track through marsh and keep your workforce well fed (After Discovery)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Next Stretch of Track

This is hungry, gloomy work through difficult terrain. The workers are going to need quite a bit of cheering if they're to regard it in a happy light.

Game Instructions: The workers may express their gratitude with a gift that is otherwise somewhat rare.

Unlocked with 5 x Basket of Rubbery Pies, 3 x Railway Steel, Terrain Surveyed exactly 3, 10 x Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits, 5 x Solacefruit, Cellar of Wine, Discovered: a Patch of Frozen Neath

Locked with Tracklayers' Work Stoppage, Track Laid 3


Picnic in the wetlands

"My," says Furnace, as she watches the delivery come in.[...]

A few weeks later, you find a crate at your door [...] "Anonymous Token of Gratitude, [title]," he says impressively. Meaning, presumably: don't ask where they found it.

Description summary:
Furnace almost sampled one of the solacefruit, but did not (and spoke with a voice that is her not usual). They pay you back with a crate of scintillack snuff.

[Find the rest of the story at]