Lay track through open city and keep watch for any buried bones as you go (After Stoppage)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Next Stretch of Track

Pay off those whose houses you are going to need to explode. Retrieve any bones of interest that turn up in the digs.

Unlocked with 1 x Comprehensive Bribe, 5 x Perfumed Gunpowder, 3 x Railway Steel, Terrain Surveyed 1-2, 25 x Survey of the Neath's Bones, Discovered: a Non-Existent Block (hidden)

Locked with Tracklayers' Work Stoppage, Track Laid 3


Take down the stone and brick

[…] The streets in the very west of London echo for days. […]

They do find you a trophy of sorts. "Might be two or three hundred years old, judging by the clothes," says one […], looking very satisfied […] "Just look at them shoes. Dreadful out of fashion."

[Find the rest of the story at]

Rare Success

A discovery!


The track runs through an old graveyard, and the Tracklayers save you the choice bits. "Not properly ancient," admits Furnace […] "I've seen a few lectures about how to tell, and this fellow has the pelvis of a modern Londoner […] you might find a use."

[Find the rest of the story at]