
From Fallen London Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:IL/archived/images/doc

-- No new edits should be made to this page, please see [[Blog:Alan/Changes to Quality and Item_pages]] for more information

local image_data = {
["'For Your Own Good' Compass"] = "Compass.png",
["'Lucky' Claw"] = "boneshard.png",
["A Bad End"] = "Appallingsecret.png",
["A Bag of Fierce Mint Humbugs"] = "Humbugs.png",
["A Bandaged Navigator on your Expedition"] = "bundledman.png",
["A Battalion of Obedient Dreams"] = "bethlehemsuite.png",
["A Bedraggled, Forlorn Fox"] = "fox2.png",
["A Beneficence"] = "Smuggling.png",
["A Bestiary of the Hearts' Desires"] = "Booktears.png",
["A Bewildering Procession of Companions, Lovers, Suitors, and Paramours"] = "Bewilderingprocession.png",
["A Bitter Parting: the Artist's Model"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["A Bitter Parting: the Master Jewel Thief"] = "Black.png",
["A Bloodied Handkerchief"] = "Blindmotcher.png",
["A Blue and Shining Stone"] = "Amber_blue.png",
["A Book of Crimson Prayer"] = "Bookred.png",
["A Book of Red Murder"] = "bookred.png",
["A Bottle of Angry Bees"] = "beeface.png",
["A Boutonnière of Fresh Carnations"] = "Corsagegreen.png",
["A Box of Twenty Delights!"] = "Box.png",
["A Box of Fifty Delights!"] = "Box.png",
["A Box of Ten Delights!"] = "Box.png",
["A Boxed Cat?"] = "Boxmuted.png",
["A Boxful of Intrigue"] = "Waves2.png",
["A Brass-Framed Dark Mirror"] = "Porthole.png",
["A Brazen Fate"] = "Flames.png",
["A Brick from the Very Walls of Hell"] = "Hellgate.png",
["A Bright Brass Button"] = "nevercold_brass.png",
["A Bringer of Death"] = "Skull.png",
["A Brooding Aura of Pain"] = "Crossedswords.png",
["A Bullet Whose Purpose has been Rendered Moot"] = "Derringerclose.png",
["A Cardinal Sin"] = "Bloodhand.png",
["A Career Decision"] = "heart2.png",
["A Certificate indicating Feducci's Acknowledgement"] = "Paperstack.png",
["A Censer with an Unusual Scent"] = "Bugsby.png",
["A Church in the Wild"] = "Church.png",
["A Clandestine Rendezvous at Watchmaker's Hill"] = "Watchmakershill.png",
["A Clay Arm"] = "Arm.png",
["A Clear Path"] = "Door.png",
["A Clot of Malachite Flesh"] = "fluke_top.png",
["A Clue: Cumberbold's Stamp"] = "Question.png",
["A Clue: The Purveyor's Confession"] = "Question.png",
["A Clue: a Forgotten Correspondence Sigil"] = "Question.png",
["A Clue from the Duchess"] = "Duchess2.png",
["A Clue from the Princess"] = "Sailor2.png",
["A Clue from the Widow"] = "Widow.png",
["A Co-Conspirator of Mr Fires"] = "Mrpages.png",
["A Cocoon"] = "Keepermoth TC.png",
["A Coffin for Lieutenant R. F. Harris"] = "coffin2.png",
["A Coming Announcement"] = "butler.png",
["A Commission for the Factories of Hell"] = "Document.png",
["A Complete Account of Frogs, Toads, and Other Croaking Beasts"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["A Complete Set of Preserved Internal Organs"] = "Festivejarsofgore.png",
["A Complication: Jasper and Frank"] = "Jasper.png",
["A Confession of Curiosity"] = "Cat.png",
["A Confession of Curiosity from the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner"] = "Electioncampaigner.png",
["A Confession of Curiosity from the Genial Magician"] = "Genialmagician.png",
["A Confession of Guile"] = "Fox.png",
["A Confession of Guile from Clathermont"] = "Fatman.png",
["A Confession of Guile from the Haunted Doctor"] = "Haunteddoctor.png",
["A Confession of Impropriety"] = "Sidebarscandal.png",
["A Confession of Impropriety from the Assured Filmmaker"] = "Assuredfilmmaker.png",
["A Confession of Impropriety from the Nacreous Outcast"] = "Nacreousoutcast.png",
["A Confession of Pride"] = "Sidebarbaroque.png",
["A Confession of Pride from the Bandaged Poissonnier"] = "Bandagedpoissonier.png",
["A Confession of Pride from the Duchess"] = "Duchess.png",
["A Confession of Violence"] = "Bear.png",
["A Confession of Violence from the Presbyterate Adventuress"] = "Presbyterateadventuress.png",
["A Confession of Violence from the Sardonic Music-Hall Singer"] = "Sardonicmusichallsinger.png",
["A Confession of Whimsy"] = "Owl.png",
["A Confession of Whimsy from Colonel Molly"] = "urchingirl.png",
["A Confession of Whimsy from the Bishop of Southwark"] = "Bishop.png",
["A Connoisseur of Neathy Delights"] = "Cherries.png",
["A Consequence of your Ambition"] = "Bag.png",
["A Constable's Pet"] = "Copper.png",
["A Convincing Corpse"] = "monsterhand.png",
["A Countess of Thorns"] = "countessofthorns.png",
["A Courier for the Dead"] = "Bohogirl5.png",
["A Crack in the Parabolan Sun"] = "cinder.png",
["A Criminal Record"] = "Paperstack.png",
["A Crimson Captain"] = "crimsoncaptain.png",
["A Crooked Cross"] = "Cross.png",
["A Cub's Education"] = "kitten.png",
["A Cup, Half-Empty"] = "Mastertc.png",
["A Cured Jillyfleur Cloak"] = "Carcass_purple.png",
["A Custom-Engraved Skull"] = "Skullmoth.png",
["A dark place"] = "Black.png",
["A Day in the Life of a Novice Policeman"] = "copper.png",
["A Debate Partner"] = "argument.png",
["A Decanter of Lachrymose Chartreuse"] = "Bottlegreen.png",
["A Deviless' Address"] = "discerningdeviless.png",
["A Devilment with the Tankards"] = "Tankard.png",
["A Daughter in the Shadows"] = "Daughter.png",
["A Diplomat in the Making"] = "Map.png",
["A Dream of Truth-Strangling"] = "Meteors_red.png",
["A Dripstone-Snared Third City Sub-Temple"] = "Dripstonetemple.png",
["A Faceted Decanter of Drownie Effluvia"] = "Bubbles.png",
["A Facial Scar"] = "Crossedswords.png",
["A False-Star of your Own"] = "gleam.png",
["A Fearsome Duellist"] = "Knifeting.png",
["A Feathered Bonnet"] = "Feather.png",
["A Finder of Heiresses"] = "Bohogirl4.png",
["A Fine Piece"] = "Nib.png",
["A Fine Piece in the Game"] = "Pawnblack.png",
["A Firm Conviction of the Absence of the Supernatural"] = "Marshmansion.png",
["A Flash Lay"]="Door.png",
["A Flash Lay: A Corrupt Electoral Officer"]="drunk.png",
["A Flash Lay: a False Backer"]="Papers.png",
["A Flash Lay: A Ring of Duplicate Keys"] = "Key.png",
["A Flash Lay: An Electoral Officer"]="bohoposh.png",
["A Flash Lay: an Importunate Constable"] = "Constablefemale.png",
["A Flash Lay: an Inconvenient Door"] = "Door.png",
["A Flash Lay: Corrupt Constable"] = "Constablefemale.png",
["A Flash Lay: Mysterious Stranger"] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["A Flash Lay: Noble Intentions"] = "Gendergentleman.png",
["A Flash Lay: Up your Sleeve"] = "Magician.png",
["A Flash Lay: your Mark"] = "Follow.png",
["A Flawless Example of Hubris"] = "Patriarch.png",
["A Free Gift"] = "gift.png",
["A Friend of September"] = "church.png",
["A Friendship with a Bohemian Sculptress"] = "Lips.png",
["A Fully Informed Citizen of Fallen London"] = "Declaim.png",
["A Functionary's Confidant"] = "Functionary.png",
["A Game of Chess"] = "Pawn.png",
["A Game with the Clay Highwayman"] = "maskrose.png",
["A Garden at Burrow-Infra-Mump"] = "Applegalls.png",
["A Gazebo!"] = "tentred.png",
["A Gentleman of Undisclosed Business"] = "Cheeryman2.png",
["A Ghostly Presence"] = "Fog.png",
["A Gift from Balmoral"] = "Gift.png",
["A Hallowmas Reveller of Old"] = "hallowmass.png",
["A Headful of Picaresque Tales"] = "Stalactitehouse2.png",
["A Heartwood Hearse"] = "Chariot.png",
["A Heavy Iron Box"] = "Box2.png",
["A hidden camp nestled in the woods of Balmoral"] = "clayman2.png",
["A Historian of the Neath"] = "Library.png",
["A Historian's Return"] = "Heretic.png",
["A Hunter's Instinct for Nightmares"] = "nightmares_red.png",
["A Journal of Metaphysical Conjecture"] = "Bookred.png",
["A King's Curiosity"] = "Polythreme_port.png",
["A Kitten-Sized Diamond, Liberated from the Mountain"] = "diamondpurple.png",
["A Knight of Hallowmas 1897"] = "foxmask_hallowmas.png",
["A Knotted Sock with a Heavy Lump in It"] = "Urchinscope.png",
["A Leasehold on All of London"] = "Fallenlondon.png",
["A Legend Among Ratkind"] = "Blackjack2.png",
["A Letter from the Empress"] = "Papers5.png",
["A Letter, Ready to Mail"] = "Envelope.png",
["A List of Aliases, Writ in Gant"] = "Aliaslist.png",
["A List, Writ in Gant"] = "Aliaslist.png",
["A Little Knifework"] = "Knife4.png",
["A Little Pandemonium"] = "Revolutionarymask.png",
["A Long Road"] = "Bazaarsun.png",
["A Lover of the Clay Highwayman"] = "roseblack.png",
["A Loyal Nightmare of Poor Edward"] = "pooredward.png",
["A Machine for the Committing of Murder"] = "Deathmachine.png",
["A Marauder of the Clay Highwayman"] = "mask.png",
["A Marked Month"] = "Warning.png",
["A Maudlin Gift from the Heavens"] = "scorn.png",
["A Melancholic Remembrance of A Stiff-Backed Young Lady"] = "Lastconstable.png",
["A Member in Good Standing"] = "Crowd2.png",
["A Member of the Crew of the St Elmo"] = "Lordship.png",
["A Member of the Gondoliers"] = "cumeancanal_port.png",
["A Member of the Order of Those Who Will Not Be Caught Red-Handed"] = "Bloodhand.png",
["A Member of the Pen-Bearers"] = "Pen_iron.png",
["A Memory from Over Zee"] = "Unterzee.png",
["A Memory of Deep Within"] = "Bedofroses.png",
["A Memory of the Sky"] = "Stormlogo.png",
["A Memory from Not Here"] = "Foliageorange.png",
["A Merchant of Souls"] = "Bottledsoul.png",
["A Miniature Major-General on your Expedition"] = "skulldugerousurchin.png",
["A Miniature Model Ship"] = "Shipbig.png",
["A Mirror for Princes"] = "Crown.png",
["A Mirror, Filigreed with Tulips"] = "mirror.png",
["A Mirror Made Whole"] = "mirrordark.png",
["A Monster-Hunting Academic"] = "Sophia.png",
["A Monstrous Orb"] = "Eyeball.png",
["A Much Put Upon Pawn in the Game"] = "Spinstershadow.png",
["A Museum of Souls"] = "Bottledsoulpurple.png",
["A Mutton Island Account"] = "muttonisland_port.png",
["A Name Scrawled in Blood"] = "Fist.png",
["A Name Signed with a Flourish"] = "Nib.png",
["A Name Whispered in Darkness"] = "Mask.png",
["A Name Written in Blood"] = "Fist.png",
["A Name in Seven Secret Alphabets"] = "Graffitihiero.png",
["A Nascent Opportunity"] = "roseblue.png",
["A Neddy Man"] = "Blackjack.png",
["A New Arrival"] = "Placeholder4.png",
["A Night to Remember"] = "Restfulnight.png",
["A Nocturnal Visitor to the Palace Cellars"] = "Bottleblack.png",
["A Notable Absence of Scars"] = "Crossedswords.png",
["A Notched Bone Harpoon"] = "Harpoon.png",
["A Novel Birth-Mark"] = "Bazaarsun.png",
["A Once-Great Marsh-House"] = "Mansion1.png",
["A One Way Ticket on the 12:15 to Hell"] = "Helltrain.png",
["A Pact with the Boil of Calamities"] = "serpentgreen.png",
["A Painting entitled 'Ambition'"] = "Fingerking.png",
["A Painting entitled 'Contentment'"] = "Bones.png",
["A Painting entitled 'Self-Interest'"] = "Staircase.png",
["A Palatial Holiday Home in the Arctic Circle"] = "Moon.png",
["A Panther's Burden"] = "Parabolanpanther.png",
["A Partially Unwrapped Cat?"] = "Box.png",
["A Parabolan-sized Headache"] = "Hauntedmagician.png",
["A Participant in the 1894 Election"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["A Participant in the 1895 Election"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["A Participant in the 1896 Election"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["A Participant in the 1897 Election"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["A Participant in the 1898 Election"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["A Participant in the Underground Leagues of Knife-and-Candle"] = "Master2.png",
["A Participant of the Hookman House Escapade!"] = "dirigible.png",
["A Particular Day in the Neath"] = "Sunset.png",
["A Patron of..."] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["A Pawn among Tracklayers"] = "Pawn.png",
["A Pendant of Helicon Amber"] = "amber_red.png",
["A Permanent Arrangement with the Numismatrix"] = "Numismatrix.png",
["A Person of Some Importance"] = "Diamond.png",
["A Person of Some Little Consequence"] = "Keyhole1.png",
["A Philosophical Courtship"] = "oddcouple.png",
["A Place of Greater Safety"] = "Hansom.png",
["A Player of Chess"] = "chesspiece.png",
["A Player's Studies"] = "chesspiece.png",
["A Pocketful of Loose Change"] = "Bag.png",
["A Poet-Laureate"]="Fungalpoetry.png",
["A Poisoned Pen"]="pen.png",
["A Portrait in the Bazaarine Style"] = "Bazaaremporium.png",
["A Possible Future"] = "Cardfan.png",
["A Posy of the Neath's Finest Flowers"] = "Corsagered.png",
["A Pot of Violant Ink"] = "Violant.png",
["A Power in Waiting"] = "Map.png",
["A Pre-Lapsarian Speaking Tube"] = "ancientrifle.png",
["A Private Tattoo of your Noman, Inscribed in Gant"] = "Noman.png",
["A Procurer of Savage Beasts"] = "Council.png",
["A Protégé of..."] = "Couple.png",
["A Question"] = "question.png",
["A Question for the Last Constable"] = "Lastconstable.png",
["A Question for the Cheery Man"] = "Cheeryman2.png",
["A Raven's triumphant return!"] = "Ravenblacksword.png",
["A Reactionary Tomb-Colonist"]="tombsmuggler.png",
["A Ready Argument"] = "Nib.png",
["A Recent Visit to Millicent's"] = "Tattoo_wheel.png",
["A Recipe for Zzoup"] = "Soup.png",
["A Redoubtable Dame-Harbinger"] = "patroness.png",
["A Regnant Coin"] = "Moon-pearlred.png",
["A Remote Address"] = "Coast2.png",
["A Rendezvous with the Blind Pianist"] = "Pianist.png",
["A Rendezvous with the Cheery Man"] = "Cheeryman.png",
["A Rendezvous with the Last Constable"] = "Boho9.png",
["A Rendezvous with the Sallow Spirifer"] = "Cadaver2.png",
["A Renegade Claw on your Expedition"] = "Tigershadowy.png",
["A Replica of the House of Chimes, Awash with Snow"] = "Houseofchimessnow.png",
["A Report on the Power of Law"] = "Document.png",
["A Reputation for Fixing Things"] = "Adoration.png",
["A Restless Clay Man"] = "Soap.png",
["A River In A Box"] = "Wake.png",
["A Room at the Royal Bethlehem Hotel"] = "Royalbethroom.png",
["A Route through the Moulin Waste"] = "Screamingmap.png",
["A Rubbery Porter on your Expedition"] = "rubberyman.png",
["A Salon"] = "Salon2.png",
["A Sanctum at the Brass Embassy"] = "Brassembassysanctum.png",
["A Sanguine Château"] = "Mansion1.png",
["A Scar Upon your Person"] = "Crossedswords.png",
["A Scheme with the Clay Highwayman"] = "Currency1_silver.png",
["A Scholar of the Correspondence"] = "Library.png",
["A Sealed Copy of the Crimson Book"] = "Boxred.png",
["A Seared Snuffer"] = "Snuffermask.png",
["A Seat at the Bishop's Table"] = "bishopofstfiacres.png",
["A Secluded Coastline"] = "Coast2.png",
["A Second Skin-Bound Memory"] = "Tattoo.png",
["A Secret Preparation for your Debate"] = "Follow2.png",
["A Semi-Autonomous Scrutinising Machine"] = "Computernofigure.png",
["A Sense of Urgency"] = "Piratered.png",
["A Set of Wedding Lithographs"] = "Followphoto.png",
["A Seven-Times-Exiled Parliamentarian's Guide to Electioneering"]="bookred.png",
["A Shipboard Encounter"] = "Heart.png",
["A Short-Tempered Shorthair"] = "Bengalcat.png",
["A Skin-Bound Memory"] = "Tattoo.png",
["A sliver of film"] = "Boho9.png",
["A Slug, For Casual Draping"] = "Donavillar.png",
["A Smoky Flophouse"] = "Smokyflophouse.png",
["A Smoke-Scented Mask"] = "revolutionarymask.png",
["A Spare Bedroom"] = "Sparebedroom.png",
["A Spire-Emporium of the Bazaar"] = "Bazaaremporium.png",
["A Steamer Ticket to London"] = "Ticketblue.png",
["A Steamer Ticket to Polythreme"] = "Ticketyellow.png",
["A Stiff-Backed Young Lady"] = "Lastconstable.png",
["A Story of Clay Oppression"] = "Clayman2.png",
["A Stranger"] = "Question.png",
["A Submerged Rector"] = "Clergy2.png",
["A Subscription to the Gazette and a Whetted Pair of Scissors"] = "Newspaper.png",
["A Suite at the Royal Bethlehem"] = "Bethlehemsuite.png",
["A Surprise Package"] = "Boxpurple.png",
["A Survivor of the Affair of the Box"] = "Box2.png",
["A Survivor of the Iron Republic"] = "Flames.png",
["A Taste of the Garden"] = "Foliage.png",
["A Tattered Library Card"] = "Libraryofseasons.png",
["A Tempestuous Astronomer"] = "Blindfoldedemissary.png",
["A Ticket to Apis Meet"] = "Beetle.png",
["A Tile Emblazoned with a Thin Path"] = "Spider.png",
["A Tour of Modern Manufacture"] = "Compass.png",
["A Tune in Three-Four"] = "Duke.png",
["A Traitor's Carriage"] = "gibbet.png",
["A Travellers Guide to the Foreign Office"] = "footprint.png",
["A True Denizen of the Neath"] = "Stalactite.png",
["A Turn in the Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["A Turncoat"] = "Sidebarturncoat.png",
["A Turnip?"] = "amber_green.png",
["A Twitch of Whiskers"] = "Parabolanpanther.png",
["A Ubiquitous Ushabti"] = "Ushabti.png",
["A Union Sympathiser"] = "Fist.png",
["A Vast Network of Connections Wherever the Bazaar's Influence can be Found"] = "Coingold.png",
["A Venomous Caricaturist"] = "painter.png",
["A Very Lenient Judge"] = "judge.png",
["A Veteran of All Hallows' Eve"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["A Veteran of Mr Sacks' Visits"] = "Master.png",
["A Veteran of the Battle of Wolfstack Docks"] = "Flag.png",
["A Vial of Queenly Attar"] = "redhoneyjar.png",
["A Victim of the Great Bone Market Crash of '98"] = "monocle.png",
["A Visitor of the Clay Highwayman"] = "rose_TC.png",
["A Visitor to the Clay Quarters"] = "Clayman.png",
["A Voting Booth of One's Own"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["A Weaseller"] = "Weasel2.png",
["A Winged and Taloned Steed Formerly Mr Veils"] = "bagalegend.png",
["A Wink from the Manager of the Royal Bethlehem"] = "Maskpurple.png",
["A WORD, BROKEN"] = "Ring_broken.png",
["A Word from the Convocation"] ="bats.png",
["A Word from the Court of Honey and Spice"] ="knife2.png",
["A Word from the Pedlar King"] = "wineglass.png",
["A Zailor in the Making"] = "Ship.png",
["A Zee-Znail's Zhell"] = "Zeeznailretreat.png",
["A boat trip"] = "Death.png",
["A docked ship"] = "Wolfstackdocks port.png",
["A guest room at the Brass Embassy"] = "Brassembassyroom.png",
["A message from the Numismatrix"] = "Aunt.png",
["A slow boat passing a dark beach on a silent river"] = "Death.png",
["A small, velvet lined box"] = "Black.png",
["A state of some confusion"] = "Mad.png",
["A Zeppelin"] = "Dirigible.png",
["A Zeppelin Crew"] = "Crew.png",
["Aboard a Tramp Steamer"] = "Aboard.png",
["Abstracted your Residence at the Brass Embassy"] = "Brassembassysanctum.png",
["Academic Gown"] = "Academicgown.png",
["Academic Intriguer"]="Provost.png",
["Accepted a Hallowmas Award!"] = "Mercyhand2.png",
["Accepted Mr Fires' Ultimatum"] = "master.png",
["Accepting no Further Rats"] = "Ratofglory.png",
["Access to a Parabolan Base-Camp"] = "wake.png",
["Access to Breakwater House"] = "Shipwheel.png",
["Acclimating to Pressure"] = "bone1.png",
["Ace of Hats"] = "Cardsinged.png",
["Accompanied by an Aspect of Mr Veils"] = "bagalegend.png",
["Acquaintance: Furnace Ancona"] = "furnace.png",
["Acquaintance: the Regretful Soldier"] = "Reluctantsoldier.png",
["Acquaintance: the Sardonic Music-Hall Singer"] = "Sardonicmusichallsinger.png",
["Acquaintance: Silas the Showman"] = "Chap3.png",
["Acquaintance: Wry Functionary"] = "Functionary.png",
["Acquaintance: the Repentant Forger"] = "Forger.png",
["Acquaintance: the Captivating Princess"] = "Princess2.png",
["Acquaintance: The Garrulous Drunk"] = "Oldman2.png",
["Acquaintance: the Heptagoat"] = "Heptagoat.png",
["Acquaintance: the Honey-Addled Detective"] = "Honeydetective.png",
["Acquaintance: the Mercies"] = "Tombcolonistribbons.png",
["Acquaintance: the Starving Poet"] = "Chapposh.png",
["Acquaintance: the Wry Functionary"] = "Functionary.png",
["Acquaintance with Helicon House"] = "papers2.png",
["Acquainted With"] = "Friends.png",
["Acquainted with Miriam Plenty's Past"] = "electionplenty.png",
["Acquainted with Sophia's"] = "sophia.png",
["Acquainted with the Clay Tailor"] = "clayman3.png",
["Acquainted with the Functionary's Past"] = "functionary.png",
["Acquire a Blinding Gown"] = "Gownivory.png",
["Acquiring Exhibits for the Labyrinth of Tigers"] = "Tiger.png",
["Acquiring a Ship"] = "Ship.png",
["Additional room in your wardrobe"] = "Door2.png",
["Addressed as:"] = "Papers5.png",
["Admiral-in-a-Box"] = "captain.png",
["Admitted to the House of Chimes"] = "Houseofchimes.png",
["Adoration"] = "Adoration.png",
["Adrift on a Sea of Misery"] = "Rookery.png",
["Adulterine Castle"] = "St_arch.png",
["Advance!"] = "Drum.png",
["Advancing your Spouse's Career"] = "Rosepetals.png",
["Advancing the Liberation of Night"] = "Liberationofnight.png",
["Advising the Loquacious Vicar"] = "Clergy.png",
["Aeolian Scream"] = "Clouds.png",
["Affable Spy"] = "Bohogirl8.png",
["After-Hours Market"] = "Blackglove.png",
["After the Case"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Aged Egg, Untreated"] = "agedegg.png",
["Agent"] = "Lantern.png",
["Aggrieved Toad"] = "Toad.png",
["Agitator"] = "silhouetteflatcap.png",
["Agitator (Election profession)"] = "silhouetteflatcap.png",
["Airs of Balmoral"] = "Church.png",
["Airs of Burrow"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Airs of Ealing Gardens"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Airs of Jericho Locks"] = "station.png",
["Airs of Lonely Clouds"] = "Clouds.png",
["Airs of Parabola"] = "Jungle.png",
["Airs of Passengers"] = "helltrain.png",
["Airs of Whitsun"] = "eggspeckled.png",
["Airs of St Swithun's"] = "Bell.png",
["Airs of the Confounded Traveler"] = "map.png",
["Airs of the Evenlode"] = "river2.png",
["Airs of the Hallowmas Season"] = "Masks_visage.png",
["Airs of the Hell-Scarred Gondolier"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Airs of the Mayoral Ball"] = "Reveller.png",
["Airs of the Nervous Lawyer"] = "Document.png",
["Airs of the Office of Public Interests"] = "cigar.png",
["Airs of the Parabolan War"] = "Mirrordark.png",
["Airs of the Unctuous Official's Late Night Inspirations"] = "Shutteredpalace.png",
["Airs of the Unsettling Workshop"] = "Toysoldier.png",
["Airs of VIII"] = "stationIII_port.png",
["Airs of VIII Air Harder"] = "stationIII_port.png",
["Albatross Wing"] = "Bone8.png",
["Albino Rat"] = "Ratalbino.png",
["Alight with Passion"] = "Dance.png",
["All Things Must End"] = "Frostmoth.png",
["Alluring Accomplice"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Altered, Somehow"] = "Bone1.png",
["Amanita Sherry"] = "Bottlered.png",
["Amaranthine Coil, Sealed in a Jar"] = "Starshine.png",
["Amber Carnival Token"] = "Amber2.png",
["Amber Cello"] = "Violin.png",
["Amber Ha'penny"] = "ambercoins.png",
["Amber Iguana"] = "iguana_amber.png",
["Amber-Crusted Fin"] = "bone8.png",
["Amber-Topped Walking-Stick"] = "Canetasselledamber.png",
["Ambiguous Eolith"] = "Eolith.png",
["Ambition: A Crack in the Veneer"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Ambition: A Marvellous Deck"] = "cardfan.png",
["Ambition: A Marvellous Venue"] = "centuryexibition.png",
["Ambition: Bag a Legend!"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Ambition: Enigma"] = "Enigma.png",
["Ambition: Heart's Desire - The Bishop of St Fiacre's"] = "Bishopofstfiacres.png",
["Ambition: Heart's Desire - Virginia"] = "Heartsdesire.png",
["Ambition: Heart's Desire - the Topsy King"] = "Topsy2.png",
["Ambition: Heart's Desire!"] = "Heartsdesire.png",
["Ambition: Light Fingers!"] = "Lightfingers.png",
["Ambition: Nemesis - Forgotten Quarter"] = "Ruins.png",
["Ambition: Nemesis - Shuttered Palace"] = "Palace.png",
["Ambition: Nemesis"] = "Nemesis.png",
["Ambition: The Master's Pointer"] = "mrpages.png",
["Ambition: The Monkey's Pointer"] = "monkey.png",
["Ambition: Virginia's Pointer"] = "electionvirginia.png",
["Amphibian Research"] = "Frogurchin.png",
["An Abandoned Family Crypt"] = "Crypt.png",
["An Admirer of Art"] = "Chap1.png",
["An Admirer of Beauty"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["An Admission of Affection"] = "gossip.png",
["An Agent of the Cheesemonger"] = "Cheesemonger.png",
["An Agitator of Renown"] = "caperers.png",
["An Ambassador"] = "mansionbalcony.png",
["An Angel Among Thieves"] = "Bookblue.png",
["An Answer in Huffam's First Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["An Answer in Huffam's Second Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["An Answer in Huffam's Third Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["An Answer in Huffam's Fourth Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["An Answer in Huffam's Fifth Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["An Antediluvian Ushabti"] = "Ushabti.png",
["An Annoyance to Jack-of-Smiles"] = "Jack.png",
["An Assuming Judge"] = "judge.png",
["An Attic Room"] = "Sparebedroom.png",
["An Earnest of Payment"] = "Papers3.png",
["An Editor of Newspapers"] = "Typewriter.png",
["An Encounter with Jenny"] = "Electionjenny.png",
["An Enfranchised Anchoress"] = "nun.png",
["An Entirely Non-Cult-Related Tea Set"] = "teaset.png",
["An Episode for Exceptional Friends"] = "Sunset.png",
["An Epistemologically Flexible Approach to Historiography"] = "Snakehead.png",
["An Estimable Trophy"] = "Beartrap.png",
["An Event Waits!"]	= "Placeholder2.png",
["An Exceptional Library"] = "Library.png",
["An Exceptional Trailer: Caveat Emptor"] = "Fallenlondon.png",
["An Excruciatingly Well-Stocked Pantry"] = "Bread.png",
["An Exemplary Work of Lapsarian Theological Art"] = "Paintbrushes.png",
["An Expedition"] = "Ruins.png",
["An Experienced Zailor"] = "Shipbig.png",
["An Expert on the Poetry of the Gutter"] = "Declaim.png",
["An Explorer of the Unterzee"] = "Waves2.png",
["An Identity Uncovered!"] = "Mask.png",
["An Illicit Volume of Unexpectedly Racy Fungal-Themed Poetry"] = "Fungalpoetry.png",
["An Incident at Millicent's"] = "Gant.png",
["An Infernal Contract"] = "Document.png",
["An Infernal Informant"] = "Devil.png",
["An Infernally Diplomatic Privilege"] = "Devilclose.png",
["An Intimate of Devils"] = "Devil.png",
["An Invitation to a Humble Wedding"] = "Envelope.png",
["An Invitation to an Extravagant Wedding"] = "Envelope.png",
["An Invitation to dinner at the Temple Club"] = "Envelope.png",
["An Irresistible Lady"] = "Mrsplentysilhouette.png",
["An Opal-Eyed Skeleton"] = "Skeleton.png",
["An Ornate and Hefty Gothic Cross"] = "Crosssilver.png",
["An Orphanage"] = "Door.png",
["An Ornate and Hefty Gothic Cross"] = "Crosssilver.png",
["An Outpost of God's Editors"] = "bookblack.png",
["An Umpire of the Game of Knife-and-Candle"] = "Knifeting.png",
["An Unfinished Story"] = "Clayman6.png",
["An Unwisely Cultivated Plant"] = "Heartfruit.png",
["An anonymous package"] = "Box.png",
["Anarchist's Sable"] = "Suitshadowy.png",
["Anatomically Accurate Batrachian Bench"] = "Frogurchin.png",
["Ancient Hunting Rifle"] = "Ancientrifle.png",
["And the Walls Came Tumbling Down"] = "river.png",
["Angelic Publication"] = "Papers.png",
["Anning and Daughters"] = "Bone2.png",
["Anticandle"] = "Demeter.png",
["Antique Ring Worth Killing For"] = "flamering.png",
["Angelic Publications"] = "Papers.png",
["Annings' Complete and Reliable Kit for the Preservation and Display of Skeletons"] = "Bone1.png",
["Anning's Patent Ribcage Breastplate"] = "Bone3.png",
["Anonymous White Mask, Zee-Stained and Mildewy"] = "Masktanned.png",
["Another Mouth"] = "Bazaardoor_teeth.png",
["Antique Constable's Badge"] = "Copper.png",
["Antique Mystery"] = "Meteors.png",
["Apostate's Psalm"] = "trebleclef.png",
["Appalling Secret"] = "Appallingsecret.png",
["Appetite"] = "Eater.png",
["Appointing a Patron"] = "provostsilhouette.png",
["Appointment at Lowell's"] = "Deviless_wistful.png",
["Appointment with a Mumbling Bee-Keeper"] = "Warning.png",
["Appointment with the Gentleman of the Marsh"] = "Bugsby.png",
["Appreciation Society"] = "Promissorynote.png",
["Approached as a Potential Protege"] = "couple.png",
["Approached to be a Patron"] = "Couple.png",
["Approaching Journey's End"] = "Waves3.png",
["Approaching the Gates of the Garden"] = "Skull.png",
["Approaching your Destination"] = "Conversation.png",
["Approved Station Plans"] = "station.png",
["Approximate Value of your Monograph in Pennies"] = "Currency1_copper.png",
["Approximate Value of Your Skeleton in Pennies"] = "coin.png",
["April's Weapons Research"] = "explosion.png",
["April's Vote"] = "Explosion.png",
["Araby Fighting-Weasel"] = "Weaselfight.png",
["Arachnologist"] = "Spiderflorence.png",
["Arbor: Permission to Linger"] = "document.png",
["Arbor, of the Roses"] = "adamsway.png",
["Archaeologist"] = "Papers4.png",
["Archaeologist's Hat"] = "Fanghat.png",
["Archaeologist's Progress"] = "Dig.png",
["Are they talking about you?"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Area-Diving in Spite"] = "Spite.png",
["Armed with the Jaguar Blade"] ="knife.png",
["Arsonist of Lesser Currencies"] = "flames.png",
["Artisan of the Red Science"] = "Dawnmachine.png",
["Artisan Studies"] = "dawnmachine.png",
["Ascending the Reliables list of Mr Pages"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Asked to an Austere Date"] = "Church.png",
["Asked to an Indulgent Date"] = "honey.png",
["Asking your Spouse to a Decorous Evening Out"] = "labyrinth.png",
["Asking your Spouse to an Indulgent Evening Out"] = "dance.png",
["Assassin of Assassins"] = "Medalsungold.png",
["Assistants' Cut"] = "Currency3_silver.png",
["Assistants for an Expedition"] = "Crowd2.png",
["Assisting a Keen-Eyed Lapidary"] = "Bohogirl7.png",
["Assisting in an Audit"] = "Functionary.png",
["Associating with Radical Academics"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["Assuming Judge"] = "judge.png",
["Attar"] = "rose.png",
["Attending a Mayoral Ball"] = "salon3.png",
["Attending to the Needs of a Singular Plant"] = "Sprout.png",
["Attracting Attention in the Orphanage"] = "Eye.png",
["Augment Upon An Egg"] = "Egggold.png",
["Augmentation in the Very Latest of Fashions"] = "Rubberyman3.png",
["Augmented Electrostatic Machine"] = "clouds.png",
["August Feline"] = "Wretchedmog.png",
["Aurochs"] = "auroch.png",
["Aurochs-Fur Coat"] = "aurochcoat.png",
["Austere"] = "Quirkaustere.png",
["Author"] = "Promissorynote.png",
["Authority"] = "Master.png",
["Avid Glove"] = "Fangglovegreen.png",
["Avid Horizon"] = "avidhorizon_port.png",
["Avoiding a Smoky Flophouse Dormitory"] = "spite.png",
["Avoiding your Handsome Townhouse"] = "lodgings.png",
["Aware of Whitsun"] = "Eggspeckled.png",
["Backstage"] = "Mirrordark.png",
["Bag of Lethean Tea-Leaves"] = "Vialyellow.png",
["Balmoral"] = "Crown2.png",
["Balmoral: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Balmoral's Castellan"] = "crown2.png",
["Balmoral Commemorative Development"] = "Angelclose.png",
["Balmoral Development"] = "Moonparliament.png",
["Balmoral in Transition"] = "Moonparliament.png",
["Bandaged Raven"] = "Tombraven.png",
["Banished from the Court"] = "Deportestration.png",
["Baptised Rattus Faber Corpse"] = "Rat2.png",
["Baroque!"] = "Sidebarbaroque.png",
["Barrel with Leather Shoulder-Straps"] = "Barrel.png",
["Base Camp"] = "forgottenquarter.png",
["Basket of Rubbery Pies"] = "lumps.png",
["Bat Wing"] = "Bats.png",
["Bat with Attitude"] = "Bat.png",
["Battered Grey Overcoat"] = "Coatgrey.png",
["Bazaar Permit"] = "Document.png",
["Bazaar Side-streets"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Beatific Stone"] = "Coral.png",
["Beatrice's Taper-nut"] = "Furnace.png",
["Beechwood's Moral Selection"] = "book.png",
["Befriending a Beast"] = "dog.png",
["Befriending a Rooftop Urchin"] = "Urchin.png",
["Beggar's Crown"] = "crown.png",
["Beginning Divorce Proceedings"] = "papers2.png",
["Beguiling Mask"] = "Maskpurple.png",
["Bejewelled Cane"] = "Canebling.png",
["Bejewelled Lens"] = "Magnifybling.png",
["Beloved Family Recipe"] = "Mask.png",
["Beneath the Silken Chapel"] = "Wolfstack.png",
["Bengal Tigress"] = "Tiger.png",
["Benthic"] = "University.png",
["Benvolio the Bacon Thief"] = "Catfat.png",
["Bessemer Steel Ingot"] = "Nevercold_brass.png",
["Betrayed by"] = "Flames.png",
["Betrayer of Measures"] = "meteors_purple.png",
["Betrothed to a Masked Villain!"] = "pooredward.png",
["Betting on the Hurlers"] = "Correspondence2.png",
["Beyond the Cordon"] = "hellgorge.png",
["Bifurcated Owl"] = "Owl2.png",
["Big Chongus Saw That"] = "Turbulenttabby.png",
["Birdskin Gloves"] = "Terrorbirdgloves.png",
["Bishop's Training"] = "bishopofstfiacres.png",
["Bitter Saker Falcon"] = "Falcon.png",
["Bizarre"] = "Sidebarbizarre.png",
["Black Leaning"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Black Ribbon"] = "Ribbonblack.png",
["Black Wings Absinthe Nouveau"] = "Bottlecrystal.png",
["Blackmail Material"] = "Newgate.png",
["Blemmigan Hat"] = "Blemmigan hat.png",
["Blemmigan Pedant"] = "Blemmigan pedant.png",
["Blemmigan Secretary"] = "Blemmigan.png",
["Blemmigan Tourist"] = "scarredblemmigan.png",
["Blinding Suit"] = "Suitwhite.png",
["Blinding Gown"] = "Gownivory.png",
["Blooded Knife"] = "Knifeting.png",
["Bloodstained Eolith"] = "Eolith.png",
["Bloodstained Suit"] = "Suitbloodstain.png",
["Blooming Wallflower"] = "Bloomingwallflower.png",
["Blueprint for a Seal of Red Science"] = "Papers3.png",
["Board against Criminals"] = "Topsy.png",
["Board Against Infernal Interests"] = "devil.png",
["Board against Labour"] = "furnace.png",
["Board against Own Financial Interests"] = "Coingold.png",
["Board against Preservation"] = "bone11.png",
["Board against Revolutionary Interests"] = "Flag.png",
["Board Against Rubbery Interests"] = "rubberyman2.png",
["Board against the Bazaar"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Board against the Church"] = "church.png",
["Board against the Constables"] = "constable.png",
["Board against the Interests of Society"] = "Societywoman.png",
["Board against the Liberation of Night"] = "Liberationofnight.png",
["Board against the Shuttered Palace"] = "Shutteredpalace.png",
["Board against the Status Quo"] = "papers2.png",
["Board against the University"] = "academicgown.png",
["Board against Urchin Interests"] = "urchin.png",
["Board for the Fingerkings"] = "fingerking.png",
["Board Meeting in Progress"] = "Station.png",
["Board Member: April"] = "Explosion.png",
["Board Member: Cornelius"] = "tombcolonist.png",
["Board Member: Feducci"] = "Feducci.png",
["Board Member: Furnace Ancona"] = "Furnace.png",
["Board Member: His Amused Lordship"] = "Lordship.png",
["Board Member: January"] = "Snowflake.png",
["Board Member: Jovial Contrarian"] = "electioncontrarian.png",
["Board Member: Rubbery Yes-Man"] = "Rubberyyesman.png",
["Board Member: September"] = "September.png",
["Board Member: Sinning Jenny"] = "Electionjenny.png",
["Board Member: Tentacled Entrepreneur"] = "Tentacledentrepreneur.png",
["Board Member: The Bishop of Saint Fiacre's"] = "bishopofstfiacres.png",
["Board Member: The Bishop of Southwark"] = "Electionbishop.png",
["Board Member: The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner"] = "Electioncampaigner.png",
["Board Member: The Dean of Xenotheology"] = "Brazeniconoclast.png",
["Board Member: The Delightful Reverend"] = "church.png",
["Board Member: The Drummer"] = "Hellgate.png",
["Board Member: The Efficient Commissioner"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Board Member: the Gracious Widow"] = "Widow.png",
["Board Member: The Hell-Scarred Gondolier"] = "flames.png",
["Board Member: The Implacable Detective"] = "Detective.png",
["Board Member: The Viscountess of the Viric Jungle"] = "viscountess.png",
["Board Member: The Wandering Gondolier"] = "Chap5.png",
["Board Member: The Wry Functionary"] = "Functionary.png",
["Board Member: Virginia"] = "Electionvirginia.png",
["Board Member's Favour: The Bishop of Southwark"] = "crosssilver.png",
["Board Member's Favour: The Bishop of St Fiacre's"] = "cross.png",
["Board Status"] = "Station.png",
["Bohemian"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Bohemians"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Bone Fragments"] = "Boneshard.png",
["Bone Market Exhaustion"] = "Bone15.png",
["Boneless Consort"] = "Rubberyman2.png",
["Boneless Pianist"] = "rubberyman2.png",
["Book of Hidden Bodies"] = "Bookdead.png",
["Boots with Diamond Soles"] = "Boot.png",
["Borrowed Glory"] = "seneschal.png",
["Bottle of Black Wings Absinthe Nouveau"] = "Bottlecrystal.png", --?
["Bottle of Black Wings Absinthe"] = "Bottleblack.png",
["Bottle of Broken Giant 1844"] = "Bottlegiant.png",
["Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise"] = "Bottlehorse.png",
["Bottle of Greyfields 1868 First Sporing"] = "Bottlegreen.png",
["Bottle of Greyfields 1879"] = "Bottleandglass.png",
["Bottle of Greyfields 1882"] = "Bottleandglassred.png",
["Bottle of Morelways 1872"] = "Bottlemorelways.png",
["Bottle of Strangling Willow Absinthe"] = "Bottlewillow.png",
["Bottled Oblivion"] = "Bottleblack.png",
["Box of Potentials"] = "Chocolates2.png",
["Bragging Rights at the Medusa's Head"] = "bagalegend.png",
["Brass Knuckledusters"] = "Brassknuckles.png",
["Brass Ring"] = "Flamering.png",
["Brass Theodolite"] = "telescopeglim.png",
["Brass Thistle"] = "crate.png",
["Brass-Buttoned Displeasure"] = "bethlehem.png",
["Brawling with Dockers"] = "Fist.png",
["Breaking the Ice"] = "dig.png",
["Breakwater House"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Breath of the Void"] = "Black.png",
["Bridge Troubles"] = "Railsteel.png",
["Bright Brass Skull"] = "Skullbrass.png",
["Brilliant Soul"] = "Bottledsoulblue.png",
["Broken Toy"] = "Toysoldierclose.png",
["Bronze Skull Token"] = "Medalskullbronze.png",
["Buccaneering Palaeontologist"] = "Buccaneeringpaleontologist.png",
["Bullbone Island"] = "Island1.png",
["Bully Belvedere"] = "Cigar.png",
["Bundle of Fourth City Rags"] = "Ragged.png",
["Bundle of Glad Rags"] = "Dresspurple.png",
["Bundle of Investigation Notes"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Bundle of Ragged Clothing"] = "Ragged.png",
["Burly Assistant"] = "Burlyman.png",
["Bureaucratic Advantage"] = "calendar2.png",
["Burrow-Infra-Mump"] = "Church.png",
["Burrow-Infra-Mump: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Burrow-Infra-Mump Commemorative Development"] = "Ravenwhitebust.png",
["Burrow-Infra-Mump Development"] = "station.png",
["Buttered Chess-Piece"] = "Chesspiecebuttered.png",
["Cabinet Noir"] = "Envelope.png",
["Calliope the Yowler"] = "Catcalico.png",
["Call of the Wanderer"] = "Boatmanlamp.png",
["Campaign Medal"] = "Medal.png",
["Campaign Morale"] = "Flag.png",
["Campaigner"] = "Supporters.png",
["Campaigner (Election 1894)"] = "Silhouettelady.png",
["Campaigner (Election profession)"] = "Silhouettelady.png",
["Canny Costermonger"] = "Costermongerfemaleclose.png",
["Caprine Authority"] = "Overgoat.png",
["Captain Amelia Whitlock"] = "Ameliawhitlock.png",
["Captivating Ballad"] = "Pen_iron.png",
["Captured Jillyfish"] = "jillyfish.png",
["Cardinal of Conspiracy"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Cardsharp Monkey"] = "Monkey.png",
["Carnival Ticket"] = "TICKET.png",
["Carnivorous Aurochs"] = "auroch_carnivorous.png",
["Carrow's Steel"] = "Derringergold.png",
["Cartographer's Hoard"] = "map.png",
["Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory"] = "Seamonster2.png",
["Carving out a Reputation at Court"] = "Trebleclef.png",
["Case Difficulty"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Casing..."] = "Mask.png",
["Castles in the Ceiling"] = "Neathroof.png",
["Cat General"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Cat-Like Tread"] = "Blackglove.png",
["Cat: Getting Warmer"] = "Trail.png",
["Caught in the Gear's Teeth"] = "Pocketwatch.png",
["Caught Up in a Soldier's Heartbreaking Tale"] = "Reluctantsoldier.png",
["Caused a Scene at the Apicius Club"] = "Warbler.png",
["Causing the wrong sort of interest"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Cave of the Nadir"] = "Caveofthenadir.png",
["Cave-Aged Code of Honour"] = "candletranslucent.png",
["Caveat Emptor"] = "vampiricvicomte.png",
["Celebrated Artist's Model"] = "Bohoposh.png",
["Celebrated Short Story"] = "Storycelebrated.png",
["Celebrated Weasel"] = "Weasel.png",
["Cellar of Wine"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Censused Currency"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Certifiable Scrap"] = "Sack.png",
["Chance in the Home of the Watchmaker's Daughter"] = "Toysoldier.png",
["Change of Lodgings"] = "Changeofaddress.png",
["Changed by the Iron Republic"] = "Beeface.png",
["Changing Candidate"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["Charity Is Such A Filthy Word"] = "diamondblue.png",
["Charter of the Great Hellbound Railway"] = "Papers2.png",
["Chasing the Glow of Peligin"] = "peligin.png",
["Cheerful Goldfish"] = "Fish_gold.png",
["Chelatic Mitten"] = "Crabclaw.png",
["Cherty"] = "Monsterhand2.png",
["Chess General"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Chess: A Partner"] = "pawn.png",
["Chess: Mastery of the Game"] = "pawn_TC.png",
["Chess: Skirmishes Won this Match"] = "tattoo_chess.png",
["Chess: Suitable Responses"] = "chesspiece.png",
["Chess: The Progress of your Match"] = "pawnblack.png",
["Chimerical Archive"] = "library.png",
["Chivalrous Murder of a Rival"] = "Bloodstain.png",
["Christmas"] = "Snowdrift.png",
["Chrysalis Candle"] = "Candletranslucent.png",
["Church Mouse"] = "rosetteribbon.png",
["Church: Catechist"] = "library.png",
["Church: Collections"] = "ambercoins.png",
["Church: Deacon"] = "crosssilver.png",
["Church: Dedication"] = "angelclose.png",
["Church: Evangelism"] = "declaim.png",
["Church: Graveyard"] = "coffin.png",
["Church: Humility"] = "Sack.png",
["Church: Iconoclasm"] = "cross.png",
["Church: Isolationism"] = "angel.png",
["Church: Lay Minister"] = "crowd2.png",
["Church: Liturgy"] = "book.png",
["Church: Mission"] = "railway.png",
["Church: Orthodoxy"] = "Holdinghands.png",
["Church: Ostentation"] = "reliquary.png",
["Church: Pilgrims"] = "stick.png",
["Church: Style"] = "paintbrushes.png",
["Church: The Drummer's Due"] = "drum.png",
["Church: Unbishop"] = "cross.png",
["Circle of Acolytes"] = "Supporters.png",
["Clandestine Candle"] = "smuggling.png",
["Classic Short Story"] = "Storyclassic.png",
["Clay Curmudgeon"] = "clayconductor.png",
["Clay Sedan Chair"] = "Sedan.png",
["Clockwork Drownie"] = "drownie.png",
["Closest To"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Bohemians"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Constables"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Criminals"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Hell"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Revolutionaries"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Rubbery Men"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Society"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The Church"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The Constables"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The Docks"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The Duchess"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The Great Game"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The Masters of the Bazaar"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: The University"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Tomb-Colonies"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Tomb-Colonists"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To: Urchins"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Closest To:"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Cloud-filled Sphere"] = "moon.png",
["Cloven Seal"] = "Seal.png",
["Clue to the Location of the Khan's Workshop"] = "Map.png",
["Coded Instruction"] = "Pawnredwhite.png",
["Cold Comfort"] = "Ruins.png",
["Collecting Clues for the Clay Coalman"] = "Clayman4.png",
["Collection Note: There's a 'Package' in London"] = "Note.png",
["Collection of Curiosities"] = "Gift.png",
["Collection of Discomfiting Photographs"] = "Tarot.png",
["Collection of Licentious Gossip"] = "Lips.png",
["Colour at the Chessboard"] = "chesspiece.png",
["Comfortable Intriguer"] = "Facelover.png",
["Comments on the Vivacious Marchioness"] = "Societywoman.png",
["Commission: A Royal Portrait"] = "Painter.png",
["Commission: Immortalise Jack-of-Smiles in a Penny Dreadful!"] = "Cadaver.png",
["Commission: Praising Fungus in Verse"] = "Mushroom.png",
["Commission: Write about Prisoner's Honey"] = "Writer.png",
["Commission: defend the Clay Men against Jack-of-Smiles"] = "Clayman.png",
["Commissioned to Enact Love's Revenge"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Committed"] = "Red_gold.png",
["Committed Impersonator"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Companion in Amber"] = "Consort2.png",
["Compelling Short Story"] = "Storycompelling.png",
["Competent Short Story"] = "Storycompetent.png",
["Competing in a Tournament of Lilies"] = "Sprout.png",
["Compilation of Case-Notes"] = "Writer.png",
["Complaisant Frost-Moth"] = "Keepermoth.png",
["Completed Painting"] = "Painting_fragment.png",
["Completely Unassuming Palaeontological Accessory"] = "boneknife.png",
["Complication: Jasper and Frank"] = "Jasper.png",
["Complication: a Revolutionary Connection"] = "Revolutionary.png",
["Complication: a Surly Goat-Demon"] = "Goat.png",
["Comprehensive Bribe"] = "Papers3.png",
["Comprehensive Study of Avian Anatomies, Oneiric and Otherwise"] = "albatross.png",
["Compromising Document"] = "Papers3.png",
["Concentrate of Self"] = "retort.png",
["Conceptual Breakthrough in Currency Design"] = "coin.png",
["Concord Square"] = "ladybones.png",
["Condemned Cardsharp Monkey"] = "Monkey_hallowmas.png",
["Condolent Monkey"] = "Monkeyking.png",
["Confessions"] = "Demeter.png",
["Confident Smile"] = "Confidentsmile.png",
["Confronting the Lighthearted Polymath"] = "observatory.png",
["Conjurer"] = "Keysteel.png",
["Connected Pet"] = "Placeholder6.png",
["Connected: Benthic"] = "University.png",
["Connected: Bohemian"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Connected: Criminals"] = "Manacles.png",
["Connected: Fingerkings"] = "fingerking.png",
["Connected: Glass"] = "Cardfan.png",
["Connected: Hell"] = "Devil.png",
["Connected: Revolutionaries"] = "Flames.png",
["Connected: Rubbery Men"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Connected: Shroud"] = "Crystalball.png",
["Connected: Society"] = "Salon3.png",
["Connected: Summerset"] = "University.png",
["Connected: The Church"] = "Clergy.png",
["Connected: The Constables"] = "Copper.png",
["Connected: The Docks"] = "Ship.png",
["Connected: The Duchess"] = "Duchess2.png",
["Connected: The Great Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["Connected: The Masters of the Bazaar"] = "Mastertc.png",
["Connected: The Orient"] = "Bohogirl5.png",
["Connected: The Tomb-Colonies"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["Connected: The Widow"] = "Widow.png",
["Connected: Urchins"] = "Urchin.png",
["Considering a Confession"] = "crypticsecret.png",
["Considering a Decorous Evening"] = "labyrinth.png",
["Considering an Indulgent Evening"] = "dance.png",
["Considering Criminal Conundrums"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Consignment of Scintillack Snuff"] = "Scintillack.png",
["Consonant Violin"] = "Violin.png",
["Constant Cufflinks"] = "Spiderflorence.png",
["Consummate Wallflower"] = "Feducci_hallowmas.png",
["Contorting Augmentation"] = "amber.png",
["Conversation with a Lady"] = "Black.png",
["Convincing Rhetoric"] = "argument.png",
["Cool as Ice"] = "Snowflake.png",
["Copper Cipher Ring"] = "Ring.png",
["Copper-Speckled Crustacean"] = "Anglercrab_top.png",
["Copy of your Allegorical Satire"] = "Bookblue.png",
["Copy of your Bazaarine Tale"] = "Bookblack.png",
["Copy of your Epic Poetic Cycle"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["Copy of your Gothic Romance"] = "Book.png",
["Copy of your Nocturnal Rhapsody"] = "Bookblack.png",
["Copy of your Ode to the Elder Continent"] = "Bookred.png",
["Copy of your Patriotic Adventure"] = "Bookblue.png",
["Copy of your Tale for the People"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["Copy of your Tale of Espionage"] = "Book.png",
["Copy of your Tale of the Future"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["Copy of your Tragedy of Romance"] = "Book.png",
["Copy of your Zeefaring Epic"] = "Bookblue.png",
["Corinthian Belfry Hat"] = "Hatbelfry.png",
["Cornelius' Vote"] = "tombcolonist.png",
["Corpsecage Island"] = "Corpsecageisland.png",
["Correcting a Scandalous Record"] = "Nib.png",
["Correcting a Suspicious Record"] = "pen.png",
["Corrective Historical Narrative"] = "pen_iron.png",
["Correspondence Focus"] = "correspondence3.png",
["Correspondence Plaque"] = "Scrawl1.png",
["Correspondent"] = "Violant.png",
["Corresponding..."] = "Envelope.png",
["Corresponding Ocelot"] = "Leopard.png",
["Corruption of the Board"] = "Lips.png",
["Corsetted Dress"] = "Corset2.png",
["Coruscating Soul"] = "Bottledsoulblue.png",
["Cosmogone-filled Mirrorcatch Box"] = "Cosmogone.png",
["Cottage by the Observatory"] = "Cottagebyobservatory.png",
["Counterfeit Constellation"] = "gleam.png",
["Counterfeit Head of John the Baptist"] = "Head.png",
["Countess of Thorns"] = "Countessofthorns.png",
["Counting the Days"] = "Clock.png",
["Counting the First Circle"] = "Correspondence1.png",
["Counting the Second Circle"] = "Correspondence4.png",
["Courteous Assistant"] = "Assistant.png",
["Courting the Celebrated Artist's Model"] = "Bohoposh.png",
["Courting the Master Jewel Thief"] = "Chap2.png",
["Cover Identity: Backstory"] = "Maskpurple.png",
["Cover Identity: Credentials"] = "Envelope.png",
["Cover Identity: Elaboration"] = "Mask.png",
["Cover Identity: Nuance"] = "ridiculoushat.png",
["Cover Identity: Ties"] = "compass.png",
["Cover Identity: Witnesses"] = "whispered_secret.png",
["Crate of Expedition Supplies"] = "Toolbox.png",
["Crate of Incorruptible Biscuits"] = "bread.png",
["Crawcase Cryptics"] = "Bookdead.png",
["Credulity of Mr Fires"] = "Master2.png",
["Credit with the Headmistress"] = "xmas_jenny.png",
["Cricket Bat"] = "Cane.png",
["Cricket, Anyone?"] = "Cricket.png",
["Cricket, Anyone? (quality)"] = "Cricket.png",
["Cricket, Anyone? (Story)"] = "Cricket.png",
["Criminals"] = "Manacles.png",
["Crimson Captain"] = "Crimsoncaptain.png",
["Crooked-Cross"] = "Cross.png",
["Cross of Southwark"] = "crosssilver.png",
["Crustacean Pincer"] = "crabclaw.png",
["Cryptic Clue"] = "Crypticsecret.png",
["Cryptobotanical Rosette"] = "Sproutprize.png",
["Cryptographic Chiropteran"] = "Cryptographicchiropteran.png",
["Crystalline Knowledge"] = "snowflake.png",
["Crystallised Curio"] = "lifeberg_top.png",
["Crystallised Euphoria"] = "scintillack.png",
["Culinary Ingredient Value"] = "lambchop.png",
["Cultivating a General"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Cultivating an Acquaintance with His Amused Lordship"] = "Salon2.png",
["Cultured Attaché"] = "Chap1.png",
["Cultured Attachée"] = "Bohogirl4.png",
["Curious Contrarian"] = "electioncontrarian.png",
["Currency based in a Promise to Appear"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Current Culinary Concoction"] = "lambchop.png",
["Curved Talon Absinthe"] = "Bottleblack.png",
["Cup of Dustwine"] = "Griswine.png",
["Cut with Moonlight"] = "moonparliament.png",
["Daguerreotype with Fading Music-Hall Singer's Address"] = "Envelope.png",
["Dangerous"] = "Bear.png",
["Dangerous Gains"] = "Bear.png",
["Daring"] = "Quirkdaring.png",
["Dark Ripples"] = "drowned.png",
["Dark & Savage"] = "Fangglovegrey.png",
["Dark-Carapaced Crustacean"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Dark-Dewed Cherry"] = "Cherries.png",
["Darkdrop Coffee"] = "Tea.png",
["Dashing Debunker"] = "Dashingdebunker.png",
["Dauncey's"] = "Chap1.png",
["Day of the Week"] = "Pocketwatch.png",
["Daylight"] = "Daylight.png",
["Dazed Raven Advisor"] = "Raven.png",
["Deafening Hat"] = "Tophat.png",
["Deal with a Devil"] = "Chap3.png",
["Death by Water"] = "Waves.png",
["Debonair Palaeontologist"] = "debonairrepaleontologist.png",
["Deceived the Dean concerning an Experimental Outcome"] = "academicgown.png",
["Deciphering..."] = "Papers3.png",
["Decision before the Parish Council"] = "Church.png",
["Decommissioned Steamer"] = "Steamer.png",
["Dedicated Brawler"] = "Fist.png",
["Deed to a Decommissioned Steamer"] = "Document.png",
["Deed to a Sanguine Château"] = "envelope.png",
["Deep-zee Catch"] = "Carcass.png",
["Defender of the Public Safety"] = "harpoon.png",
["Defender of Truth"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Defenestrating Boots"] = "Deportestration.png",
["Delay until the Next Board Meeting"] = "Station.png",
["Delightful Reverend's Vote"] = "church.png",
["Dept. of Menace Eradication"] = "Menacelogo.png",
["Depth of Historical Study"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Deshrieked Mandrake"] = "Mandrake.png",
["Destination Approaching"] = "Cagedwoman.png",
["Detective's Progress"] = "Footprint.png",
["Device for the Duplication of Bones"] = "bone17.png",
["Devil-May-Care Dowager"] = "Oldqueenie.png",
["Devil's Dictionary"] = "Bookblack.png",
["Devilbone Die"] = "Dice.png",
["Devilbone Talons"] = "crabclaw.png",
["Devilish Fedora"] = "Fedora.png",
["Devilish Probability Distributor"] = "device.png",
["Devilishly Slinky Evening Gown"] = "Gowninfernal.png",
["Devious Henchman"] = "Pirategreen.png",
["Devious Raven Advisor"] = "Ravenblacksword.png",
["Devout Intriguer"] = "Boho8.png",
["Diabolical Fascinator"] = "Boneshard.png",
["Diary of the Dead"] = "Bookdead.png",
["Dignified Tailcoat"] = "Coatblack.png",
["Dilly"] = "Dilly.png",
["Dilmun Club Lapel Badge"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["Dinner: A Head to be Served"] = "Head.png",
["Dinner: A Far-Flung Starter"] = "Shipbig.png",
["Dinner: A Feast Inspired by the Surface"] = "Sunset.png",
["Dinner: A Neathy Dinner"] = "Generic_unterzee4.png",
["Dinner: A Poisoned Main Course"] = "Vialgreen.png",
["Dinner: A Poisonous Preparation"] = "Vialgreen.png",
["Dinner: A Prepared Head"] = "Head.png",
["Dinner: A Proper London Meal"] = "Fallenlondon.png",
["Dinner: A Sunless Starter"] = "Generic_unterzee4.png",
["Dinner: An English Starter"] = "Bread.png",
["Dinner: English Preparations"] = "Bread.png",
["Dinner: Far-Flung Preparations"] = "Shipbig.png",
["Dinner: Invited"] = "Door.png",
["Dinner: Sunless Preparations"] = "Bazaargreen.png",
["Dinner: The Current Course"] = "Hunger2.png",
["Dinner: Your Main Course"] = "Lambchop.png",
["Diorama of a Prehistoric Hunter"] = "harpoon.png",
["Dire Appendage"] = "Arm.png",
["Direful Reflection"] = "Mirrormonster.png",
["Dirigible schedule notes"] = "Book.png",
["Dirty Secret"]="secret.png",
["Disappearing..."] = "Secret.png",
["Disappointing Marsh-Wolf"] = "Wolfie.png",
["Discernment"] = "discerningdeviless.png",
["Discordant Law"] = "merch_correspondence.png",
["Discordant Missive"] = "black.png",
["Discordant Soul"] = "bottledsoulwhite.png",
["Discordant Studies"] = "Black.png",
["Discovered: a Non-Existent Block"] = "meteors.png",
["Discovered: a Dirigible Mast"] = "Dirigible.png",
["Discovered: a Patch of Frozen Neath"] = "correspondence1.png",
["Discovered: Below-Stairs"] = "amber_blue.png",
["Discovered: Parabolan Pavilion"] = "tent.png",
["Discovered: the Archaeological Dig"] = "Dig.png",
["Discovered: the Balmoral Dumbwaiter"] = "Moonparliament.png",
["Discovered: The Cedar-Woods"] = "Tree.png",
["Discovered: The Clay Highwayman's Hideout"] = "forestnight.png",
["Discovered: The Eversmoulder"] = "tattoo_wheel.png",
["Discovered: The Fiddler's Scarlet"] = "ginbottles.png",
["Discovered: the Lowest Floors of the Magistracy"] = "seamonster2.png",
["Discovered: the Mirrored Salon"] = "Mirror.png",
["Discovered: the Need for Hellworms"] = "tombcolonist.png",
["Discovered: The Octagonal Tomb"] = "ruinsfirst.png",
["Discovered: The Persephone"] = "Riverofblood.png",
["Discovered: the Sea of Spines"] = "fluke.png",
["Discovered: The Sere Palace"] = "Ruinssecond.png",
["Discovered: the Shuttered Palace"] = "Shutteredpalace.png",
["Discovered: The Tomb Colonies"] = "Venderbight.png",
["Discovered: the Upstairs Honey-Den"] = "honey.png",
["Discovered: The Wellspring of Moulin"] = "Foliage.png",
["Discovered the Factory VIII Laboratory"] = "vialblue.png",
["Discreet Firearm"] = "Derringergold.png",
["Disgraced Rattus Faber Bandit-Chief"] = "Ratmasked.png",
["Disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies"] = "Scandal.png",
["Disgruntlement among the Expedition"] = "fist.png",
["Disgruntlement among the Students"] = "fist.png",
["Dishonest Deviless"] = "discerningdeviless.png",
["Dismissed: The Shallows"] = "boatman.png",
["Disquieting Missive"] = "Cross.png",
["Distance from Home"] = "neathroof.png",
["Distillation of Retribution"] = "Vialgreen.png",
["Distinguished Gentleman's Outfit"] = "Blacksuitbluebacksmall.png",
["Diving Depth"] = "drowned.png",
["Divorce Papers"] = "paperstack.png",
["Do You Recall?"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Doctor"] = "Bottleclear.png",
["Doing Business in Wilmot's End"] = "Angel.png",
["Domestic Disturbance"] = "lodgings.png",
["Donations Received"] = "banknotes.png",
["Double or Nothing"] = "firedice.png",
["Double-Headed Terror Bird"] = "terrorbird_twoheaded.png",
["Doubled Deviless"] = "discerningdeviless.png",
["Doubled Skull"] = "Bone16.png",
["Doubt Street"] = "Doubtstreet.png",
["Dove Mask Shard"] = "Shard.png",
["Down among the Lorn-Flukes"] = "Flukes.png",
["Dr Schlomo"] = "schlomo.png",
["Dramatic Tension"] = "Volcanosmall.png",
["Dreaded"] = "Sidebardreaded.png",
["Dreadful Surmise"] = "Surmise.png",
["Dream Vessel"] = "rowboat.png",
["Dream-dwelling Carnivorous Aurochs"] = "auroch_dreamdwelling.png",
["Dream-Shadow of a Curator's Vestige"] = "Mirrormonster2.png",
["Dream-Shard of the Mirror of Knives"] = "mirror4.png",
["Dream-Trophies of Parabola"] = "Harpoon.png",
["Dreaming in Viric"] = "viric.png",
["Dreaming Strange Dreams: A Game of Chess"] = "Pawn.png",
["Dreamy Raven Advisor"] = "Ravenwhitetypewriter.png",
["Drop of Gaoler's Honey"] = "Redhoney.png",
["Drop of Prisoner's Honey"] = "Honey.png",
["Drownie Song of the Deep"] = "Drowniesmall.png",
["Dubious Testimony"] = "Declaim.png",
["Duelling with the Black Ribbon"] = "Ribbonblack.png",
["Duration of a Dream"] = "clock.png",
["Dutiful Orphan"] = "Urchinslingshot.png",
["Eager Glove"] = "Fangglovegreysmall.png",
["Ealing Gardens"] = "Handstop.png",
["Ealing Gardens Commercial Development"] = "Coin.png",
["Ealing Gardens Commemorative Development"] = "Ravenwhitecrystal.png",
["Ealing Gardens Development"] = "Station.png",
["Ealing Gardens Watchtower"] = "Neathroof.png",
["Ealing Gardens: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Ealing Spa"] = "Electionvirginia.png",
["Ealing Station Space"] = "Station.png",
["Ebullient Undertaker"] = "Ebullientundertaker.png",
["Echo"] = "Icon-echo.png",
["Echoes"] = "Icon-echo.png",
["Edicts of the First City"] = "Tablet.png",
["Educating Lyme"] = "Clayman3.png",
["Elation at Feline Oration"] = "Cattabby.png",
["Elegant Emerald Gown"] = "Gowngreen.png",
["Element of Dawn"] = "dawnmachine.png",
["Elemental Secret"] = "Mountainglow.png",
["Elusive!"] = "Sidebarelusive.png",
["Embarked on an Expedition to the North"] = "Appallingsecret.png",
["Embarking on a Voyage of Scientific Discovery"] = "Ship.png",
["Embroiled in the Wars of Illusion"] = "Mirrordark.png",
["Emergency Blunderbuss"] = "Blunderbuss.png",
["Empire's Kingmaker"] = "Flag.png",
["Employed your Albino Rat"] = "Ratalbino.png",
["Encounter Setting"] = "Island1.png",
["Encounter with a tower"] = "Kingeaterscastle_port.png",
["Endowment of a University Fellowship"] = "University.png",
["Enforcer"] = "Burlyman.png",
["Engaged in a Case"] = "Jigsaw.png",
["Engaged in a Golden Hunt"] = "Medalsungold.png",
["Engaged in a Rivalry of Antiquities"] = "Ruins.png",
["Engaged in a Scheme: a Salon"] = "Mushroomhat.png",
["Engaged in a Scheme: an Orphanage"] = "Urchingirl.png",
["Engaged to"] = "Ring_silver.png",
["Engraved Pewter Tankard"] = "Tankard.png",
["Enigmatic Augur"] = "Genericmale2.png",
["Enjoying Lethal Prominence"] = "Attacker.png",
["Enjoying the bohemian atmosphere of Veilgarden"] = "Lips.png",
["Enlightening Treatment"] = "Library.png",
["Enquirer"] = "Spypaper.png",
["Enthralling"] = "Book.png",
["Enthusiastic Visitor"] = "Fascinatedyank.png",
["Entry in Slowcake's Exceptionals"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["Entwined in the Intrigues of the Clathermont Family"] = "Tattoo.png",
["Epaulette Mate"] = "Chesspiecebuttered.png",
["Epicurean War-Helm"] = "Hatwarhelm.png",
["Equipment for Scientific Experimentation"] = "telescopeglim.png",
["Escape Route"] = "Door2.png",
["Esoteric Accomplice"] = "Esotericaccomplice.png",
["Espoused to"] = "Ring_gold.png",
["Establishing a Parabolan Reputation"] = "Foliageorange.png",
["Esteem of the Guild"] = "revolutionarymask.png",
["Et In Arbor Ego"] = "rose.png",
["Evenlode Courts"] = "station.png",
["Evenlode Diving Bell"] = "divinghelmet.png",
["Everlasting Candle"] = "Demetergreen.png",
["Evidence in the Case of the Absconding Devil"] = "Devil.png",
["Evidence in the Case of the Missing Heiress"] = "Girldaguerrotype.png",
["Evidence in the Case of the Third Assassin"] = "Nun.png",
["Evidence in the Cumberbold Case"] = "Papers3.png",
["Evidence in the Gloriana Case"] = "Document.png",
["Exacting the Urchins' Vengeance"] = "Fist.png",
["Exceptional Hat"] = "Fanghat.png",
["Exceptional Petal"] = "Fangrose2.png",
["Exceptional Short Story"] = "Storyexceptional.png",
["Exhilaration from Achieving Justice"] = "Knifegreen.png",
["Experiencing Strange Times: Twelve Days of Mr Sacks"] = "Master.png",
["Experimental Object"] = "crate.png",
["Expertise of the First City"] = "ruinsfirst.png",
["Expertise of the Fourth City"] = "ruins.png",
["Expertise of the Second City"] = "ruinssecond.png",
["Expertise of the Third City"] = "Tombcolonist.png",
["Exploring the Orphanage"] = "Orphanage.png",
["Exploring the Parabolan Orphanage"] = "Orphanage.png",
["Explosion of Neath-Colours on the Stroke of Midnight"] = "Explosion.png",
["Exposed by"] = "Gossip.png",
["Exquisite Ivory Gown"] = "Gownivory.png",
["Exquisite Toy"] = "Angel.png",
["Extramural Trading Company"] = "barrel.png",
["Extraordinarily Strong Reading Glasses"] = "Entomologicalastrologer.png",
["Extraordinary Drinks Cabinet"] = "Drinkscabinet.png",
["Extraordinary Hat"] = "Fanghatred.png",
["Extraordinary Implication"] = "Implication.png",
["Extraordinary Short Story"] = "Storyextraordinary.png",
["Extravagant Ring"] = "Ring_diamond.png",
["Extravagantly Proposing"] = "Heart.png",
["Extravagantly-Titled Tigress"] = "Extravaganttigress.png",
["Ex-Privateer Charter Clerk"] = "Stamp.png",
["Ex-Privateer Illuminator"] = "Tattoo_eye_hallowmas.png",
["Eyeless Skull"] = "Skulleyeless.png",
["Factory of Favours"] = "Boris.png",
["False Lead"] = "volcanosmall.png",
["F.F. Gebrandt's Flame-Resilient Paper"] = "papers3.png",
["F.F. Gebrandt's Superior Laudanum"] = "Bottleclear.png",
["F.F. Gebrandt's Tincture of Vigour"] = "Vialblue.png",
["F.F. Gebrandt's Tincture of Vigour: Half-Full"] = "Vialblue.png",
["Fabricator of Past Lives"] = "Envelope.png",
["Fabulous Accomplice"] = "Fabulousaccomplice.png",
["Fabulous Diamond"] = "Diamondpurple.png",
["Facing a Murderous Opponent"] = "Lurker2.png",
["Facing the Rat Army"] = "Rats.png",
["Faction: Benthic"] = "University.png",
["Faction: Bohemians"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Faction: Constables"] = "Copper.png",
["Faction: Criminals"] = "Manacles.png",
["Faction: Hell"] = "Devil.png",
["Faction: Revolutionaries"] = "Flames.png",
["Faction: Rubbery Men"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Faction: Society"] = "Salon3.png",
["Faction: Summerset"] = "University.png",
["Faction: The Church"] = "Clergy.png",
["Faction: The Docks"] = "Ship.png",
["Faction: The Duchess"] = "Duchess2.png",
["Faction: The Great Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["Faction: The Masters of the Bazaar"] = "Mastertc.png",
["Faction: The Tomb-Colonies"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["Faction: The Widow"] = "Widow.png",
["Faction: Tomb-Colonies"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["Faction: Urchins"] = "Urchin.png",
["Faded Morning Suit"] = "Suitfadedsmall.png",
["Fading to a Coda"] = "growlingradical.png",
["Fadgett & Daughters"] = "Bluestockingsmall.png",
["Fairly Tame Sorrow-Spider"] = "Spider.png",
["False Hagiotoponym"] = "angelclose.png",
["Familiarity with the Carpenter's Granddaughter"] = "Bone12.png",
["Family and Law"] = "Heart.png",
["Far Beyond the Cordon"] = "hellgorge.png",
["Far Khanate Lacquered Armour"] = "Khanatearmour.png",
["Fascinating..."] = "Roseyellow.png",
["Fasting and Meditating to a Foolish End"] = "Well.png",
["Fate"] = "Box.png",
["Faustian Henchman"] = "Faustianhenchman.png",
["Favour in High Places"] = "Baldman.png",
["Favourable Circumstances"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Favour: Her Roseate Splendour"] = "Rose.png",
["Favours: Bohemians"] = "bohogirl1.png",
["Favours: Constables"] = "constablebadge.png",
["Favours: Criminals"] = "Manacles.png",
["Favours: Fingerkings"] = "fingerking.png",
["Favours: Hell"] = "Devil.png",
["Favours: Revolutionaries"] = "Flames.png",
["Favours: Rubbery Men"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Favours: Society"] = "Salon2.png",
["Favours: The Church"] = "clergy.png",
["Favours: The Docks"] = "Ship.png",
["Favours: The Great Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["Favours: Tomb-Colonies"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["Favours: Urchins"] = "Urchin.png",
["Feast of the Exceptional Rose"] = "Fangrose.png",
["Featuring in the Tales of the University"] = "University.png",
["February has Taken an Interest"] = "February.png",
["Feckless Supporters"] = "Supporterssmall.png",
["Fecund Amber Tiara"] = "Tiaraamber.png",
["Fed a hybrid to the Hybrid"] = "heartfruit.png",
["Feducci's Boon: Whispered about by Those That Matter"] = "Waves.png",
["Feducci's Confession"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["Feducci's Favour"] = "Feducci.png",
["Feducci's Lance (Replica)"] = "lance.png",
["Feducci's Vote"] = "feducci.png",
["Femur of a Jurassic Beast"] = "Bone12.png",
["Femur of a Surface Deer"] = "Bone13.png",
["Fighting a War of Assassins"] = "Knifeting.png",
["Filled with the Spirit of Hallowmas"] = "foxmask_hallowmas.png",
["Fillip of Effervescence"] = "Bottlered.png",
["Fin Bones, Collected"] = "bone10.png",
["Final Breath"] = "Oxygen.png",
["Fine Dining"] = "delectcritic.png",
["Fired with Ferocity"] = "Fist.png",
["Firkin of Hesperidean Cider"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["First City Coin"] = "Coin.png",
["Fist of the Bazaar"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Fistful of Surface Currency"] = "Currency3 silver.png",
["Fitting in at Helicon House"] = "door.png",
["Five Minutes to Midday"] = "midday.png",
["Five-Pointed Ribcage"] = "bone1.png",
["Fixer (Election 1894)"] = "Dig.png",
["Fixer (Election profession)"] = "Dig.png",
["Fixing a Scandal"] = "Sidebarscandal.png",
["Fixing Suspicions"] = "Sidebarsuspicion.png",
["Flame-proof Missive"] = "Correspondence2.png",
["Flash Lay's Progress"] = "Porticodark.png",
["Flash Lay: An Informant"] = "Cardfan.png",
["Flash Lay: Legal Complications"] = "Document.png",
["Flash Lay: an Awkward Friend"] = "Couple.png",
["Flask of Abominable Salts"] = "Vialgreen.png",
["Flask of Waswood Wellspring Water"] = "Bottlegiant.png",
["Flavour of a Dream:"] = "Jungle_orange.png",
["Flawed Diamond"] = "Diamond.png",
["Flawless Hand Mirror"] = "Mirror1.png",
["Fleeting Recollections"] = "Jigsaw.png",
["Flexible Intelligencer"] = "Flexibleintelligencier.png",
["Flickering Insight into a Soaring Heart"] = "mrpages.png",
["Flint"] = "skite.png",
["Flourishing Ribcage"] = "bone2.png",
["Flowers for Peter"] = "roseblue.png",
["Fluke-Core"] = "Flukecore.png",
["Focused Albatross"] = "Albatross2.png",
["Following up Rumours of Cornelius"] = "tombcolonist.png",
["Footsteps of the False Saints"] = "Jungle orange.png",
["For A Dream Of Innocence"] = "Newdreamer.png",
["For All The Saints"] = "deacon.png",
["For Want of a Lily"] = "roseyellow.png",
["For Want of Coins"] = "Coin.png",
["Forbidden Map-Fragment"] = "Mapfragmentsmall.png",
["Forceful"] = "Quirkforceful.png",
["Forged Justificande Coin"] = "Currency1 copper.png",
["Forgotten Forgery Cases"] = "desk.png",
["Formerly Talkative Bearer of the Sausage About Which Nobody Complains"] = "Formerlytalkativebearer.png",
["Formidable Basalt Gymnasium"] = "Porticodark.png",
["Formidable Gown"] = "Dressgreysmall.png",
["Formula for Perfumed Gunpowder"] = "Papers3.png",
["Formula for Railway Steel"] = "railsteel.png",
["Forty-Nine-Voiced Warbler"] = "Warbler.png",
["Fossilised Forelimb"] = "Bone10.png",
["Foul!"] = "Chequeredflag.png",
["Found Employment for an Old Friend"] = "desk.png",
["Fourth City Eyeball"] = "mirrors.png",
["Foxfire Bee-Repellent"] = "Demetergreen.png",
["Foxfire Candle Stub"] = "Demetergreen.png",
["Fragment of a Black Coral Sculpture"] = "Coral.png",
["Fragment of the Tragedy Procedures"] = "Papers2.png",
["Fragment of White Gold"] = "Tooth.png",
["Frank with Jenny"] = "Electionjenny.png",
["Fraught Research Assistant"] = "Universitysmall.png",
["Free Evening"] = "Dance.png",
["Free of Surface Ties"] = "Fanghat.png",
["Free of the Name"] = "Mercyhand.png",
["Free-roving Teeth"] = "Teethglass.png",
["Freed from the Name"] = "Mercyhand.png",
["Freya, Scourge of Fragile Ornaments"] = "Kitten.png",
["Frigid Intuition"] = "compass.png",
["Frogs, Fear and a Factory"] = "frogurchin.png",
["From the Imaginary Suitcase"] = "Box2.png",
["From the Less Imaginary Suitcase"] = "Box2.png",
["Frozen Thoughts"] = "snowflake.png",
["Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["Fruits of the Zee Festival"] = "Island1.png",
["Full of Rats. (Thank you!)"] = "Ratofglory.png",
["Fully Enlightened Aged Egg"] = "Agedegg.png",
["Fully Enlightened Scarlet Egg"] = "Crimsonegg.png",
["Full-Grown Terror Bird"] = "terrorbird_fullgrown.png",
["Fully Invigorated Aged Egg"] = "Agedegg.png",
["Fully Invigorated Scarlet Egg"] = "Crimsonegg.png",
["Fungal Dangers and Poisons: A Guide for New Growers"] = "Mushroom.png",
["Furnace Ancona's Vote"] = "Furnace.png",
["Furnace Ancona's Wounds"] = "Furnace.png",
["Furnace's Fate Revealed"] = "Furnace.png",
["Gambit: Benjamin's Friends"] = "Lurker.png",
["Gaining a Criminal Reputation"] = "Pirategreen.png",
["Gambit: the Season of Revolutions"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Gang of Hoodlums"] = "Pirategreen.png",
["Gay Bonnet"] = "Bonnetsmall.png",
["Gear-driven Skeletal Monkey"] = "Monkey.png",
["General: Principle of Heralds"] = "foxmask_hallowmas.png",
["General: Principle of Hollows"] = "Hourglass.png",
["General: Principle of Horizons"] = "Sunset.png",
["Genesis of a Diocese"] = "watchmakershill.png",
["Gentleman Smuggler"] = "respectablesmuggler.png",
["Gentleman's Athletic Support"] = "Corset3small.png",
["Gentleman's Hat"] = "Tophat.png",
["Genuine Rubbery Lumps"] = "lumps.png",
["Getting Married"] = "ring_diamond.png",
["Getting to Know Cobblestone Rogues and Back-Alley Saints"] = "Fog.png",
["Gift of Adoration"] = "Adoration.png",
["Gift of Scorn"] = "Scorn.png",
["Gifts from a Secret Admirer"] = "gift.png",
["Giggling Mandrake"] = "Mandrakedemon.png",
["Gilded Crustacean"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Ginger-Haired Fellow's Address"] = "Envelope.png",
["Glass of Teeth"] = "Teethglass.png",
["Glass"] = "Cardfan.png",
["Glass Gazette"] = "mapfragment.png",
["Glasswork"] = "Mirror.png",
["Glass Studies"] = "Mirror1.png",
["Gleam"] = "Candlespringgreensmall.png",
["Gleaming Buttons"] = "Black.png",
["Glimpse of Something Larger"] = "Eye.png",
["Gloom"] = "Attackersmall.png",
["Glowing Viric"] = "Viric.png",
["Go Say it to the King"] = "Turbulenttabby.png",
["Go Tell the King of Cats"] = "Turbulenttabby.png",
["Goat vs Goat"] = "Ubergoat.png",
["Godly Missive"] = "Crosssilver.png",
["Golden Spiked Rosary"] = "Rosarygoldsmall.png",
["Gone Fishing"] = "Seamonster2.png",
["Gone Grazing"] = "Foliageorange.png",
["Gottery the Outfitter"] = "Raggedsmall.png",
["Gradually Recuperating Pony"] = "pony.png",
["Grand Parabolan Company"] = "hatwarhelm.png",
["Great Hellbound Railway Endorsement"] = "station.png",
["Great-Aunt Beatrice's Legacy"] = "Ruins.png",
["Great Hellbound Railway Endorsement"] = "station.png",
["Green-Eyed Devil"] = "Devilgreensmall.png",
["Griswine"] = "Griswine.png",
["Grotesque Augmentation"] = "tentacle.png",
["Growing..."] = "applegalls.png",
["Grubby Kitten"] = "Kittensmall.png",
["Grubby Urchin"] = "Urchin.png",
["Grunting Fen"] = "Gruntingfen.png",
["Gustav the Ankle Weaver"] = "Catorange.png",
["Halcyonic Tonic"] = "ginbottles.png",
["Half-Wild Mandrake"] = "Mandrakedemonsmall.png",
["Halfway through the Mirror"] = "mirror.png",
["Hallowmas"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Hallowmas: A Whispering of Sin"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Hallowmas: The Aftermath of An Explosion of Revelations"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Hallowmas: The Aftermath of an Audacious Theft"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Hamper of Heart-Cuts"] = "Heart2.png",
["Hand of Glory"] = "Handofglorysmall.png",
["Hand-picked Peppercaps"] = "mushroom2.png",
["Handsome Lad with a Healthy Appetite"] = "Chap2.png",
["Handsome Townhouse"] = "Townhouse.png",
["Harbour Provisioners"] = "Sailorsmall.png",
["Hard-Earned Lesson"] = "Fist.png",
["Hastily Scrawled Warning Note"] = "Blackglove.png",
["Haunted-looking Dog"] = "Dog2small.png",
["Haunted by Stairs"] = "bandagedman.png",
["Haunted Goldfish"] = "Hauntedgoldfish.png",
["Having Recurring Dreams: A Game of Chess"] = "Pawn.png",
["Having Recurring Dreams: Death by Water"] = "Waves.png",
["Having Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There?"] = "Eye.png",
["Having Recurring Dreams: The Burial of the Dead"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["Having Recurring Dreams: The Fire Sermon"] = "Flames.png",
["Having Recurring Dreams: What the Thunder Said"] = "Clouds.png",
["Having Rodentine Minions Investigate..."] = "Rats.png",
["Having Transportation Difficulties"] = "Hansom.png",
["Headless Skeleton"] = "Bone3.png",
["HEADLINE: The Valkyrie Sings!"] = "newspaper.png",
["Hearing Rumours of Monsieur Pleat's Progress"] = "Hypnotist.png",
["Hearing Rumours of Orthos' Progress"] = "Gent4.png",
["Hearing Rumours of the Heroic Archaeologist's Progress"] = "beauty.png",
["Hearing Rumours of the Lugubrious Seamstress' Progress"] = "lugubriousseamstress.png",
["Hearing Rumours of Virginia's Progress"] = "Electionvirginia.png",
["Hearing Things...or are you?"] = "Scaryeye.png",
["Heart's Desire: Scrawled Notes on the Walls"] = "Graffitihiero.png",
["Heartless"] = "Quirkheartless.png",
["Heartscross House"] = "Portcarnelian port.png",
["Hedonist"] = "Quirkhedonist.png",
["Held in Esteem by the Crew of the Galatea"] = "Shipbig.png",
["Helical Thighbone"] = "Bone13.png",
["Helicon House"] = "station.png",
["Helicon House Companion"] = "envelope.png",
["Hell"] = "Devil.png",
["Hell-Scarred Gondolier"] = "chap5.png",
["Hellfarer"] = "Flamering.png",
["Hellish Hymn"] = "Flames.png",
["Hephaesta's Obsession"] = "waves3.png",
["Heptagoat"] = "Heptagoat.png",
["Herpetological Focus"] = "Frogurchin.png",
["Hesperidean Cider"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["Hideous Promissory Note"] = "papers2.png",
["Hiding Place of a Peculiar Item"] = "Safe.png",
["Highly-Accurate Gargoyle"] = "stonyface.png",
["Highly Experimental Augmentation"] = "Meteors_red.png",
["Highly Illegal Experimental Augmentation Device (Probably)"] = "Meteors_red.png",
["Highwayman's Cloak"] = "cloak.png",
["Hillmover"] = "Hillmover.png",
["Hinterland Scrip"] = "Currency3 copper.png",
["His Amused Lordship's Confession"] = "Lordship.png",
["His Amused Lordship's Vote"] = "Lordship.png",
["HOJOTOHO!"] = "valkyrie.png",
["HOJOTOHO! (Story)"] = "valkyrie.png",
["Hollow-Eyed Tragedian"] = "Drowniemale.png",
["Holy Relic of the Thigh of Saint Fiacre"] = "boneshard.png",
["Homecoming"] = "spices.png",
["Homeless!"] = "Placeholder3.png",
["Honey-Mazed Bear"] = "Honeymazedbear.png",
["Honeyed Laudanum"] = "Honeyedlaudanum.png",
["Honoured with a Statue"] = "Angel.png",
["Hoping for Help With a Scandal"] = "Whispered_Secret.png",
["Horatio, Finest of His Lineage"] = "Turbulenttabby.png",
["Horned Skull"] = "beesinthebone.png",
["Horrid Imp"] = "Imp.png",
["Horrifying Confirmation that you were Right All Along"] = "boatmanlamp.png",
["Horsehead Amulet"] = "Horsehead.png",
["Hosting Your Debate"] = "Mansionbalcony.png",
["Hound of Heaven"] = "Serpentwhite.png",
["Hours before the Deadline"] = "Clock.png",
["Human Arm"] = "arm.png",
["Human Ribcage"] = "bone3.png",
["Humble Ring"] = "Red_gold.png",
["Humbly Proposing"] = "Heart.png",
["Humouring a Buyer of Transports"] = "ship2.png",
["Hungover Terrier"] = "Dog2.png",
["Hungry Letter"] = "Appallingsecret.png",
["Hunted by a Mob"] = "Caperers.png",
["Hunted by a Mob: Armed With"] = "Crate.png",
["Hunter's Keep"] = "Island2.png",
["Hurlers: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Hurlers Commemorative Development"] = "ravenwhitebust.png",
["Hurlers Commercial Development"] = "coin.png",
["Hurlers Development"] = "railway.png",
["Hurlers Hot Spring"] = "electionvirginia.png",
["Hurlers Infrastructural Development"] = "hellgorge.png",
["Hurlers Lavatory Development"] = "mirror.png",
["Hurlers Thermal Development"] = "lawfurnace.png",
["Hurlyburly"] = "correspondencestone.png",
["Hysterical Monkey"] = "Monkey.png",
["Ichthyological Focus"] = "Pinewoodshark.png",
["Iconoclastic Cryptanalyst"] = "Crypanalyst_hallowmas.png",
["Identified with a Philosophy"] = "Fog.png",
["Identified with a School"] = "Desk.png",
["Identified with a Tradition"] = "knife2.png",
["Iguana-Skin Boots"] = "Iguanaboots.png",
["Illicit Volume of Unexpectedly Racy Fungal-Themed Poetry"] = "Fungalpoetry.png",
["Illuminated Rat"] = "Rat.png",
["Images of a Wedding"] = "Followphoto.png",
["Imp-Deviless"] = "discerningdeviless.png",
["Impenitent Devil"] = "Repentantdevil.png",
["Imperial Legitimacy"] = "Empresscourt.png",
["Implacable Detective's Business Card"] = "Oldwoman.png",
["Implausible Beartrap"] = "Beartrap.png",
["Impossible Theorem"] = "Chambersoftheheart.png",
["Impossible!"] = "Keyhole1.png",
["Improvised Dueling Manual"] = "Crossedswords.png",
["In Arbor I Walked With"] = "sunset.png",
["In Burrow"] = "church.png",
["In Contact with a Long-Lost Daughter"] = "Bohogirl2.png",
["In Corporate Debt"] = "Coingold.png",
["In Possession of a Peculiar Personal Enhancement"] = "Tentacles.png",
["In Search of a Stiff Drink"] = "Bottlecrystal.png",
["In Search of Robert F. Harris"] = "Gleam.png",
["In Search of the Severe Bluejacket's Mistress"] = "Bazaarsun.png",
["In the Company of Monsters"] = "Eater.png",
["In the Labyrinth of Tigers, Navigating Coil"] = "Tiger.png",
["Incarnadine Fur Robe"] = "Mistersacks.png",
["Incisive Observation"] = "whispered_secret.png",
["Inciting a Simian Revenge?"] = "Monkey.png",
["Incognito Princess"] = "electionprincess.png",
["Inconvenienced by Your Aunt"] = "Aunt.png",
["Indignant Bearskin"] = "Hatbearskin.png",
["Indulging a Less than Laudable Laudanum Habit"] = "Bottleclear.png",
["Infernal Contract"] = "Document.png",
["Infernal Machine"] = "Station.png",
["Infernal Sharpshooter's Rifle"] = "Riflesharpshooter.png",
["Infernal Vinification Apparatus"] = "Ginbottles.png",
["Infernally Well-cut Suit"] = "Suitinfernal.png",
["Influencing the Election"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["Inkling of Identity"] = "Silhouetteman.png",
["Insatiable Glove"] = "Fanggloveblack.png",
["Inside Information"] = "Gossip.png",
["Inspired..."] = "Lantern.png",
["Inspired Emancipationist Propaganda"] = "Furnace.png",
["Intensity of the Dream"] = "jungle.png",
["Intercepted Document"] = "Envelope.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Charismatic Tracklayer"] = "bohogirl7.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Fidgeting Factor"] = "Genericman1.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Diabolical Propagandist"] = "Devil2.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Disgraced Diplomat"] = "Bohoman1a.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: The Exiled Antiquarian"] = "Devilessinsect2.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Genteel Elder"] = "Tobacconist.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Militant Curate"] = "Clergy2.png",
["Interest in a Monograph: the Wistful Stoker"] = "Bohoman2b.png",
["Intimate with a Revolutionary Firebrand"] = "Firebrand.png",
["Intimate with a Secular Missionary"] = "Boho8.png",
["Intimidating..."] = "Fist.png",
["Intoxicating"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Intoxicating"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Intrepid Deacon"] = "deacon.png",
["Intrigue: The Curate and His Sister"] = "chap5.png",
["Intriguer's Compendium"] = "Bookblue.png",
["Intriguing Key"] = "Key.png",
["Intriguing Snippet"] = "Gossip.png",
["Intro Rubbery Feline"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroAugust"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroGrubby"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroKitten"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroMenagerie"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroMidnight"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroMoral"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroPink"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroPrinceling"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroShort"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroStarveling"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["IntroWretched"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Investigating a Conflicted Parson"] = "heartsdesire.png",
["Investigating a threat to your Rat Companions..."] = "Rat.png",
["Investigating the Rubbery Murders"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Investigating the Secrets of St Dunstan's"] = "Church.png",
["Investigating the Silken Chapel"] = "Church.png",
["Investigating the Twelve Days of Mr Sacks with"] = "Mistersacks.png",
["Investigating Precedence"] = "Document.png",
["Investigating..."] = "Follow.png",
["Investigation: investigating the Correspondence Stones"] = "Diamond.png",
["Invigorating Treatment"] = "Coffee.png",
["Invited to a Chaperoned Date"] = "Door.png",
["Invites to a Game of Chess"] = "pawn.png",
["Invited to Coffee at Caligula's"] = "Tea.png",
["Invited to Dinner at Dante's Grill"] = "Devilgreen.png",
["Invited to join a Patron's Patron"] = "diamondpurple.png",
["Invited to Loiter"] = "Fog.png",
["Invited to Tea at Beatrice's"] = "teachipped.png",
["Involved in a Railway Venture"] = "Helltrain.png",
["Involved in the Soul Trade"] = "Bottledsoul.png",
["Iron Hat"] = "Ironhat.png",
["Iron Knife Token"] = "Knifetoken.png",
["Iron Republic Days"] = "Clock.png",
["Iron Republic Journal"] = "Bookblack.png",
["Iron Republic Safe-Conduct"] = "Bottleyellow.png",
["Iron Republic Streets"] = "Ironrepublic.png",
["Iron Token of Contrition"] = "Currency2_silver.png",
["Iron-Toothed Terror Bird"] = "terrorbird_irontoothed.png",
["Irresistible Drum"] = "Drum.png",
["Irrigo"] = "Nadirlight.png",
["Irrigo-filled Mirrorcatch Box"] = "Irrigo.png",
["Is Someone There"] = "Eye.png",
["Is Someone There?"] = "Eye.png",
["It is Hatching!"] = "eggspeckled.png",
["It is Viable!"] = "Crimsonegg.png",
["Ivory Femur"] = "bone7.png",
["Ivory Humerus"] = "bone11.png",
["Jack's Gone"] = "Jack.png",
["Jade Fragment"] = "Jade.png",
["Jaguar Blade, Remembered"] = "knifered.png",
["January's Vote"] = "snowflake.png",
["Jar Full of Mandrake"] = "Waxjar.png",
["Jasmine Leaves"] = "teachipped.png",
["Jericho Library"] = "book.png",
["Jericho Locks"] = "Water.png",
["Jericho Locks: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Jericho Locks Commemorative Development"] = "Ravenwhitecrystal.png",
["Jericho Locks Development"] = "station.png",
["Jericho Locks Station Space"] = "station.png",
["Jet Black Stinger"] = "Spideralonzo.png",
["Journal of Infamy"] = "Bookpurple.png",
["Journalist"] = "Notebook.png",
["Jovial Contrarian's Vote"] = "electioncontrarian.png",
["Joyful Charter Clerk"] = "Joyfulcharterclerk.png",
["Joyful Illuminator"] = "Joyfulilluminator.png",
["Judgemental Hat"] = "judgementalhat.png",
["Judgements' Egg"] = "Bottledsoulwhite.png",
["July"] = "July.png",
["Justificande Coin"] = "Currency1 silver.png",
["Kataleptic Toxicology"] = "Honeyjar.png",
["Kataleptic Toxicology Studies"] = "Honeyjar.png",
["Key Of Seasons: Christmas"] = "Snowdrift.png",
["Key Of Seasons: Hallowmas"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Key Of Seasons: The Feast Of The Rose"] = "Fangrose.png",
["Key Of Seasons: The Fruits of the Zee Festival!"] = "Island1.png",
["Key of Dreams"] = "Keyofdreams.png",
["Key to a Brass Embassy Guest Room"] = "Keygold.png",
["Key to a Dripstone-Snared Temple"] = "Dripstonetemple.png",
["Key to a Handsome Townhouse"] = "Keygold.png",
["Key to a Lair in the Marshes"] = "Key.png",
["Key to a Rooftop Shack"] = "Key.png",
["Key to a Smoky Flophouse Dormitory"] = "Key.png",
["Key to a Zee-Znail Retreat"] = "Zeeznailretreat.png",
["Key to the Old Newgate Cellars"] = "Newgatecellar.png",
["Key to a Cottage by the Observatory"] = "Keysteel.png",
["Key to your Rooms above a Bookshop"] = "Keysteel.png",
["Key to your Rooms above a Gambling Den"] = "Keysilver.png",
["Key-to-Heart Dagger"] = "Daggerheart.png",
["Knife of Lost Sky"] = "Knifeblue.png",
["Knife-and-Candle Form"] = "Lurker.png",
["Knife-and-Candle Rank"] = "Knifeandcandle.png",
["Knife-and-Candle: A Proud Parade of Victories"] = "Bloodstain.png",
["Knife-and-Candler's Glove"] = "blackgloveredback.png",
["Knob of Scintillack"] = "Scintillack.png",
["Knot-name"] = "Noose.png",
["Knotted Humerus"] = "Bone6.png",
["Knowledge of the Arts"] = "Blank.png",
["Knowledge of Thine Enemy"] = "snakehead.png",
["Known for Metaphysical Caprice"] = "Clouds.png",
["Laboratory Research"] = "library.png",
["Laboratory Services from April"] = "explosion.png",
["Laboratory Services from a Gifted Student"] = "bohogirl8.png",
["Laboratory Services from a Grubby Urchin"] = "Urchin.png",
["Laboratory Services from a Meticulous Student"] = "Bluestocking.png",
["Laboratory Services from a Profound Student"] = "captivepoet.png",
["Laboratory Services from a Shifty Student"] = "Confidentsmile.png",
["Laboratory Services from a Visionary Student"] = "isery.png",
["Laboratory Services from an Esurient Smith"] = "knifered.png",
["Laboratory Services from Cora Bagley"] = "heartsdesire.png",
["Laboratory Services from F.F. Gebrandt"] = "gebrandt.png",
["Laboratory Services from Hephaesta"] = "waves3.png",
["Laboratory Services from the Mother Superior"] = "nun.png",
["Laboratory Services from the Numismatrix"] = "Numismatrix.png",
["Laboratory Services from the Silk-clad Expert"] = "Expert.png",
["Laboratory Services of Lettice the Mercy"] = "Mercy.png",
["Laconic Prodigy"] = "Urchingirl.png",
["Lacreous Currency"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Ladybones Road"] = "Ladybones.png",
["Lair in the Marshes"] = "Marsheslair.png",
["Lamentation Lock"] = "Warden.png",
["Language of Laces"] = "Notebook.png",
["Last Hope of a Fidgeting Writer"] = "Skull.png",
["Leader of the Tracklayers"] = "Tracklayernocturnal.png",
["Leaf from the Silver Tree"] = "Silverleaf.png",
["Learning about the Election"] = "ballotbox.png",
["Learning from a Silk-Clad Expert"] = "expert.png",
["Leased out your Basalt Gymnasium"] = "porticodark.png",
["Leathery Human Heart"] = "Heartwithered.png",
["Legal Document"] = "Document.png",
["Legenda Cosmogone"] = "Cosmogone.png",
["Lemurian's Mask"] = "hallowmass.png",
["Lengthy Lease to Premises at the Bazaar"] = "Document.png",
["Lens of Black Glass"] = "Black.png",
["Let Out your Premises at the Bazaar"] = "Bazaardoor_ormolu.png",
["Letter of introduction"] = "Envelope.png",
["Letters Mailed to the Archbishop of Canterbury"] = "Envelope.png",
["Lettice, the Mercy"] = "Mercysmall.png",
["Lettice's Confession"] = "Mercy.png",
["Leviathan"] = "Carpentersgranddaughter.png",
["Leviathan Frame"] = "bone4.png",
["Liberalian Mask"] = "Revolutionarymask.png",
["Liberator of Stoves"] = "Lawfurnace.png",
["Licence to Amend Your Face"] = "Eye brown.png",
["Licentiate"] = "Aliaslist.png",
["Light Fingers - Finding the Music-hall Singer"] = "genderlady.png",
["Lightfingers' Folly"] = "Safe.png",
["Lilac's Inclination"] = "Girlpurple.png",
["Listening Candle"] = "Demeter.png",
["Lithification Liquid"] = "Bottleclear.png",
["Little Red Notebook"] = "Notebooksmall.png",
["Live Specimen"] = "Specimen.png",
["Living Elsewhere"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Loaned Out your Clay Sedan Chair"] = "Sedan.png",
["Loaned Out your Cottage by the Observatory"] = "bazaarsun.png",
["Loaned Out your Decommissioned Steamer"] = "Steamer.png",
["Loaned Out your Respectable Landau"] = "Landau.png",
["Loaned Out your Rooftop Shack"] = "flit.png",
["Loaned Out your Rooms Above a Bookshop"] = "ravenwhitebooks.png",
["Loaned Out your Rooms Above a Gambling Den"] = "dice.png",
["Loaned Out your Velocipede"] = "Velocipede.png",
["Loathsome Imp"] = "Impsmall.png",
["Location of a Decoy Mr Veils"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Location of an Underground Organ"] = "Stalagmite.png",
["Locket Depicting Twin Sisters"] = "Bohogirl1photo.png",
["Lodgings"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Loitering"] = "Fog.png",
["London Street Sign"] = "Sign.png",
["London's Blood"] = "Keygold.png",
["London's Marrow"] = "Furtivehand.png",
["London's Nerves"] = "Skullbrass.png",
["London's Sinew"] = "Skeleton.png",
["Looked Upon Fondly"] = "gleam.png",
["Looking for the Exceptional Rose"] = "Fangrose2.png",
["Looking for Love"] = "Heart2.png",
["Looking for your Soul"] = "Bottledsoul.png",
["Looking in High Places and Low"] = "Eye.png",
["Lost in Reflections"] = "july.png",
["Lost in the Is-Not"] = "scaryeye.png",
["Lost Wealth"] = "coingold.png",
["Love-Sickened Seneschal"] = "Seneschal.png",
["Lovelorn Bishop"] = "electionbishop.png",
["Lowell's Locks and Cages"] = "Keyhole1.png",
["Luck"] = "Cardfan.png",
["Lucky Weasel"] = "Weasel.png",
["Lump of Lamplighter Beeswax"] = "Lamplighter_beeswax.png",
["Lupercalian Mask"] = "Daylight.png",
["Luxuriantly Coiffed Sorrow-Spider"] = "Spiderhairsmall.png",
["Luxury's Lap"] = "Honeychaise.png",
["Lyon Pursuivant of Arms Extraordinary"] = "tabbycat.png",
["Lyrebird Educated in Three Schools"] = "lyrebird_threeschools.png",
["M. Demeaux's Advice for Captains: Commemorative Edition"] = "Booksmall.png",
["M. Demeaux's Advice for Captains: Second Edition"] = "Bookblue.png",
["MERCURY"] = "Bootskingscalesmall.png",
["Mackay's Story"] = "Honey.png",
["Magistracy of the Evenlode: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Magistracy of the Evenlode Commemorative Development"] = "Ravenwhitecrystal.png",
["Magistracy of the Evenlode Development"] = "station.png",
["Magisterial Lager"] = "beer.png",
["Magnanimous"] = "Quirkmagnanimous.png",
["Magnificent Diamond"] = "Diamondred.png",
["Magnificent Feast"] = "Lambchop.png",
["Magnificent Midnight-Blue Evening Gown"] = "Gownbluesmall.png",
["Mahogany Hall"] = "Mahoganyhall.png",
["Maidservant's Uniform"] = "Maidsmall.png",
["Majestic Pleasure Yacht"] = "Shipbig.png",
["Making Friends among God's Editors"] = "Bluestocking.png",
["Making Progress in the Labyrinth of Tigers"] = "Tigerstripessmall.png",
["Making Use of Bats"] = "Bat.png",
["Making Use of Cats"] = "Greycat.png",
["Making Waves"] = "Sidebarmakingwaves.png",
["Making Friends among the Young Stags"] = "Bloomers.png",
["Making your Moves"] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["Malevolent Monkey"] = "Monkey.png",
["Mammoth Ribcage"] = "bone4.png",
["Manager's Training"] = "mad.png",
["Mandrake-Hunting Plan"] = "Envelope.png",
["Mandrake Who Sings Haunting Lamentations"] = "mandrake.png",
["Maniac's Prayer"] = "Honeymazed.png",
["Manuscript Page"] = "Papers4small.png",
["Map of Prelapsarian London"] = "Map.png",
["Map Scrap"] = "Map.png",
["Mark of Credit Page"] = "Papers2.png",
["Marked by the Eater-of-Chains"] = "Eater.png",
["Marked Goods"] = "crate.png",
["Marvellous Monkey"] = "Monkey.png",
["Marsh-Mired in Dreams of Sustenance"] = "Swamphand.png",
["Mask of the Rose"] = "Maskrose.png",
["Masked Former Priest"] = "maskamber.png",
["Masquing"] = "Adoration.png",
["Master Jewel Thief"] = "Chap2.png",
["Master Thief"] = "Blackglove.png",
["Master Thief's Hands"] = "blackglovebluebacksmall.png",
["Masterful Short Story"] = "Storymasterful.png",
["Mastery of the Marvellous"] = "Heartsdesire.png",
["Maverick Bloodhound"] = "Houndsmall.png",
["Maywell's Hattery"] = "Fedorasmall.png",
["Meals Served at Station VIII"] = "lambchop.png",
["Meeting Mr Slowcake"] = "Electionslowcake.png",
["Melancholy"] = "Quirkmelancholy.png",
["Melancholy Monkey"] = "Monkey_hallowmas.png",
["Membership of God's Editors"] = "Bluestocking.png",
["Membership of the Temple Club"] = "Forgottenquarter.png",
["Memento of Passion"] = "Lips.png",
["Memento of Silence"] = "Whispered_secret_TC.png",
["Memento of Violence"] = "Candlebloodred.png",
["Memento of a Struggle"] = "Chesspiecesmall.png",
["Memories in Apocyan"] = "Gleam.png",
["Memory of a Shadow in Varchas"] = "khansshadow_port.png",
["Memory of a Tale"] = "Book.png",
["Memory of Chains"] = "Manacles.png",
["Memory of Discordance"] = "black.png",
["Memory of Distant Shores"] = "Wake.png",
["Memory of Light"] = "Mirror.png",
["Memorycatch Box"] = "Boxpurple.png",
["Memory of a Much Lesser Self"] = "Gleam.png",
["Menace Eradication Contract: Destroy Ferocious Rat"] = "Scaryeye.png",
["Menace Eradication Contract: Sorrow-spider infestation"] = "Spider.png",
["Meritorious Copy"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Mermaid's Purse"] = "heartfruit.png",
["Merrigans Exchange"] = "Bottlesmall.png",
["Metaphysically Educated Rattus Faber"] = "ratreciting.png",
["Meticulous Henchman"] = "Piratered.png",
["Meticulously Altered Stocking"] = "Xmas_stockingsmall.png",
["Midnight Matriarch"] = "Midnightmatriarch.png",
["Midnight Matriarch of the Menagerie of Roses"] = "Midnightmatriarch.png",
["Midnighter"] = "Joshuashrine.png",
["Minacious Union-Rat"] = "Rat2.png",
["Minor Poet"] = "Writerglow.png",
["Mired in Clay"] = "Clayman.png",
["Mired in Mail"] = "Papers.png",
["Mirror-Fed"] = "mirror1.png",
["Mirror-polished Shoes"] = "Shoessmall.png",
["Mirror-Shine Augmentation"] = "smokeandmirrors.png",
["Mirrorcatch Box"] = "Mirrorcatchboxclosed.png",
["Mirthless Compendium of Statistical Observations"] = "bookblue.png",
["Misplaced Ring"] = "Signetring.png",
["Missing Person: Absconding Devil"] = "Devil.png",
["Mithridacy"] = "Snakehead2.png",
["Mithridant Studies"] = "snakehead2.png",
["Mitigating Factor"] = "burlyman.png",
["Model Infernal Locomotive"]= "helltrain.png",
["Moderately Co-operative Clothes Colony"] = "Legion1small.png",
["Modish Bonnet"] = "Modebonnet.png",
["Moloch Street"] = "Ladybones.png",
["Monograph in Progress"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Monograph: Cautionary"] = "Warning.png",
["Monograph: Incoherence"] = "Snakehead.png",
["Monograph: Ironic"] = "Maskcomedy.png",
["Monograph: Tragic"] = "Masktragedy.png",
["Monster Nurturer"] = "Seamonster2.png",
["Monster-Hunter"] = "Harpoon.png",
["Monstrous Anatomy"] = "tentacle.png",
["Monstrous Anatomy Studies"] = "tentacle_hallowmas.png",
["Montaigne Lantern"] = "Lantern.png",
["Mood"] = "Rookery.png",
["Moon League Token"] = "Medalmoonsilver.png",
["Moon-Pearl"] = "Moonpearl.png",
["Moon-Silk Swaddling"] = "silk2.png",
["Moonlight Scales"] = "Fish white.png",
["Moonlit"] = "Moon.png",
["Morally and Physically Flexible Rubbery Cat"] = "Catrubbery_hallowmas.png",
["Morning Suit"] = "Suitmorningsmall.png",
["Mortification of a Great Power"] = "whispered_secret_TC.png",
["Most Humbling Expression of Her Majesty's Esteem"] = "medal.png",
["Mostly Stuffed Bound Shark"] = "Stuffedshark.png",
["Moth-woven Greatcoat"] = "coatgrey.png",
["Mother Superior's Semi-Theological Research"] = "nun.png",
["Moulin"] = "bookblack.png",
["Moulin: Darkness"] = "Black.png",
["Moulin: Distance Traversed"] = "Boot.png",
["Moulin: Returning"] = "Compass.png",
["Moulin Archaeological Institute"] = "Porticolight.png",
["Moulin Commemorative Development"] = "ravenblackskull.png",
["Moulin Development"] = "Railway.png",
["Moulin Expedition Supplies"] = "Toolbox.png",
["Mountain-sherd"] = "diamondblue.png",
["Mourning Candle"] = "Candleblack.png",
["Mouse: So Little Time"] = "Pocketwatch.png",
["Mouthless Amber Mask"] = "Maskamber.png",
["Moves in the Great Game"] = "Chesspiece.png",
["Mr Chimes' Lost & Found"] = "Master.png",
["Mr Eaten's Calling Card?"] = "Island1.png",
["Mr Page's Clue"] = "mrpages.png",
["Mr Slowcake's Caducean Rose"] = "rose.png",
["Mr Spices' Private Stash"] = "honeyjar.png",
["Mrs Plenty's Carnival"] = "Ferris.png",
["Mrs Plenty's Carnival (SMEN)"] = "Ferris.png",
["Mumbling Bee-keeper's Key"] = "Key.png",
["Murderer"] = "Derringergold.png",
["Murderous Monkey"] = "Monkey.png",
["Muscaria Brandy"] = "Bottlegreen.png",
["Mutersalt"] = "Gloamfoamsmall.png",
["Mutton Island"] = "Island1.png",
["My Kingdom for a Pig"] = "Pig2.png",
["Mycological Bullfrog"] = "Toad.png",
["Myriad Keys"] = "Keyhole2small.png",
["Myrrh-Scented Rose"] = "Roseblack.png",
["Mysteries of the Foreign Office"] = "Map.png",
["Mysterious Photograph"] = "Followphoto.png",
["Mystery of the Elder Continent"] = "Mountainglow.png",
["Mystic Raven Advisor"] = "Ravenwhitemushroomsmall.png",
["Mystic"] = "Mad2.png",
["Nacreous Survivor"] = "Nacreousoutcastsmall.png",
["Name Written in Gant"] = "Aliaslist.png",
["Naming the Culprits"] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["Nassos Zoologicals"] = "Catwetsmall.png",
["Navigating Coil 1"] = "Tiger.png",
["Navigating Coil 2"] = "Tiger.png",
["Navigating Coil 3"] = "Tiger.png",
["Navigating Coil 4"] = "Tiger.png",
["Navigating Coil 5"] = "Tiger.png",
["Neathproofed"] = "Snowflake.png", 
["Necessary Paperwork"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Neddy Suit"] = "Workclothessmall.png",
["Nephrite Lens"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Neurasthenic Assassin"] = "Chap5small.png",
["Nevercold Brass Sliver"] = "Nevercold_brass.png",
["New-Minted Currency"] = "currency2_gold.png",
["New Newgate Prison"] = "Prison.png",
["New Newgate Prison Cell"] = "Prisoncell.png",
["Newly-Born Frost-Moth"] = "Keepermoth_TC.png",
["Newly-Cast Crown of the City of London"] = "Crown2.png",
["News of the Royal Wedding"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Newspaper"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Nicatorean Relic"] = "Knifegreen.png",
["Night on the Town"] = "Dance.png",
["Night-Trimmed Frock Coat"] = "Blackcoatbluebacksmall.png",
["Night-Whisper"] = "Scaryeye.png",
["Nightmares"] = "Sidebarnightmares.png",
["Nightsoil of the Bazaar"] = "bazaar.png",
["Nikolas & Sons Instant Ablution Absolution"] = "Vial.png",
["Nikolas Pawnbrokers"] = "Candleeyesmall.png",
["Nimble-fingered Intelligencer"] = "Steal_hallowmas.png",
["Nocturnal Tracklayer"] = "Tracklayernocturnal.png",
["Nodule of Deep Amber"] = "Amber.png",
["Nodule of Fecund Amber"] = "Amber_green.png",
["Nodule of Pulsating Amber"] = "Amber_red.png",
["Nodule of Trembling Amber"] = "Amber_blue.png",
["Nodule of Violet Amber"] = "Amberpurplesmall.png",
["Nodule of Warm Amber"] = "Amber_red.png",
["Noise"] = "Drum.png",
["Noise-Eaters"] = "Bootsblacksmall.png",
["Noises from Upstairs"] = "dashingdebunker.png",
["Noman Knows"] = "Jigsaw.png",
["Noman"] = "Noman.png",
["Noman's Friend"] = "Holdinghands.png",
["Not Supporting the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner"] = "Teaset.png",
["Not Supporting Feducci"] = "Ribbonblack.png",
["Not Supporting the Implacable Detective"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Not to be Trifled With"] = "Villainy.png",
["Notability"] = "Sidebarnotability.png",
["Notary"] = "Nib.png",
["Note: A Meeting in the Forgotten Quarter"] = "Envelope.png",
["Notes on the Case of the Speculative Arachnid"] = "Papers.png",
["Notes on the Commercial Affairs of a Devil"] = "Papers4.png",
["Notes on the Dirigible Schedule"] = "Book.png",
["Notes on Ruined Karakorum"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Noticed by the Merry Captain"] = "Lordship.png",
["Noticed by the Queen of Air and Darkness"] = "bloodhand.png",
["Noticed by the Saturnine Duke"] = "bishopofstfiacres.png",
["Notoriety: Election"] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["Notorious Art Dealer"] = "notoriousartddealer.png",
["November"] = "november.png",
["Nuanced Deed to a Gloomy Marsh Mansion"] = "Mansion1.png",
["Number of Completed Alterations"] = "bone19.png",
["Number of Workers in your Laboratory"] = "constableline.png",
["Number of Worktables in your Laboratory"] = "classroom.png",
["Number That's Not In Your Head"] = "Merch_correspondence.png",
["Numismatic Research"] = "Numismatrix.png",
["Nuncian Pocket Watch"] = "Grandfatherclock.png",
["O'Boyle's Practical Primer in the Various Languages of Nippon, Tartary, Cathay and the Princedoms of the Raj"] = "Bookpurple.png",
["Obdurate Stallion"] = "Horseblack.png",
["Obfuscation of the Board"] = "Papers.png",
["Object of Historical Study"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Objecting Board Members"] = "Protester.png",
["Obliviscere Mori"] = "skull.png",
["Obscurity"] = "Follow3.png",
["Observation: Fox"] = "Fox2.png",
["Observation: Grouse"] = "Lyrebird_operatic.png",
["Observation: Red Deer"] = "Auroch.png",
["Obstinate Tracklayer"] = "Tracklayerobstinate.png",
["Occasionally Seen at Mr Wines' Revels"] = "Bottleandglass.png",
["Ocular Toadbeast"] = "Toadsmall.png",
["Offered a Dangerous Masterclass"] = "Sidebardangerous.png",
["Offered a Persuasive Masterclass"] = "Sidebarpersuasive.png",
["Offered a Shadowy Masterclass"] = "Sidebarshadowy.png",
["Offered a Tiny Sip of Hesperidean Cider"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["Offered a Watchful Masterclass"] = "Sidebarwatchful.png",
["Offering a Masterclass"] = "Couple.png",
["Offering to Aid a Wounded Friend"] = "mercyhand.png",
["Oil of Companionship"] = "Gloamfoam.png",
["Old Bone Skeleton Key"] = "Keystone.png",
["Older, Not Wiser"] = "Prankishoctogenarian.png",
["On a Heist"] = "Sneaky.png",
["On the scent"] = "Fox2.png",
["On the Maladies of Goats, volume 1"] = "Book.png",
["On the Trail of the Cheesemonger"] = "Trail.png",
["On the Trail of the Clay Highwayman"] = "cavelake.png",
["On the Velocipede Squad"] = "Velocipede.png",
["One Who Has Indulged in Unknown Pleasures"] = "Honey.png",
["One Who Pulls the Strings"] = "Puppet.png",
["Oneiric Key"] = "Mirrormonster2.png",
["Oneiromantic Revelation"] = "Gleam.png",
["Oneiropomp"] = "Mercyhand2.png",
["Only-Semi-Retired Privateer Charter Clerk"] = "Cudgel_hallowmas.png",
["Opening a Bundle of Oddities"] = "Bag.png",
["Opening a Confession"] = "Bazaardoor_ivory.png",
["Opening Balmoral"] = "Roseblue.png",
["Operatic Lyrebird"] = "lyrebird_operatic.png",
["Order Ovate, Blood"] = "Medaleggbronze.png",
["Order Ovate, Glory"] = "Medalegggold.png",
["Order Ovate, Ice"] = "Medaleggsilver.png",
["Order Ovate, Night"] = "Medaleggiron.png",
["Order Serpentine, Lachrymose"] = "Medalsnakesilver.png",
["Order Serpentine, Melancholy"] = "Medalsnakeiron.png",
["Order Serpentine, Silent"] = "Medalsnakegold.png",
["Order Serpentine, Sorrowful"] = "Medalsnakebronze.png",
["Order Vespertine, Irresistible"] = "Medalbatgold.png",
["Order Vespertine, Merciless"] = "Medalbatbronze.png",
["Order Vespertine, Monstrous"] = "Medalbatsilver.png",
["Order Vespertine, Perilous"] = "Medalbatiron.png",
["Order of Days"] = "Calendar.png",
["Order of the Wistful Rose, First Class"] = "Medalrosesilver.png",
["Order of the Wistful Rose, Second Class"] = "Medalrosebronze.png",
["Order of the Wistful Rose, Third Class"] = "Medalroseiron.png",
["Order of the Wistful Rose, Unfettered"] = "Medalrosegold.png",
["Organising a Wedding"] = "Pocketwatch.png",
["Orientation to the Bazaar's Troubles"] = "Compass.png",
["Ornate Augmentation"] = "Diamondred.png",
["Ornate Typewriter"] = "Typewriter.png",
["Orphanage Roof Key"] = "Keygold.png",
["Orthos is Coming!"] = "Sidebarorthosiscoming.png",
["Ossification"] = "bone11.png",
["Ostentatious Diamond"] = "Diamondblue.png",
["Our Lady of Pyres"] = "Seareyedvisionary.png",
["Outfit of Black Felt Garments"] = "Suitshadowysmall.png",
["Outlandish Copy"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Outré Augmentation"] = "scaryeye.png",
["Overgoat"] = "Overgoatsmall.png",
["Packing for the Surface"] = "Bag.png",
["Page from the Liber Visionis"] = "Libervisionis.png",
["Page of Cryptopalaeontological Notes"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Page of Prelapsarian Archaeological Notes"] = "Papers2.png",
["Page of Theosophistical Notes"] = "Papers3.png",
["Pages' Training"] ="mrpages.png",
["Painting Fragment"] = "Unfinished_painting.png",
["Painting: Incendiary"] = "Liberationofnight.png",
["Painting: Luminosity"] = "moonparliament.png",
["Painting: Nostalgic"] = "Shutteredpalace.png",
["Painter of Fine Art"] = "paintbrushes.png",
["Painter's Progress"] = "Paintbrushes.png",
["Pair of Balmoral Boots"] = "bootsgrey.png",
["Pair of Cracksman's Mittens"] = "fingerlessblack.png",
["Pair of Cutpurse's Mittens"] = "fingerless.png",
["Pair of Dancemaster's Dabs"] = "whiteglovepurpleback.png",
["Pair of Forgotten Spidersilk Slippers"] = "Slippersblackgreyback.png",
["Pair of Hushed Spidersilk Slippers"] = "Slippersblackgreyback.png",
["Pair of Iron Manacles"] = "manacles.png",
["Pair of Irrigo Goggles"] = "Gogglespurple.png",
["Pair of Kingscale Boots"] = "Bootskingscalesmall.png",
["Pair of Knife-and-Candler's Gloves"] = "blackgloveredbacksmall.png",
["Pair of Lady's Lace Gloves"] = "whiteglovepurplebacksmall.png",
["Pair of Leg Irons"] = "Manacles.png",
["Pair of Lenguals"] = "Lengualssmall.png",
["Pair of Luminous Neathglass Goggles"] = "Gogglesgreenglowsmall.png",
["Pair of Magician's Gloves"] = "whitegloveblackbacksmall.png",
["Pair of Master Thief's Hands"] = "blackglovebluebacksmall.png",
["Pair of Masterwork Dancing Slippers"] = "Slipperswhitesmall.png",
["Pair of Mirror-Polished Shoes"] = "Shoes.png",
["Pair of Neathglass Goggles"] = "Goggles.png",
["Pair of Ratskin Boots"] = "Bootsgreysmall.png",
["Pair of Savage Hob-Nailed Boots"] = "Bootsredsmall.png",
["Pair of Scarlet Stockings of Dubious Origin"] = "Stockingsfakesmall.png",
["Pair of Scuffed Boots"] = "Bootsblacksmall.png",
["Pair of Spiderchitin Gauntlets"] = "Greenglovesmall.png",
["Pair of Spidersilk Slippers"] = "Slippersblackwhitebacksmall.png",
["Pair of Squeakless Boots"] = "Bootsblacksmall.png",
["Pair of Stylish Riding Boots"] = "Bootsbrown.png",
["Pair of Vakeskin Boots"] = "Bootsvakesmall.png",
["Paisley (Story)"] = "paisley.png",
["Palaeontological Discovery"] = "bone5.png",
["Palaeontological Fads"] = "debonairrepaleontologist.png",
["Palaeontologist"] = "debonairrepaleontologist.png",
["Palimpsest Scrap"] = "papers2.png",
["Para-Archaeologist"] = "Hellgorge.png",
["Parabola-Linen Frock"] = "Gownparabolasmall.png",
["Parabola-Linen Suit"] = "Suitparabolasmall.png",
["Parabola-Linen Scrap"] = "Scrap4.png",
["Parabolan Armaments"] = "mine.png",
["Parabolan Base-Camp"] = "staircase.png",
["Parabolan Campaign"] = "parabola.png",
["Parabolan Cavalry"] = "chesspiece.png",
["Parabolan Commander"] = "Hatwarhelm.png",
["Parabolan Counsel"] = "mirror4.png",
["Parabolan Cultivator"] = "foliage.png",
["Parabolan Defences"] = "Stalactite.png",
["Parabolan Destination"] = "Foliageorange.png",
["Parabolan Dominance"] = "Jungle.png",
["Parabolan Ferocity"] = "Knife.png",
["Parabolan Grenadiers"] = "cannon.png",
["Parabolan Infantry"] = "crossedswords.png",
["Parabolan Infrastructure"] = "toolbox.png",
["Parabolan Kitten"] = "Pantherkittensmall.png",
["Parabolan Oneironaut"] = "foliageorange.png",
["Parabolan Orange-apple"] = "Heartfruit.png",
["Parabolan Panther"] = "Parabolanpanther.png",
["Parabolan Parable"] = "Rosepetals.png",
["Parabolan Quarry"] = "Beartrap.png",
["Parabolan Research"] = "Parabola.png",
["Parabolan Scouting"] = "Wake.png",
["Parabolan Tree Season"] = "silverleaf.png",
["Paramount Presence"] = "diamond.png",
["Paramount Presence of the Ancient Regime"] = "diamondred.png",
["Parish Clerk"] = "book.png",
["Partial Map"] = "Mapfragment.png",
["Partially Enlightened Aged Egg"] = "Agedegg.png",
["Partially Enlightened Percipient Egg"] = "Percipientegg.png",
["Partially Enlightened Scarlet Egg"] = "Crimsonegg.png",
["Partially Invigorated Aged Egg"] = "Agedegg.png",
["Partially Invigorated Percipient Egg"] = "Percipientegg.png",
["Partially Invigorated Scarlet Egg"] = "Crimsonegg.png",
["Partisan Messenger Tortoise"] = "Tortoisesmall.png",
["Partly Pursued"] = "Parrot.png",
["Passenger Dining Room at Station VIII"] = "teaset.png",
["Passion"] = "Heartsmall.png",
["Patent Osteological Sand and Wax"] = "waxjartc.png",
["Patent Scrutinizer Deluxe!"] = "Magnifybling.png",
["Patent Scrutinizer"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Patronage of the Prehistoricists"] = "railsteel.png",
["Peeked at the Guard Rota"] = "Eye_blue.png",
["Peligin-filled Mirrorcatch Box"] = "peligin.png",
["Penny"] = "Banknotes.png",
["Penstock's Land Agency"] = "door.png",
["Pentagrammic Skull"] = "rubberskull.png",
["Pentecost Ape"] = "Pentecostapesmall.png",
["Percipient Cricketer"] = "Cricketer.png",
["Percipient Egg, Untreated"] = "Percipientegg.png",
["Perfumed Gunpowder"] = "explosion.png",
["Pernicious Primate"] = "Monkey.png",
["Personal Recommendation"] = "Document.png",
["Perspicacious Lurcher"] = "Dogsmall.png",
["Persuasive"] = "Fox.png",
["Persuasive Gains"] = "Fox.png",
["Philosophical Raven Advisor"] = "Ravenwhitebustsmall.png",
["Philosophically Perfect Partnership"] = "Oddcouple.png",
["Phosphorescent Scarab"] = "Beetle.png",
["Picking Through the Wreckers' Cove"] = "Steal.png",
["Pickpocket"] = "Steal.png",
["Pickpocket's Bane"] = "cloakred.png",
["Pickpocket's Trophy"] = "Purse.png",
["Piece of Rostygold"] = "Red_gold.png",
["Pink-Painted Cat"] = "Catwetsmall.png",
["Pious Henchman"] = "Pioushenchman.png",
["Pirate Hat"] = "Piratehat.png",
["Piscine Research"] = "Oxygen.png",
["Plagued by a Popular Song"] = "Sidebarplaguedbyapopularsong.png",
["Plan a Heist"] = "flit.png",
["Planning a Heist"] = "Furtivehand.png",
["Planning a Theft from the Museum of Mistakes"] = "Furtivehand.png",
["Plaster Tail Bones"] = "Bone17.png",
["Plate of Scandalously-Buttered Scones"] = "aunt.png",
["Plated Seal"] = "Seamonster.png",
["Plated Skull"] = "Seamonster.png",
["Platonic Partner in Crime"] = "Accompliceplatonic.png",
["Played Tutorial"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Playing Cat and Mouse with an Evasive Target"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Playing the Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["Playing with Broken Toys"] = "Toysoldier.png",
["Playing with Soul"] = "Trebleclef.png",
["Plotting against the Masters"] = "Flames.png",
["Poetic First Draft"] = "Promissorynote.png",
["Poetic Missive"] = "Rose.png",
["Poison-tipped Umbrella"] = "Umbrellasmall.png",
["Polythreme Drinking Vessel"]="tankardempty.png",
["Polythreme Ho!"] = "Screamingmap.png",
["Polythreme Streets"] = "Polythreme.png",
["Por Una Cabeza"] = "Donavillar.png",
["Portable Lamp-Post"] = "spacelamppost.png",
["Portable Fingerking Moot"] = "Portablefingerkingmoot.png",
["Portfolio of Souls"] = "Bottledsoulpurplesmall.png",
["Positional Advantages"] = "pawn.png",
["Position on the Board: Distance ahead"] = "black.png",
["Position on the Board: Distance behind"] = "black.png",
["Possessed Goldfish"] = "fish_white.png",
["Possessing an Egg"] = "Egggold.png",
["Pot of Venison Marrow"] = "Waxjartc.png",
["Potential"] = "Egggold.png",
["Potential Christmas Card"] = "Envelope.png",
["Powder of Renewal"] = "Moonpearlred.png",
["Pre-Emptive Guinea-Pig"] = "Guineapigsmall.png",
["Preening Macaw"] = "Parrotsmall.png",
["Premises at the Bazaar"] = "Bazaarpremises.png",
["Preparations for Ensnaring a Moon-Mother"] = "Ginbottles.png",
["Preparing for a Daring Escape"] = "Dirigible.png",
["Preparing to End a Chapter"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["Presbyterate Diplomat"] = "Chapsmoulderingsmall.png",
["Presbyterate Passphrase"] = "Graffitihiero.png",
["Preserved False-Snake"] = "snakehead.png",
["Preserved Surface Blooms"] = "corsagegreen.png",
["Preternaturally Intent"] = "Falcon.png",
["Primaeval Hint"] = "Mountainglow.png",
["Primitive Hat"] = "Hat blackwhite.png",
["Primordial Shriek"] = "Waxjar.png",
["Princeling of the Wakeful Court"] = "Wretchedmog.png",
["Priscilla"] = "Pig2.png",
["Prismatic Frame"] = "Bone5.png",
["Prison Shiv"] = "Shivsmall.png",
["Prisoner's Honey Order"] = "Envelope.png",
["Prisoner's Mask"] = "Masksatin.png",
["Pristine Raven's Egg"] = "Eggplain.png",
["Private Debating Lessons with the Jovial Contrarian"] = "Electioncontrarian.png",
["Private Mirror at Balmoral"] = "Mirror.png",
["Private Mirror at Station VIII"] = "Mirror1.png",
["Prize Token"] = "Medalgiftsilver.png",
["Probably a Coincidence"] = "Stalactitehouse.png",
["Proceedings of a Synod"] = "Bookred.png",
["Procuring Cantigaster Venom"] = "Bottlecrystal.png",
["Profession"] = "banknotes.png",
["Professional Perk"] = "Couple.png",
["Professional Perks"] = "Couple.png",
["Profoundly Educated Gentleman"] = "Provostsilhouettesmall.png",
["Progress on the Board"] = "Pawnblack.png",
["Promises Made to an Ophidian Gentleman"] = "chap6.png",
["Promissory Note for Intimate Favours"] = "Banknotessmall.png",
["Promissory Note from April"] = "explosion.png",
["Proofed Against Poison"] = "snakehead2.png",
["Prophet of the Gutter"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Proscribed Material"] = "Book.png",
["Protection from the Elements"] = "Snowflake.png",
["Protective Mandrake"] = "mandrake.png",
["Public Attention"]="declaim2.png",
["Purloined Paperwork"] = "paperstack.png",
["Pursued by the Gloomy Guttersnipe"] = "Knife4.png",
["Pursued by the Minacious Marksman"] = "Riflesharpshooter.png",
["Pursued by the Polite Poisoner"] = "Redhoneyjar.png",
["Pursuing a Case of Books"] = "paperstack.png",
["Pursuing a Governess"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Pursuing a divorce"] = "Rose TC.png",
["Pursuing the Boatman's Employment"] = "Skull.png",
["Putting the Pieces Together: the Drownies"] = "Waves.png",
["Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre"] = "Snowbucket.png",
["Puzzle-Damask Scrap"] = "Scrap6.png",
["Puzzling Map"] = "Map.png",
["Pygmalion"] = "Mercyhand.png",
["Quarry's Greed"] = "Leopard.png",
["Quarry's Savagery"] = "Bloodstain.png",
["Quarry: Confounded Thing is Hiding"] = "Black.png",
["Queen Mate"] = "Chesspiece.png",
["Queer Parcel"] = "Adoration.png",
["Queer Soul"] = "Bottledsoulorange.png",
["Question before the Board"] = "Station.png",
["Questions about the Dreams of Rubbery Men"] = "Catrubbery.png",
["Quiet Deviless"] = "Devilesssmall.png",
["Racing Slug of Fine Pedigree"] = "Slugsmall.png",
["Railway Steel"] = "railsteel.png",
["Raised Troops"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Raking the Muck of the Neath"] = "Writer.png",
["Rallying a Mob"] = "fist2.png",
["Rat of Glory"] = "Ratofglory.png",
["Rat on a String"] = "Ratsstring.png",
["Rat-Catcher"] = "Rattingpiece.png",
["Ratskin Suit"] = "Suitgreysmall.png",
["Ratting Piece"] = "Rattingpiecesmall.png",
["Rattus Faber Bandit-Chief"] = "Ratmasked.png",
["Rattus Faber Rifle"] = "Ancientrifle2.png",
["Ratty Reliquary"] = "Reliquary.png",
["Ratwork Derringer"] = "Derringersmall.png",
["Ratwork Velocipede"] = "Chariotrat.png",
["Ratwork Watch"] = "Pocketwatch.png",
["Ravages of Parabolan Warfare"] = "jungle.png",
["Ravenglass Knife"] = "Kniferedsmall.png",
["Ravenous Henchman"] = "Piratesmall.png",
["Ray-Drenched Cinder"] = "Cinder.png",
["Ray-Drenched Correspondence Paperweight"] = "Correspondence paperweight.png",
["Ready to Fly"] = "Newgate.png",
["Readying Yourself to Debate"] = "desk.png",
["Recalling a Dream of Other Places"] = "Eye.png",
["Recalling the Surface: Dangerous"] = "Bear.png",
["Recalling the Surface: Persuasive"] = "Fox.png",
["Recalling the Surface: Shadowy"] = "Cat.png",
["Recalling the Surface: Watchful"] = "Owl.png",
["Recent Topic of Conversation"] = "Gossip.png",
["Recently divorced"] = "Ring broken.png",
["Recipe for Scintillack Snuff"] = "scintillack.png",
["Recollection of Your Chess Mastery"] = "Chesspiece.png",
["Record of Successful Forgery"] = "forger.png",
["Red Leaning"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Red Science Focus"] = "meteors_red.png",
["Red-Feathered Pin"] = "Flag.png",
["Redemptions"] = "Blimpsmall.png",
["Reflected Minotaur"] = "auroch_minotaur.png",
["Reflection of your Laboratory"] = "parabola.png",
["Reformed Protester"] = "Protester.png",
["Regally Re-embodied Bird of Prey"] = "Feather.png",
["Regretful Sceptic"] = "Regretfulsceptic.png",
["Regular Correspondence with an Incarcerate"] = "Cagedwoman.png",
["Rejuvenating a Factory"] = "Wolfstackdocks port.png",
["Relic of the Fourth City"] = "Horsehead.png",
["Relic of the Second City"] = "Tablet.png",
["Relic of the Third City"] = "Idol.png",
["Relatively Plausible Curator Skeleton"] = "Master.png",
["Remaining Incarnations of the Vake"]="bagalegend.png",
["Remains of a Pinewood Shark"] = "pinewoodshark.png",
["Remembering the Orphanage"] = "Orphanage.png",
["Renown: Bohemians"] = "bohogirl1.png",
["Renown: Constables"] = "constablebadge.png",
["Renown: Criminals"] = "manacles.png",
["Renown: Hell"] = "devil.png",
["Renown: Revolutionaries"] = "Flames.png",
["Renown: Rubbery Men"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Renown: Society"] = "Salon2.png",
["Renown: the Marvellous"] = "heartsdesire.png",
["Renown: The Church"] = "clergy.png",
["Renown: The Docks"] = "Ship.png",
["Renown: The Great Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["Renown: Tomb-Colonies"] = "bandagedman.png",
["Renown: Urchins"] = "Urchin.png",
["Repeat Dentistry"] = "teethglass.png",
["Repeated Plan Approvals"] = "station.png",
["Reported Location of a One-Time Prince of Hell"] = "Shipbig.png",
["Reprehensible Lizard"] = "Lizard.png",
["Reputation"] = "crowd2.png",
["Reputation: Abomination"] = "Bookdead.png",
["Requested Your Donation"] = "Mercyhand2.png",
["Requesting a Debate"] = "Envelope.png",
["Requesting a Friend's Testimony"] = "Classroom.png",
["Requesting your Spouse's Cooperation in Court"] = "Classroom.png",
["Required Repairs"] = "councilman.png",
["Research on a Morbid Fad"] = "Bones.png",
["Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem"] = "Keystone.png",
["Resourceful Dirigible Pilot"] = "thrillseekingpilot.png",
["Respectability Factor"] = "Judgementalhat.png",
["Respectable"] = "Sidebarrespectable.png",
["Respectable Grey Gown"] = "Gowngreysmall.png",
["Respectable Landau"] = "Landau.png",
["Responding to a Calling Card"] = "Callingcard.png",
["Restored to the Court of Her Enduring Majesty"] = "Declaim3.png",
["Retired Vake-Hunter's Rifle"] = "Ancientrifle.png",
["Return to the Dilmun Club"] = "Fog.png",
["Reunited with Hephaesta"] = "waves3.png",
["Revisionist Historical Narrative"] = "pen.png",
["Revisionist Missive"] = "Applegalls.png",
["Revisions to the Business Model of a Butchery"] = "Skull.png",
["Revolting Disguise"] = "Disguise.png",
["Revolutionaries"] = "Flames.png",
["Revolutionary Firebrand"] = "Firebrandsmall.png",
["Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines"] = "Bone18.png",
["Ridiculous Hat"] = "Ridiculoushat.png",
["Riding the Savage Cobbles"] = "Fist.png",
["Ring of Stone"] = "Ring stone.png",
["Rivals' Progress"] = "Follow2.png",
["Romantic Notion"] = "Heart.png",
["Rooftop Shack"] = "Rooftopshack.png",
["Rook-Crowned Oneiropompic Stave"] = "Redqueen.png",
["Rookery Password"] = "Scarydoor.png",
["Room Number at the Royal Beth"] = "Keyhole2.png",
["Rooms above a Bookshop"] = "Bookshop.png",
["Rooms above a Gambling Den"] = "Gamblingden.png",
["Rooms in a Half-Abandoned Mansion"] = "Halfabandonedmansionroom.png",
["Rope of knotted rags"] = "Noose.png",
["Rope of Knotted Rags"] = "Noose.png",
["Rose-bearing Maggot"] = "Maggotsmall.png",
["Roseate Antagonist"] = "Roseateantagonist.png",
["Rough Gown"] = "Dressdullsmall.png",
["Route: Bazaar Sidestreets"] = "bazaar.png",
["Route: Doubt Street"] = "doubtstreet.png",
["Route: Lodgings"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Route: Mahogany Hall"] = "Mahoganyhall.png",
["Route: Moloch Street"] = "bootsred.png",
["Route: Mrs Plenty's Most Distracting Carnival"] = "Tent.png",
["Route: The Adulterine Castle"] = "St_arch.png",
["Route: The Blind Helmsman"] = "tankard.png",
["Route: The Bone Market"] = "bone17.png",
["Route: The Cave of the Nadir"] = "Nadirgate.png",
["Route: The Chessboard"] = "Chesspiece_apocyan.png",
["Route: The Department of Menace Eradication"] = "menacelogo.png",
["Route: The Dome of Scales"] = "Snakehead.png",
["Route: The Flit"] = "Flit.png",
["Route: The Forgotten Quarter"] = "horsehead.png",
["Route: The Labyrinth of Tigers"] = "labyrinth.png",
["Route: The Medusa's Head"] = "tankardempty.png",
["Route: The Reflection of your Laboratory"] = "Academicgown.png",
["Route: The Shuttered Palace"] = "Palace.png",
["Route: the Singing Mandrake"] = "veilgarden.png",
["Route: The University"] = "University.png",
["Route: The Viric Jungle"] = "Viric.png",
["Route: The Waswood"] = "Forest.png",
["Route: Wilmot's End"] = "ruins.png",
["Route: Wolfstack Docks"] = "Waves.png",
["Route Taken to Evenlode"] = "hillmover.png",
["Royal-Blue Feather"] = "Feather.png",
["Rubbery Associate"] = "Rubberymansmall.png",
["Rubbery Bellringer"] = "Bell.png",
["Rubbery Campanologist"] = "Rubberycampanologist.png",
["Rubbery Conspirator"] = "Nacreousoutcastsmall.png",
["Rubbery Dragon"] = "iguana_rubbery.png",
["Rubbery Euphonium"] = "Euphoniumsmall.png",
["Rubbery Feline"] = "Catrubbery_hallowmas2.png",
["Rubbery Herald"] = "Tentacle_hallowmas.png",
["Rubbery Hound"] = "Rubberdogsmall.png",
["Rubbery Men"] = "Rubberyman.png",
["Rubbery Plongeur"] = "Rubberyplongeur.png",
["Rubbery Skull"] = "Rubberskull.png",
["Rubbery Yes-Man"] = "Rubberyyesman.png",
["Rubbery Yes-Man's Vote"] = "Rubberyyesman.png",
["Rumours at the Bone Market"] = "Bone1.png",
["Rumours from the Carnival"] = "Carnival.png",
["Rumours from the Carpenter's Granddaughter"] = "Bone12.png",
["Rumours from the Debonair Palaeontologist"] = "Debonairrepaleontologist.png",
["Rumours from the Department of Cryptozoology"] = "University.png",
["Rumours from the Singing Mandrake"] = "Veilgarden.png",
["Rumours of the Upper River"] = "whisperedsecret.png",
["Rumourmonger's Network"] = "Note.png",
["Running Battle..."] = "Knife.png",
["Rusted Stirrup"] = "Horsesilver.png",
["Rusty Census-Taker's Badge"] = "censusbadge.png",
["Rusty Tramp Steamer"] = "Ship.png",
["Ruthless Henchman"] = "Piratered.png",
["Ruthless"] = "Quirkruthless.png",
["SUNLESS SEA"] = "Sunless.png",
["Sabre-toothed Skull"] = "bone15.png",
["Salacious Copy"] = "Newspaper.png",
["Salt Steppe Atlas"] = "bookbrown.png",
["Salt Weasel"] = "Weaselwhitesmall.png",
["Salve of Righteousness"] = "Flames.png",
["Sandalwood Club"] = "Blackjack2small.png",
["Sanguine Ribbon"] = "Ribbonred.png",
["Sapphire"] = "Sapphire.png",
["Sartorial Augmentation"] = "Needlethread.png",
["Sausage About Which No One Complains"] = "sausage.png",
["Savage!"] = "Sidebarsavage.png",
["Saviour of the Archive"] = "library.png",
["Say it With Flowers"] = "spinstershadow.png",
["Scandal"] = "Sidebarscandal.png",
["Scandals to be Fixed"] = "sidebarscandal.png",
["Scarlet Egg, Untreated"] = "crimsonegg.png",
["Scarlet-Handed"] = "bloodhand.png",
["Scarred Naturalist's Conservatory Key"] = "Key.png",
["Science: Experimental Stage"] = "Calendar2.png",
["Scorched by the Sun"] = "Sunset.png",
["Scowling Flint Idol"] = "Idolface.png",
["Scrap of Incendiary Gossip"] = "Conversation.png",
["Scrap of Ivory Organza"] = "Scrap1.png",
["Screaming Map"] = "Screamingmap.png",
["Screaming Map: A Visitor!"] = "Screamingmap.png",
["Screaming Map: Left-Hand Half"] = "Screamingmap.png",
["Screaming Map: Right-Hand Half"] = "Screamingmap.png",
["Scrimshander Carving Knife"] = "Knifetransparent.png",
["Scuttering Squad"] = "Scutteringcompanysmall.png",
["Searching out a Missing Woman"] = "Genderlady.png",
["Searing Enigma"] = "Enigma.png",
["Sebastian the Nocturnal Smotherer"] = "Catbrown.png",
["Secluded Address"] = "Door.png",
["Second Airs For CourtRoom"] = "Judgementalhat.png",
["Secret College"] = "Scrawl2.png",
["Securing the Medusa"] = "Cheeryman.png",
["Secular Missionary"] = "Boho8small.png",
["Seduction: Artist"] = "Chap1.png",
["Seduction: Artist's Model"] = "Bohogirl1.png",
["Seduction: Honey-Sipping Heiress"] = "Bohogirl2.png",
["Seduction: Honey-Sipping Jewel-Thief"] = "Chap2.png",
["Seduction: a Rising Artist"] = "Chap1.png",
["Seduction: a Rising Artist's Model"] = "Bohoposh.png",
["Sedulous Cryptanalyst"] = "Crypanalyst2_hallowmas.png",
["Seed of the Cedar"] = "box.png",
["Seeing Banditry in the Upper River"] = "Widow.png",
["Seeing in Apocyan"] = "Eye_blue.png",
["Seeing through the Eyes of Icarus"] = "Scrawl1.png",
["Seeking Mr Eaten's Name"] = "Appallingsecret.png",
["Seeking a Better Class of Violence"] = "Fist.png",
["Seeking a Honey-Mazed Bear"] = "Honeymazedbear.png",
["Seeking a Prison of Flint"] = "Carneliancoast.png",
["Seeking a Submerged Throne Room"] = "water.png",
["Seeking the Meaning of the Plaster Face"] = "Follow2.png",
["Seeking the Next Breakthrough on the Jack Case"] = "Jack.png",
["Seeking..."] = "Trail.png",
["Seen with a Barbed Wit"] = "Wit.png",
["Seen with an Acclaimed Beauty"] = "Beauty.png",
["Seen with"] = "Gossip.png",
["Selection of Garish Fireworks"] = "Explosion.png",
["Sell My Things"] = "Sacksmall.png",
["Semi-Automated Mary Lloyd"] = "hallowmass.png",
["Semiotic Monocle"] = "Monoclesigil.png",
["Senatorial Spider"] = "Spider.png",
["Sense of Déjà Vu"] = "Question.png",
["September"] = "September.png",
["September's Vote"] = "September.png",
["Serenity of the Plaster Face"] = "Angel.png",
["Serpent-Headed Oneiropompic Stave"] = "Snakehead2.png",
["Services of an Assassin:"] = "Villainy.png",
["Set of Correspondence Stones"] = "Correspondencestone.png",
["Set of Cosmogone Spectacles"] = "Spectacles.png",
["Set of Intricate Kifers"] = "Lockpicksgolden.png",
["Set of Kifers"] = "Lockpicks.png",
["Set of Martyr's Bones"] = "skeleton.png",
["Set of Ragged Clothing"] = "Raggedsmall.png",
["Set of Workman's Clothes"] = "Workclothessmall.png",
["Seven-Throated Warbler"] = "Warbler.png",
["Severed Chimaerical Head of the Vake"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Shabby Opera Cloak"] = "Cloaksmall.png",
["Shades of Yesterday"] = "Entrepreneur.png",
["Shadowy"] = "Cat.png",
["Shadowy Gains"] = "Cat.png",
["Shapeling Arts"] = "amber2.png",
["Shapeling Focus"] = "amber2.png",
["Shapeling Studies"] = "amber.png",
["Shaping Clay"] = "Clayman3.png",
["Shard of Glim"] = "Shard.png",
["Shard of Glim the Size of a Small Child"] = "gleam.png",
["Shared a Phantasie of the Bazaar"] = "Dance.png",
["Shared Case File"] = "Papers5.png",
["Sharp Iron Key"] = "Keysteel.png",
["Sheaf of Poetic First Drafts"] = "Promissorynote.png",
["Shepherd's Timepiece"] = "Pocketwatchsmall.png",
["Shimmering Songster"] = "Blowflysmall.png",
["Short Story"] = "Story.png",
["Shrine to Saint Joshua"] = "Joshuashrine.png",
["Shrivelled Ball"] = "Moonpearl.png",
["Shroud of Little Midnights"] = "Mad1.png",
["Shroud"] = "Crystalball.png",
["Shuttered Cake"] = "Candlemilkyblue.png",
["Shuttered your Lair in the Marshes"] = "Marshes.png",
["Sighted the Storm-bird"] = "Albatross.png",
["Sighting of a Parabolan Landmark"] = "Angel.png",
["Sights at the Festival"] = "Island2.png",
["Significant"] = "bookpurplesmall.png",
["Sign of the Chiropteromantic Zodiac"] = "Meteors.png",
["Silent Soul"] = "Bottledsoulwhitesmall.png",
["Silk Scrap"] = "Silk.png",
["Silver Horseheads"] = "Horsesilver.png",
["Silvered Cat's Claw"] = "Silverleaf.png",
["Silverer"] = "Fingerking.png",
["Singed Playing Card"] = "Cardsinged.png",
["Sinning Jenny's Confession"] = "Electionjenny.png",
["Sinning Jenny's Forsaken Wimple"] = "Scrap7.png",
["Sinning Jenny's Finishing School"] = "Jenny.png",
["Sinning Jenny's Vote"] = "Electionjenny.png",
["Sister Lydia"] = "Smokingnun.png",
["Sister Lydia, At Peace With Herself"] = "Smokingnun.png",
["Skeleton in Progress"] = "Bone3.png",
["Skeleton with Seven Necks"] = "Bone18.png",
["Skeleton: Amalgamy"] = "Rubberskull.png",
["Skeleton: Antiquity"] = "Clock.png",
["Skeleton: Arms"] = "Bone11.png",
["Skeleton: Echo Value"] = "Coin.png",
["Skeleton: Fins"] = "Bone8.png",
["Skeleton: Legs"] = "Bone12.png",
["Skeleton: Limbs Needed"] = "Nadirskeleton.png",
["Skeleton: Menace"] = "Rose.png",
["Skeleton: Self-Evident Implausibility"] = "Skeleton.png",
["Skeleton: Skulls"] = "Bone15.png",
["Skeleton: Skulls Needed"] = "Nadirskeleton.png",
["Skeleton: Support for a Counter-church Theology"] = "Cross.png",
["Skeleton: Tails"] = "Bone17.png",
["Skeleton: Tails Needed"] = "Nadirskeleton.png",
["Skeleton: Tentacles"] = "tentacles.png",
["Skeleton: Torso Style"] = "skeleton.png",
["Skeleton: Wings"] = "Bone9.png",
["Sketch of the Daylight Stalker"] = "daylight.png",
["Skull in Coral"] = "Bone16.png",
["Skullduggerous Urchin"] = "Skulldugerousurchin.png",
["Sky-Story"] = "Spacelamppost.png",
["Skyglass Knife"] = "Knifesmall.png",
["Slaking a Thirst"] = "wineglasssmall.png",
["Slavering Dream-Hound"] = "Eatersmall.png",
["Slighted!"] = "Bloodstain.png",
["Slim Volume of Bazaarine Poetry"] = "fungalpoetry.png",
["Sly Augmentation"]="whisperedsecret.png",
["Smiling Mask"] = "edwardmasksmiley.png",
["Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets"] = "Smockpocketssmall.png",
["Snake General"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Sneak-Thief's Mask"] = "Mask.png",
["Sniffing Around The Parthenaeum"] = "Butler.png",
["Snuffer's Face"] = "Snuffermask.png",
["Snuffer's Gratitude"] = "Snuffer.png",
["Sober Dress"] = "Soberdresssmall.png",
["Social Influence"] = "Sidebarinfluence.png",
["Society"] = "Salon3.png",
["Society of the Three-Fingered Hand"] = "master2.png",
["Solacefruit"] = "Cherries.png",
["Solving Cases around London"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Solving cases around London"] = "Magnifyingglass.png",
["Solving the Mystery of the Rosers"] = "rose.png",
["Someone Following You"] = "Attacker.png",
["Someone is Coming"] = "Follow2.png",
["Something Amiss at the Temple Club"] = "tree.png",
["Somnolent Hyaena"] = "Hyena.png",
["Song of Birthing"] = "lipsblack.png",
["Song Stuck in Your Head"] = "trebleclef.png",
["Soothe & Cooper Long-Box"] = "Coffin2.png",
["Soothing Palaeontologist"] = "Buccaneeringpaleontologist.png",
["Sophia's"] = "Sophia.png",
["Soul"] = "Bottledsoul.png",
["Souvenir Bottle from Murgatroyd's Apothecary"] = "bottlewillow.png",
["Sparring: A Lethal Twist"] = "Skull.png",
["Sparring: Bouts Won"] = "Crown.png",
["Sparring: Engaged in a Bout"] = "argument.png",
["Sparring: Invited to a Lethal Duel"] = "Ribbonblack.png",
["Sparring: Invited to Spar"] = "Envelope.png",
["Sparring: The Current Bout"] = "ancientrifle.png",
["Special Dispensation"] = "constablebadge.png",
["Speculation about Whitsun"] = "beer.png",
["Spending Secrets"] = "Bag.png",
["Spider of Silken Marvels"] = "Spider.png",
["Spider-Infested Eyeball"] = "Eyeball.png",
["Spiked Rosary"] = "Rosarysmall.png",
["Spirifer's Fork"] = "Forkbrasssmall.png",
["Spirit of Hallowmas"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Spirit of Hallowmas (1897)"] = "Hallowmass.png",
["Spite"] = "Spite.png",
["Sponsored in the Game of Knife-and-Candle"] = "Monsterhand.png",
["Sporing Bonnet"] = "Mushroomhat.png",
["Spying on Polythreme"] = "Polythreme.png",
["St Arthur's Candle"] = "Candleblack.png",
["St Beau's Candle"] = "Demetergreen.png",
["St Cerise's Candle"] = "Candlecherryred.png",
["St Destin's Candle"] = "Candletranslucent.png",
["St Erzulie's Candle"] = "Candlebloodred.png",
["St Fortigan's Candle"] = "Candlewhite.png",
["St Gawain's Candle"] = "Candleeye.png",
["Stabled Horsehead"] = "horsehead.png",
["Stack of Poetic First Drafts"] = "Promissorynote.png",
["Stage of the War"] = "cannon.png",
["Stain on Your Soul"] = "Bloodstain.png",
["Stained Red Velvet Gown"] = "Gownredsmall.png",
["Staircase"] = "Staircase.png",
["Stalactite Nectar"] = "amber_red.png",
["Stalemate"] = "pawnred.png",
["Stalked Above"] = "Black.png",
["Stalker"] = "Whispered_Secret.png",
["Starry-Eyed Scoundrel"] = "Chap5.png",
["Stars Under Skin"] = "Gleam.png",
["Starstone Demark"] = "Rockcorrespondence.png",
["Started minting"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Starveling Cat"] = "Blackcat.png",
["Starveling Stole"] = "Starvelingstole.png",
["Station VIII"] = "Telescopeglim.png",
["Station VIII: Darkness"] = "black.png",
["Station VIII Commemorative Development"] = "ravenwhitecrystal.png",
["Station VIII Development"] = "station.png",
["Station VIII Lighthouse"] = "flames.png",
["Status of the Station VIII Dirigible"] = "dirigible.png",
["Steadfast"] = "Quirksteadfast.png",
["Steeped In Honey"] = "Vagabond.png",
["Steward of the Discordance"] = "black.png",
["Steward's Trust"] = "Holdinghands.png",
["Stoic Classicist"] = "Classicist.png",
["Stoking the Stove"] = "flames.png",
["Stolen Correspondence"] = "Papers.png",
["Stolen Kiss"] = "Lips.png",
["Stone Tentacle-Key"] = "Keystone.png",
["Storm-bird"] = "Albatross.png", 
["Storm-Threnody"] = "Eyestorm.png",
["Stormy-Eyed"] = "Clouds.png",
["Story-backed currency"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Strange Catch"] = "Carcass.png",
["Strange-Shore Parabola Frock"] = "Gownpurplesmall.png",
["Strange-Shore Parabola Suit"] = "Suitpurplesmall.png",
["Strategic Weaknesses"] = "pawnblack.png",
["Striped Delights"] = "Tigerstripes.png",
["Strong-Backed Labour"] = "Torsowhite.png",
["Style of Station at Moulin"] = "Station.png",
["Suave Henchman"] = "Piratered.png",
["Subject of a Trance-Dream"] = "sleeping.png",
["Subtle Mole"] = "Molesmall.png",
["Subtle"] = "Quirksubtle.png",
["Successful Terms as Governor"] = "Medal.png",
["Sudden Insight"] = "Eye.png",
["Sulky Bat"] = "Bat.png",
["Summerset"] = "University.png",
["Summoned to Testify at a Friend's Divorce"] = "fist2.png",
["Summoning the Opponent"] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["Sumptuous Dandy's Outfit"] = "Suitwhitesmall.png",
["Sunless Sea"] = "Sunless.png",
["Sunless Sea: A Soothe & Cooper Long-Box"] = "Coffin2.png",
["Sunless Sea: A Whisper-Locked Puzzle-Box"] = "Puzzlebox.png",
["Sunless Sea: Advice for the Navigator"] = "Gossip2.png",
["Sunless Sea: Supping with Kittens"] = "Pantherkitten.png",
["Sun-Seared Silken Gloves"] = "sunset.png",
["Sun-Stamped Mirrorcatch Box"] = "Mirrorcatchbox.png",
["Supporting the Emancipationist Tracklayers"] = "Fist.png",
["Supporting the Liberationist Tracklayers"] = "black.png",
["Supporting the Prehistoricist Tracklayers"] = "Bone15.png",
["Surface-Silk Scrap"] = "Scrap3.png",
["Surprise Attack Plan"] = "Blackjack.png",
["Surveillance Contract: Find a Tattooed Messenger's contact"] = "Follow.png",
["Survey of Arachnids and Insects Native to the Neath and Unterzee"] = "spidermillie.png",
["Survey of the Neath's Bones"] = "Map.png",
["Suspected by the Constables"] = "Secret.png",
["Suspended your Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem"] = "bethlehemsuite.png",
["Suspicion"] = "Sidebarsuspicion.png",
["Suspicions to be Fixed"] = "Sidebarsuspicion.png",
["Suspicious Iguana"] = "iguana_suspicious.png",
["Swift Zee-clipper"] = "Ship3.png",
["Swore an Oath to Mr Wines"] = "Crown.png",
["Sworn Statement"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Sympathetic about Ratly Concerns"] = "Rats.png",
["Tabitha Murgatroyd"] = "Tabithamurgatroyd.png",
["Tabitha Murgatroyd on your Expedition"] = "Tabithamurgatroyd.png",
["Taciturn Mynah"] = "Raven.png",
["Tailfeather Brilliant as Flame"] = "Lyrebird_firebird.png",
["Taking Sides at a Brawl"] = "Flag.png",
["Tale of Terror!!"] = "Scaryeye.png",
["Tales of Mahogany Hall"] = "Mahoganyhall.png",
["Tales of Silk, Tales of Flame"] = "Explosion.png",
["Talk of the Town"] = "Wineglass.png",
["Talkative Rattus Faber"] = "Rat.png",
["Tall Rose"] = "Rose.png",
["Taming the Beast"] = "Blackjack2.png",
["Tanned Mask"] = "Masktanned.png",
["Tapestry from the Elder Continent"] = "Volcano.png",
["Target Security"] = "Keyhole1.png",
["Tasselled Sword-Cane"] = "Canetasselledredsmall.png",
["Tasselled Walking-Stick"] = "Canetasselledsmall.png",
["Tatterskin Shawl"] = "woo.png",
["Tauroktonos"] = "classicist.png",
["Teaching Reputation of Your Laboratory"] = "mortarboard.png",
["Tear-Drowned Collection of Incomprehensible Love-Poems"] = "Booktears.png",
["Tell-Tale Beetle"] = "Beetle.png",
["Tempestuous Astronomer"] = "Blindfoldedemissary.png",
["Temporarily abandoned your rooms in a Half-Abandoned Mansion"] = "Mansion3.png",
["Tending a Friend with Nightmares"] = "Eye.png",
["Tentacle Mitts"] = "Tentacle.png",
["Tentacled Entrepreneur's Vote"] = "tentacledentrepreneur.png",
["Term Passing..."] = "University.png",
["Terms of an Agreement with the Creditor"] = "Document.png",
["Terrain Surveyed"] = "coast2.png",
["Terrifying Candies"] = "Chocolatessmall.png",
["Terrifying Weathercock"] = "Weathercock.png",
["That Which Waits in Shadow"] = "Mask.png",
["The Abyssal Depths"] = "Sack.png",
["The Affair of the Difficult Breakfast"] = "Argument.png",
["The Affair of the Impatient Apprentice"] = "Papers5.png",
["The Airs of Injustice"] = "tornado.png",
["The Airs of London"] = "Clouds.png",
["The Airs of Port Carnelian"] = "Portcarnelian_port.png",
["The Airs of Stillness"] = "fog.png",
["The Airs of the Forgotten Quarter"] = "Forgottenquarter2.png",
["The Ambitious Barrister's Confession"] = "Barrister.png",
["The Approach to the Mountain"] = "Carneliancoast.png",
["The Archaeological Institute"] = "porticolight.png",
["The Art of Murder"] = "deathmachine.png",
["The Attendants"] = "Adoratrician.png",
["The Avoidance of Sleep"] = "3DarkDropCoffee.png",
["The Ballad of Johnny Croak"] = "frogurchin.png",
["The Bazaar's Questions"] = "Question.png",
["The Bishop of Saint Fiacre's Vote"] = "bishopofstfiacres.png",
["The Bishop of Southwark's Vote"] = "electionbishop.png",
["The Bishop of St Fiacre's' Confession"] = "Bishopofstfiacres.png",
["The Bishop's Clue"] = "Bishopofstfiacres.png",
["The Bishop's Good Book"] = "bookdead.png",
["Ambition: The Bishop's Pointer"] = "Bishopofstfiacres.png",
["The Blemmigan Affair"] = "Blemmigan.png",
["The Blind Helmsman"] = "wolfstack.png",
["The Blind Pianist and the Sallow Spirifer"]="placeholder2.png",
["The Blind Pianist"] = "Pianist.png",
["The Bloodied Travelling-Coat of Mr Cups"] = "Master.png",
["The Board in Disarray"] = "argument.png",
["The Boatman's Wish"] = "Boatman.png",
["The Boatman's Hat"] = "Boatmanhat.png",
["The Boatman's Lantern"] = "Boatmanlamp.png",
["The Boatman's Opponent"] = "Boatman.png",
["The Bone Market"] = "Bone17.png",
["The Bones of London"] = "fallenlondon.png",
["The Bones of London (Story)"] = "perspicatioussurveyor.png",
["The Brass Grail"] = "Electionbishop.png",
["The Broad Unterzee"] = "Unterzee.png",
["The Burglar's Progress"] = "Blackglove.png",
["The Burial of the Dead"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["The Business of Cutting"] = "knifetransparent.png",
["The Business of Manufacture"] = "StationIII_port.png",
["The Calendar Code"] = "bengalcat.png",
["The Captivating Princess' Confession"] = "Princess2.png",
["The Castle of Forests"] = "Castleofforests.png",
["The Cat's Chiefest Claw"] = "Iserysmall.png",
["The Censored Census of 1862"] = "Bazaardoor_paper.png",
["The Century Exhibition"] = "Centuryexibition.png",
["The Ceremony (quality)"] = "Oxygen.png",
["The Chambers of the Heart"] = "Chambersoftheheart.png",
["The Chap on the Corner"] = "Spypaper.png",
["The Chapel of Lights"] = "Chapeloflights port.png",
["The Cheery Man"] = "Pirate.png",
["The Cheery Man and the Last Constable"] = "Couple.png",
["The Cheery Man's Cane"] = "Umbrella.png",
["The Cheery Man's Confession"] = "Cheeryman.png",
["The Cheery Man's Fate"] = "Cheeryman2.png",
["The Chessboard"] = "chesspiece_apocyan.png",
["The Chimney Pot Wars"] = "chimneypotwars.png",
["The Church"] = "Clergy.png",
["The Cladery Heart"] = "Claderyheart.png",
["The Classicist's Expedition Journal"] = "papers4.png",
["The Clay Man's Arm"] = "clayscholar.png",
["The Clay Quarters"] = "Clayman3.png",
["The Clay Tailor Club"] = "clayman3.png",
["The Committee"] = "chairman.png",
["The Constables"] = "Copper.png",
["The Contrarian"] = "Saturninegent.png",
["The Contrarian's Favour"] = "electioncontrarian2.png",
["The Contrarian's Monochromatic Lantern"] = "lanternshutter.png",
["The Convent"] = "island1.png",
["The Court of Cats"] = "duchess.png",
["The Court of Cats (quality)"] = "mask_cat.png",
["The Court of Cats (Story)"] = "duchess.png",
["The Court of the Wakeful Eye"] = "Carneliancoast.png",
["The Crimson Shadows"] = "Bookblood.png",
["The Crowds of Spite"] = "Steal.png",
["The Crown"] = "crown2.png",
["The Curator"] = "Tigerhatsmall.png",
["The Date -"] = "Clock.png",
["The Darling of the Ambassador's Ball"] = "Bohogirl3.png",
["The Dauntless Temperance Campaigner's Vote"] = "Electioncampaigner.png",
["The Dean's Vote"] = "Brazeniconoclast.png",
["The Deep Cellars of Old Newgate"] = "Newgatecellar.png",
["The Demon"] = "hellgate.png",
["The Devil's Courage"] = "Bookred.png",
["The DF"] = "papers3.png",
["The Dilettante's Debut"] = "Languiddilettante.png",
["The Dilmun Club: Loyalties"] = "Goldenapple.png",
["The Docks"] = "Ship.png",
["The Dolorous Pavilion"] = "bleedingforest.png",
["The Dome of Scales"] = "Snakehead.png",
["The Dreamer's Advice"] = "goldenapple.png",
["The Dreamer Identified:"] = "foliageorange.png",
["The Drummer's Vote"] = "Hellgate.png",
["The Duchess"] = "Duchess2.png",
["The Duchess' Progress"] = "duchess2.png",
["The Efficient Commissioner's Tale"] = "book.png",
["The Efficient Commissioner's Vote"] = "Bazaar.png",
["The Eldest Daughter"] = "Oldersister.png",
["The Embassy in Repair"] = "Flames_TC.png",
["The Empress' Court"] = "Empresscourt.png",
["The Empty Cup"] = "Riverofblood.png",
["The Enemy in Parabola"] = "mirrormonster.png",
["The Evenlode"] = "unterzee.png",
["The Eye of the Wind"] ="tornado.png",
["The Face Trade"] = "Guisefemale.png",
["The Fair Unknown"] = "reynard.png",
["The Fate of Poor Edward"] = "pooredward.png",
["The Fifth Poll"] = "Huffam.png", 
["The Final Curtain"] = "theatrechair.png",
["The Final Shape of Dr Vaughan"] = "eye_symbol.png",
["The Fire Sermon"] = "Flames.png",
["The First London Spectacle"] = "Explosion.png",
["The First Poll"] = "Huffam.png",
["The Flit"] = "Flit.png",
["The Foreign Office"] = "Foreignoffice.png",
["The Forgotten Quarter"] = "Forgottenquarter.png",
["The Formula for Empyrean Redolence"] = "Retort.png",
["The Forsaken Crown of a Grand Devil"] = "crown.png",
["The Fourth Gift"] = "gift.png",
["The Fourth Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["The Frequently Deceased"] = "governess.png",
["The Gamekeeper's Cottage"] = "Gamekeeper cottage.png",
["The Garden Embassy"] = "Ambassador.png",
["The Gift"] = "Dollblonde.png",
["The Glass Tablet"] = "Black.png",
["The Gracious Widow's Vote"] = "Widow.png",
["The Great Game - A Fine Piece in the Game"] = "Pawnblack.png",
["The Great Game - Opening Moves"] = "Spypaper.png",
["The Great Game"] = "Pawn.png",
["The Great Game (Affiliation)"] = "Tattoo chess.png",
["The Grief of the Zailor"] = "Oldman2.png",
["The Griever's Advice"] = "boatman.png",
["The Hammers of Jasper and Frank"] = "jasper.png",
["The Haunting at the Marsh-House"] = "mansion1.png",
["The Heart"] = "Claderyheart.png",
["The Heart, the Devil and the Zee"] = "nurse.png",
["The Hell-Scarred Gondolier's Vote"] = "flames.png",
["The Heretic of Hollow Street"] = "heretic.png",
["The Hollow Heart"] = "Heartwithered.png",
["The House of Chimes"] = "houseofchimes.png",
["The hunt is complete!"] = "Lurkersilhouette.png",
["The Hunt is On!"] = "Trail.png",
["The Hurlers"] = "snowflake.png",
["The Hybrid Speaks!"] = "delirium.png",
["The Hybrid's Humanity"] = "monsterhand.png",
["The Hybrid's Maturity"] = "bugsby.png",
["The Hybrid's Moon-Misery"] = "scaryeye.png",
["The Icarian Cup"] = "trophy.png",
["The Icarian Cup (Story)"] = "trophy.png",
["The Illuminated Gentleman's Confession"] = "Chap5.png",
["The Imperturbable Patroness"] = "Patroness.png",
["The Implacable Detective's Vote"] = "Detective.png",
["The Instrument"] = "Riflesharpshootersmall.png",
["The Iron Correspondents"] = "Pen_iron.png",
["The Jack-of-Smiles Case"] = "Jack.png",
["The Jovial Contrarian's Confession"] = "Saturninegent.png",
["The Judge's Decision"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["The Kashmiri Princess' Confession"] = "Princess.png",
["The Khan's Tea Set"] = "Teaset.png",
["The King of Cats' Petition"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["The King's Clue"] = "topsy2.png",
["The King's Pointer"] = "topsy2.png",
["The Knapt"] = "Knapt.png",
["The Knight of Hallowmas"] = "Foxmask hallowmas.png",
["The Labyrinth of Tigers"] = "Labyrinth.png",
["The Last Constable"] = "Boho9.png",
["The Last Constable's Cudgel"] = "Cudgel_solo.png",
["The Last Constable's Fate"] = "Lastconstable.png",
["The Last Dog Society"] = "trialoftides.png",
["The Liberation of Night"] = "Liberationofnight.png",
["The Long-Dead Priests of the Red Bird"] = "ruinsthird.png",
["The Magician's Dream"] = "Hauntedmagician.png",
["The Magician's Ring"] = "ring_stone.png",
["The Magistracy of the Evenlode"] = "Ruinssecond.png",
["The Manager's Clue"] = "bethlehemsuite.png",
["The Manager's Pointer"] = "bethlehem.png",
["The March of the Saints"] = "cross.png",
["The Mark of Destiny"] = "Prisonwindow.png",
["The Marriage of Feducci"] = "Marriageoffeducci.png",
["The Marvellous"] = "Cardfan.png",
["The Masters of the Bazaar"] = "Mastertc.png",
["The Medusa's Head"] = "tankardempty.png",
["The Melancholy Curate's Confession"] = "Chap5.png",
["The Memory"] = "Rubberskullsmall.png",
["The Mind of a Long-Dead God"] = "Delirium.png",
["The Minister of Culture"] = "Tigerpersuasive.png",
["The Minister of Enigmas"] = "Tigershadowy.png",
["The Minister of State Affairs"] = "Tigerwatchful.png",
["The Minister of War"] = "Tigerdangerous.png",
["The Mirror-Marches"] = "Parabola.png",
["The Mirror, Cracked"] ="mirrormonster2.png",
["The Mirror's Hunger"] = "mirrordark.png",
["The Monkey's Clue"] = "monkey.png",
["The Moth"] = "keepermoth.png",
["The Murderer's Advice"] = "foxmask_hallowmas.png",
["The Murgatroyd Formula"] = "Tabithamurgatroyd.png",
["The Music-hall Singer's Fate"] = "genderlady.png",
["The Neathy Tarot, Featuring all 77 of the Major Arcana"] = "tarot.png",
["The Oath"] = "Ring goldsmall.png",
["The Orient"] = "Bohogirl5.png",
["The Parthenaeum"] = "Butler.png",
["The Parthenaeum (Item)"] = "Butler.png",
["The Pentecost Predicament"] = "vespasian.png",
["The Persona Engine"] = "Computer.png",
["The Photographer and the Contrarian"] = "argument.png",
["The Photographer"] = "Boho8.png",
["The Pirate-Poet"] = "Piratepoetsmall.png",
["The Place Where they Bury the Bodies"] = "Swamphand.png",
["The Prestige of your Laboratory"] = "medalbatgold.png",
["The Price of Loss"] = "Tent.png",
["The Princess' Progress"] = "sailor2.png",
["The Prioress' Habit"] = "Smokingnun.png",
["The Protégé of a Mysterious Benefactor"] = "Silhouetteman.png",
["The Pursuit of Moths"] = "Mothcloakedvandal.png",
["The Rat-Catcher (Story)"] = "doureradicator.png",
["The Regard of the Generous Princess"] = "Gift.png",
["The Revelation"] = "Volcanosmall.png",
["The Revolution's Store"] = "Flames.png",
["The Revolutionary Firebrand, Happy"] = "Revolutionaryfirebrand.png",
["The Revolutionary Firebrand, Reforged"] = "Firebrand.png",
["The Road"] = "Caravansmall.png",
["The Robe of Mr Cards"] = "Mrpages.png",
["The Rose Giveth Its Verses to Devils and Also to You"] = "Bronzetablet.png",
["The Rose-Red Streets"] = "sunset.png",
["The Sallow Spirifer"] = "Cadaver.png",
["The Saviour's Advice"] = "lordship.png",
["The Sceptre of Mr Wines"] = "Riverofblood.png",
["The Scheme of a Phoenix"] = "Flames.png",
["The Scuttering Scoundrels"] = "Scutteringcompany.png",
["The Scuttering Palace Guard"] = "Scutteringcompany.png",
["The Sea of Voices"] = "Seaofvoices.png",
["The Seal of St Joshua"] = "Tattoo_wheel.png",
["The Seal of the Bazaar"] = "Tablet.png",
["The Second Fall of the Fourth City"] = "Bookblack.png",
["The Second Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["The Secular Missionary, Happy"] = "Secularmissionary.png",
["The Secular Missionary, Renewed"] = "Boho8.png",
["The Services of a Small Flotilla"] = "ship.png",
["The Seven-Day Reign"] = "patriarch.png",
["The Seven-Fold Knock"] = "avidhorizon_port.png",
["The Severe Bluejacket's Bequeathment"] = "documentsmall.png",
["The shadows of the Orphanage"] = "Orphanage.png",
["The Shallows"] = "Boatman2.png",
["The Shuttered Palace"] = "Palace.png",
["The Silent Corridors of the Orphanage"] = "Orphanage.png",
["The Silk-Clad Expert on your Expedition"] = "Expert.png",
["The Singing Mandrake"] = "veilgarden.png",
["The Sinking Synod"] = "Bugsby.png",
["The Skin of the Sun"] = "bazaarsun.png",
["The Sleeper Known"] = "ruinsfirst.png",
["The Smuggler's Lamp"] = "Sunless.png",
["The Soft-Hearted Widow's Confession"] = "Bohogirl3.png",
["The Sorrowful Absence of A Gentleman of Undisclosed Business"] = "Cheeryman2.png",
["The Spinning of the Wheels"] = "Constableline.png",
["The Stag and the Shark"] = "idleheir.png",
["The Stench of Betrayal"] = "Argument.png",
["The Stone Guest"] = "assuredfilmmaker.png",
["The Strength of Hephaesta"] = "cudgel_hallowmas.png",
["The Subject of Admiring Attention"] = "Eyelash.png",
["The Sun beneath the Sea?"] = "Sunless.png",
["The Surgeon's Child"] = "Knifegrey.png",
["The Sultan's Dream"] = "Placeholder1.png",
["The Tale of the Clay Highwayman"] = "clayman2.png",
["The Temperament of the Royal Beth"] = "Mad2.png",
["The Temple Club"] = "templeclub.png",
["The Thief With Neither Face nor Name"] = "Bookdead.png",
["The Thief-Oath of Tristram Bagley"] = "Topsy2.png",
["The Thing That Came In From The Fog"] = "Fogman.png",
["The Third Poll"] = "huffam.png",
["The Tomb-Colonies"] = "Bandagedman.png",
["The tomb-colony of Venderbight"] = "Scandal.png",
["The Twelve-Fifteen from Moloch Street"] = "Helltrain.png",
["The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1892"] = "Newspaper.png",
["The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1893"] = "Newspaper.png",
["The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1894"] = "Newspaper.png",
["The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1895"] = "Newspaper.png",
["The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1896"] = "Newspaper.png",
["The University"] = "University.png",
["The Vake: The Truth"] = "Bookblack.png",
["The Very Teeth of St George!"] = "Teethglass.png",
["The Veteran Privy Councillor's Confession"] = "Baldman.png",
["The Viscountess at the Fruits of the Zee (Quality)"] = "viscountess.png",
["The Viscountess' Vote"] = "viscountess.png",
["The Waltz That Moved the World"] = "blindmother.png",
["The Wandering Gondolier's Vote"] = "Chap5.png",
["The War in London"] = "fallenlondon.png",
["The Waswood"] = "forest.png",
["The Way Through the Marshes"] = "Map.png",
["The Web of the Motherlings"] = "Attentiveenvoy.png",
["The Wellspring of Moulin"] = "Cavelake.png",
["The Widow"] = "Widow.png",
["The Widow's Progress"] = "widow.png",
["The Woman in Yellow"] = "Womaninyellow.png",
["The Word of Caution"] = "Tablet.png",
["The Writer's Desk"] = "Storyclassic.png",
["The Wry Functionary's Vote"] = "Functionary.png",
["The Young Stags' Club"] = "Bloomers.png",
["Theological Augmentation"] = "cross.png",
["Thhhooosothorooooothhhhh"] = "rubberyman3.png",
["Third Airs"] = "magnifyingglass.png",
["Thirsty Bombazine Scrap"] = "Scrap7.png",
["Thorned Ribcage"] = "Bone19.png",
["Thoroughly Cowed Pony"] = "Pony.png",
["Thoroughly Experienced Gondolier"] = "Musculargondolier.png",
["Thrilling Short Story"] = "Storythrilling.png",
["Throwing a Humble Wedding"] = "Candle.png",
["Thwarting Beastly Devils"] = "Devil.png",
["Tiger-Furred Oneiropompic Stave"] = "Tiger.png",
["Time Passing in Office"] = "Declaim2.png",
["Time Passing in the Labyrinth"] = "Pocketwatch.png",
["Time Passing in the Southern Archipelago"] = "Island2.png",
["Time Remaining at Helicon House"] = "door.png",
["Time Remaining..."] = "Clock.png",
["Time Remaining in the Woods"] = "Forestnight.png",
["Time Spent in the Magistracy"] = "clock2.png",
["Time Till You Must Leave"] = "grandfatherclock.png",
["Time to visit Clara"] = "hourglass.png",
["Time, the Healer"] = "Clock.png",
["Tin of Murgatroyd's Jellied Mushroom Cakes"] = "boxmutedtc.png",
["Tin of Zzoup"] = "zzoupcan.png",
["Tiny Cave Fish"] = "Fish_white.png",
["Tiny Jewelled Reliquary"] = "Unfinished_painting.png",
["Tiny Silver Kettle of Pickled Liar's Tongues"] = "Tongue.png",
["Tomb-Lion"] = "Tomblion.png",
["Tomb-Lion's Tail"] = "Tomblion.png",
["Topsy by Halves"] = "topsy2.png",
["Topsy Training"] = "topsy2.png",
["Torment"] = "Noosesmall.png",
["Total Board Membership (Aside From Yourself)"] = "Station.png",
["Total Lab Research Required"] = "Device.png",
["Touched by Fingerwork"] = "Mirror4.png",
["Touching Love Story"] = "Adoration.png",
["Tough"] = "Fist.png",
["Tough Tracklayer"] = "Tracklayertough.png",
["Tower Communication Style"] = "Bazaar.png",
["Toxicological Focus"] = "honeyjar.png",
["Trace of the First City"] = "footprint.png",
["Trace of Viric"] = "Ring_stone.png",
["Traces of Red Honey"] = "Vialyellow.png",
["Traces of Veils of the Third City"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Traces of Veils the Curator"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Traces of Veils the Intriguer"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["trackerWar"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["TrackerWar"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Track Laid"] = "railsteel.png",
["Tracking down the Manager"] = "Whispered_Secret.png",
["Tracklayer's Helmet"] = "divinghelmet.png",
["Tracklayers' Displeasure"] = "Black.png",
["Tracklayers' Work Stoppage"] = "furnace.png",
["Trade Secret"] = "Papers4.png",
["Tragedy: Death of a Brother"] = "Knifeting.png",
["Tragedy: Death of a Daughter"] = "Knifeting.png",
["Tragedy: Death of a Lover"] = "Knifeting.png",
["Tragedy: Death of a Spouse"] = "Knifeting.png",
["Trailing the Affluent Photographer"] = "Boho8.png",
["Train Baggage Accommodations"] = "crate.png",
["Train Defences"] = "Fist.png",
["Train Luxuries"] = "diamondblue.png",
["Train through Parabola"] = "station.png",
["Transformed by Stairs"] = "ruinsthird.png",
["Transported your Library"] = "Book.png",
["Treatment of a Policeman"] = "Mercyhand.png",
["Tremors in the Cobbles"] = "Crowd2.png",
["Trial and Error"] = "Cuffedbarrister.png",
["Tribute"] = "Tigerstripes.png",
["Trickster"] = "Imp.png",
["Troubled Waters"] = "Sidebartroubledwaters.png",
["Troubled by Vermin"] = "Rats.png",
["Throwing an Extravagant Wedding"] = "chandelier.png",
["Trust"] = "Holdinghands.png",
["Tub of Gloam-Foam"] = "Gloamfoam.png",
["Tuneful Hat"] = "Tunefulhat.png",
["Tutor"] = "Libervisionis.png",
["Tutorial Prison"] = "Prison.png",
["Twelve-carat Diamond Ring"] = "Ring_diamondsmall.png",
["Twelve-Carat Diamond Ring"] = "Ring_diamondsmall.png",
["Twincandle"] = "Demeter.png",
["Unaccountably Peckish"] = "Sidebarunaccountablypeckish.png",
["Unanswered Questions at Abbey Rock"] = "nun.png",
["Unassuming Judge"] = "Judge.png",
["Unblemished Exile's Rose"] = "roseblack.png",
["Unburdened Imp"] = "Imp.png",
["Uncanny Incunabulum"] = "Bookblack.png",
["Uncle Archibald's Legacy"] = "Paperstack.png",
["Uncommitted Board Members"] = "Protester.png",
["Uncovering Secrets Framed in Gold"] = "Mirrordark.png",
["Uncovering an Unpredictable Treasure"] = "Box.png",
["Uncovering the Secrets of the Face-Tailor"] = "Silk.png",
["Undergoing a Thorough Replacement"] = "Bone11.png",
["Undermanager"] = "Bookblack.png",
["Unearthly Fossil"] = "Fossil.png",
["Unexploded Mine"] = "Mine.png",
["Unexpurgated Accounting of the Anatomies of Aquatic Life-forms"] = "Leviathan.png",
["Unfinished Hat"] = "Fanghat2small.png",
["Unforgiving Urchin"] = "Urchinguru.png",
["Unidentified Thigh Bone"] = "Bone12.png",
["Universal"] = "fallenlondon.png",
["University Laboratory"] = "academicgown.png",
["University Laboratory (Place)"] = "university.png",
["Unlawful Device"] = "Hillmover.png",
["Unloved Short Story"] = "Storyunloved.png",
["Unnatural Exuberance"] = "Legion5.png",
["Unobtrusive Bowler Hat"] = "Bowlerhat.png",
["Unprovenanced Artefact"] = "guisemale.png",
["Unquenchable Firebird"] = "lyrebird_firebird.png",
["Unravelling a Coded Message"] = "Papers3.png",
["Unscrupulous Raven Advisor"] = "Ravenblackpolicesmall.png",
["Unseen"] = "Spite.png",
["Untrained Lyrebird"] = "lyrebird_trained.png",
["Untried Tracklayer"] = "tracklayeruntried.png",
["Unto Dust"] = "Reclusiveheir.png",
["Unusual Love Story"] = "Bookred.png",
["Unusual Pail of So-Called Snow"] = "Snowbucket.png",
["Unwelcome at the University"] = "Deportestration.png",
["Unthinkable Hope"] = "meteors_red.png",
["Upper River"] = "station.png",
["Urchins"] = "Urchin.png",
["Ursine Honey Connoisseur"] = "Honeyconnoisseur.png",
["Use of Villains"] = "Attacker.png",
["Utterly Livid Bat"] = "Bat.png",
["Vake Claw"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Vake of Cogs and Clay"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Vake-Killing Club"] = "Toothsmall.png",
["Vake-Tooth"] = "Tooth.png",
["Veilgarden"] = "Veilgarden.png",
["Veilgarden (Party)"] = "Veilgarden.png",
["Veils Impersonation"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Veils-Velvet Scrap"] = "Scrap5.png",
["Velocipede"] = "Velocipede.png",
["Velvet Cloak with Burning Buttons"] = "meteors_green.png",
["Venge-Rat Corpse"] = "Ratthief.png",
["Venom-Ruby"] = "Ruby.png",
["Venture Challenge Level"] = "Tattoo_wheel.png",
["Venture: Uncover hidden tattoos"] = "Tattoo.png",
["Vermin-free"] = "Rats.png",
["Verse of Counter-Creed"] = "cross.png",
["Very Well-Behaved Mandrake"] = "mandrake.png",
["Vespasian"] = "Vespasian.png",
["Vial of Cantigaster Venom"] = "Waxjar.png",
["Vial of Masters' Blood"] = "Bottlecrystal.png",
["Vial of Murderer's Blood"] = "Bottlecrystal.png",
["Vial of Tears of the Bazaar"] = "Bazaartears.png",
["Vienna Opening"] = "pawn.png",
["Villainy: Area-Diving"] = "Blackglove.png",
["Villainy: Stealing Paintings for the Topsy King"] = "Steal.png",
["Vindication of Faith"] = "deviless.png",
["Violant-Winged Bat"] = "cryptographicchiropteran.png",
["Viric-filled Mirrorcatch Box"] = "Viric.png",
["Viric Jungle"] = "viric.png",
["Viric Lizard"] = "lizard.png",
["Viric Suit"] = "Suitviric.png",
["Viric Frock"] = "Gownviric.png",
["Virginia's Clue"] = "electionvirginia.png",
["Virginia's Spare Pillbox Hat"] = "Virginiahat.png",
["Virginia's Training"] = "electionvirginia.png",
["Virginia's Vote"] = "electionvirginia.png",
["Viscount's Bejewelled Collar"] = "gleam.png",
["Viscountess' Bejewelled Collar"] = "viscountess.png",
["Vision of the Surface"] = "Sunset.png",
["Visiting Flute Street"] = "Rubberyman2.png",
["Visiting Tristram Bagley"] = "Topsy2.png",
["Visiting your Risen Brother"] = "Nemesis.png",
["Visiting your Risen Daughter"] = "Nemesis.png",
["Visiting your Risen Lover"] = "Nemesis.png",
["Visiting your Risen Spouse"] = "Nemesis.png",
["Visits of the Station VIII Dirigible"] = "Dirigible.png",
["Vital Intelligence"] = "Surmise.png",
["Vitreous Almanac"] = "Bookred.png",
["Volume of Collated Research"] = "Library.png",
["Volume of your Cryptopalaeontological Work"] = "Bookred.png",
["Volume of your Prelapsarian Archaeological Work"] = "Book.png",
["Volume of your Theosophistical Work"] = "Bookpurple.png",
["Voluminous Library"] = "Library.png",
["Voracious Glove"] = "fanggloveredsmall.png",
["Voracious Lamp-Eye"] = "Unterzee.png",
["Voting Booth of One's Own"] = "Ballotbox.png",
["Wages of a Dig"] = "Currency2_gold.png",
["Waiting for Your Egg to Hatch"] = "Grandfatherclock.png",
["Waiting on a Ransom"] = "clock2.png",
["Waiting your Turn?"] = "Leap.png",
["Walking the Falling Cities"] = "Ruins.png",
["Walking the Paths of Wilmot's End"] = "Fog.png",
["Wandering Gondolier"] = "Chap5.png",
["War's Scars"] = "Hellgorge.png",
["Warbler Skeleton"] = "warbler.png",
["Warm-hearted Amber Iguana"] = "iguana_warmhearted.png",
["Wary Raven Advisor"] = "Ravenblackhandsmall.png",
["Waswood Almanac"] = "Forest.png",
["Watcher"] = "Disguise.png",
["Watchful Doll"] = "Doll.png",
["Watchful"] = "Owl.png",
["Watchful Gains"] = "owl.png",
["Watchmaker's Hill"] = "Watchmakershill.png",
["Waters of Jericho"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Wax-Hardened Boots"]="bootsred.png",
["Waxwail Knife"] = "Knifemilky.png",
["We'll always have Paris"] = "Eiffeltower.png",
["Weasel of Social Discomfiture"] = "weasel.png",
["Weasel-Infested Velocipede"] = "Weaselvelocipede.png",
["Weeping Doll"] = "Weepingdoll.png",
["Weeping Scar"] = "Scrawl1.png",
["Well"] = "Well.png",
["Well known at Southwark Cathedral"] = "crosssilver.png",
["Well-Placed Pawn"] = "pawn_TC.png",
["Well-Scrubbed Urchin"] = "Wellscrubbedurchin.png",
["Well-Song"] = "Well.png",
["What the Thunder Said"] = "Clouds.png",
["What Might Be A Thunderbolt"] = "Stormlogo.png",
["Where Stones Don't Stand"] = "merch_correspondence.png",
["Where You and I Must Go"] = "bergship.png",
["Whirring Contraption"] = "Birdie.png",
["Whisper-Satin Scrap"] = "Scrap2.png",
["Whispered Hint"] = "Whispered_Secret.png",
["White Glim Telescope"] = "Telescopeglim.png",
["White Leaning"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["William of Paris's Early Designs for the Silver Tree"] = "Bookbrown.png",
["Willingness to Spare Some Incarnation of the Vake"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Willingness to Spare Some Aspect of the Vake"] = "Bagalegend.png",
["Wilmot's End"] = "Wilmotsend.png",
["Wing of a Young Terror Bird"] = "Terrorbird_young.png",
["Winged Creature of Considerable Speed"] = "Wingedcreature.png",
["Wings-of-Thunder Batling"] = "Bat.png",
["Winking Gemstone Ring"] = "Winkinggemstonering.png",
["Winking Isle"] = "Island1.png",
["Winnings from your Debates"] = "Purse.png",
["Winsome Dispossessed Orphan"] = "Urchinblond.png",
["Withered Tentacle"] = "tentacle.png",
["Wolfie"] = "Wolfie.png",
["Wolfstack Docks"] = "Wolfstack.png",
["Working Rat"] = "Rat2.png",
["Working on..."] = "Empresscourt.png",
["Working toward a Foreign Posting"] = "Pithman.png",
["Wounds"] = "Sidebarwounds.png",
["Wrecking Boots"] = "Footprint.png",
["Wretched Mog"] = "Wretchedmog.png",
["Writing of your Polythreme Travels"] = "Polythreme2.png",
["Written in the Glim"] = "entomologicalastrologer.png",
["You Disposed of a Whisper-Locked Sea-Chest"] = "Puzzlebox.png",
["You Make Your Toasts To"] = "Tankard.png",
["You are Locked in a Hunt with"] = "Footprint.png",
["You have a Knife-and-Candle Pact with..."] = "Placeholder1.png",
["You have Attar in your eyes"] = "rose.png",
["You have played a Gambit!"] = "Beartrap.png",
["You have pledged your support to -"] = "declaim.png",
["You're Not Quite Sure What"] = "Strangeobjectinburlap.png",
["Young Terror Bird"] = "terrorbird_young.png",
["Your Activities"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Your Brother, Returned"] = "gendergentleman.png",
["Your Daughter, Returned"] ="genderlady.png",
["Your Spouse, Returned"] ="ring_broken.png",
["Your General"] = "Hatwarhelm.png",
["Your Lodgings"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Your Lover, Returned"] = "Smoker.png",
["Your Opponent"] = "silhouetteman.png",
["Your Own Parabolan Base Camp"] = "wake.png",
["Your Own Severed Head"] = "Skull.png",
["Your Own Stall at the Bone Market"] = "bone16.png",
["Your Perpetually Festive Rubbery Friend"] = "rubberyfestive.png",
["Your Quarry"] = "Trail.png",
["Your Quarry: Wariness"] = "Falcon.png",
["Your Reflection's Legion"] = "Placeholder2.png",
["Your Social Engagements"] = "lodgings.png",
["Your Spouse's Requests for a Peaceful Testimony"] = "Papers5.png",
["Your Study"] = "Lodgings.png",
["Your Very Own Bandages!"] = "Tombcolonistribbons.png",
["Your very own Infernal Contract"] = "Document.png",
["Zailing Difficulty"] = "Anglercrab_top.png",
["Zeefaring"] = "captainhat.png",
["Zee-Ztory"] = "Waves3.png",
["Zubmarine"] = "Submarine.png",
["Übergoat"] = "Ubergoatsmall.png"}
return image_data