Mr Hearts (Nemesis)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Ambition: Nemesis – the First Suspect or Ambition: Nemesis – the Second Suspect

"Fresh meats! Rich and red!"

Unlocked with 1 x An Identity Uncovered!


An inconvenient innocence

Could it be Hearts? Subsequent investigations point to his innocence. You are reminded of an old saying, murmured anywhere the Bazaar's shadow falls: "A heart is never empty." You rule Mr Hearts out, and turn to other suspects.

Success Instructions: An excellent guess! But Hearts is innocent this time. You have not lost An Identity Uncovered and can make another choice.

If investigating the first suspect

Redirects to: Ambition: Nemesis – the First Suspect

If investigating the second suspect

Redirects to: Ambition: Nemesis – the Second Suspect