Present the artefacts

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Mandolinist

You have recovered the three artefacts of ancient Hell that the Mandolinist directed you to.

Unlocked with Hearing the Mandolin exactly 25, The Mask of Saint Trezigor, The True Candle of the Lilymire, The Edict's Shard


Speaker of the Way

[…] You place the candle from the Lilymire in a great depression in the floor[…]

[…] you must eat the shard of the Edict.[…]

Finally, you don the Mask of St Trezigor[…]

The presence of Parabola hangs like a raincloud over the amphitheatre. A way has been opened.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Redirects to: The Mandolinist