Request Summer lend her voice (Fall)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Sink or Swim

She must have a perspective.

Unlocked with A History of the Two Republics exactly 2

Locked with Summer Sang (hidden)


Far above

She frowns, and then at last[…] she sings a song of the zee and all the waterways that find their way there[…]. All go to where the drownies sing of deep and dark places, where even the underworld has kings. […]

She breaks off,[…] Her gaze is fixed on the water […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Midnightwhalesmall.png The whale is inclined towards the depths. (Raises Whalefall by 1)
  • Placeholder2small.png An occurrence! Your 'Summer Sang' Quality is now 1! (hidden)