Revisit your film from Hallow's Throat

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Starved Man with a Moving Camera

Action Cost: 0

The Cinematographer is happy to let you borrow his glim-lamp and his dark room for another screening.

Unlocked with A Film Reel from Hallow's Throat 7


Silver flickers

Darkness; anticipation. And then: a screen aglow with images.


Description summary:
The remainder of the description varies based on the film emulsion and lens used.

A Film Reel from Hallow's ThroatDescription
Developed, depicting the Starved Citadel, cast in Peligin[…] small crowd bustling through the Lung[…]

The Starved Men are cast in a stark, naked light that highlights their sculpted shapes and many-jointed limbs. […] monstrous shadows on the wall, black-on-white figures like […] a puppet play designed to frighten […]

Developed, depicting the Starved Citadel, cast in Violant[…] a view of the small crowd bustling through the Lung[…]

[…] brief moments of connection. […] an oddly warm greeting between a smuggler and a Starved Man. […] two airfarers sharing swigs […] little copper coins – each stamped with the sigil of a flint iron – changing hand[…]

Developed, depicting the Starved Citadel, cast in Cosmogone[…]

This scene is cast in a […] glow that suggests […] nostalgia. […] The Starved Men – their ambered features, their odd-jointed bodies – seem nearly to glow in the light of the False-Stars. And in the distance, those stars are themselves moving in a slow dance.

Developed, depicting London Below, cast in Peligin[…] an aerial view of London […]

[…] stark black-on-white shadows and exaggerated angles. There's a vertigo […] nothing seems upright; the angles are all wrong. The camera[…] lingers on the broken landscape of Spite. Garrets, alehouses, ruins, alleys. The rats […] The soot […]

Developed, depicting London Below, cast in Violant[…] an aerial view of London […] different scenes of life in the city.

The Bazaar looms in every view […]. The image, tinged red, makes it […] almost […] seem like a […] beating heart. […] uncanny clarity. Telescope in[…]: money changing hands. The cut of fine fabric in a tailored su[…]

Developed, depicting London Below, cast in Cosmogone[…] an aerial view of London […]

[…] what a vision of Veilgarden it is! Never have the Bohemians looked so fiery and so fey; their bodies – aglow with make-up and Japanese-pattern silk and amber jewels – swim in a misty haze […] Their every gesture seems choreograp[…]

[Find the rest of the story at]