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- Sell a crate to some Criminals (category 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Loss)You've delivered a crate to Criminals. (Lowers Great Crate Commotion: Criminals & Constables by 1) You've lost 1 x 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate You've gained992 bytes (145 words) - 11:48, 26 July 2023
- Offer a crate to a Revolutionary cell (category 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Loss)lost 1 x 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate You've gained 4 x An Identity Uncovered! You've gained 3 x Scrap of Incendiary Gossip You've gained 1 x Crate Conveyor906 bytes (117 words) - 01:03, 18 August 2023
- Turn a crate over to the Constables (category 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Loss)delivered a crate to the Constables. (Raises Great Crate Commotion: Criminals & Constables by 1) You've lost 1 x 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate You've gained1,008 bytes (145 words) - 13:18, 21 February 2023
- Open a crate yourself (category 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Loss)com] You've lost 1 x 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate An occurrence! Your 'Crate Contents' Quality is now 1-11! (hidden) With Crate Contents exactly 1: You've4 KB (255 words) - 17:52, 15 October 2024
- Dispose of any remaining crates (category 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Loss)with 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Finally shot of them The going rate for crates has plummeted faster than... well, a crate falling out of dirigible. Still863 bytes (119 words) - 12:42, 28 February 2023
- Buy a crate from an Opportunistic Tracklayer (category 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate Gain)would they? You've gained 1 x 'Salvaged' Dirigible Crate You've lost 7 x Hinterland Scrip An occurrence! Your 'Great Crate Conclusion' Quality is now 1636 bytes (93 words) - 12:15, 21 February 2023