Christmas (Guide)

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The winds are wild, the lacre deep. The snarling stones arise from sleep. The Fifth's tales may exalt the suns, but never hope to halt what comes.

Each December, false-snow covers the city, a mysterious hooded figure stalks the streets demanding gifts, and a passageway opens to a sundered sea in the heart of the Bazaar.

For an overview of the items available at Christmas, see Christmas (Guide)/Item Comparison.

Merry Christmas.


Beginning from the 1st of December, rewards become available in a dedicated storylet, one a day at around noon UTC. Each reward is available until 1st January, but the reward is better on the day it becomes available. The rewards each day can range from useful equipment to rare items, but consistently include among their number a level of Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre and an Unusual Pail of So-Called Snow - these will come in useful later.

From early December (usually noon UTC on the second Monday or Tuesday of the month) through to the 6th of January, each Time, the Healer will bring a snow-drift to cover your door if you have lodgings, preventing you from accessing them. You can Clear the path yourself, Pay urchins to clear the path or Clear the paths of others, then your own; each will give you an Unusual Pail of So-Called Snow. Alternatively, you may pay FATE to have a Master of the Bazaar clear out your path, which will get you a quite different reward.


During this time period, Time, the Healer will also increase the number of Potential Christmas Cards you have up to 7, you cannot get more than 7 so any leftover cards from the previous week will be wasted; each card may be sent to an acquaintance to reduce one of their menaces by a whopping 8 CP and grant them three Second Chances of the related type. You will receive your first 7 cards on the 1st from the Advent Calendar.

Buying and Selling[edit]

During the Advent period, and up until late January, you can buy more Unusual Pails of So-Called Snow from The Roof-Tops: Urchins for 7 x Storm-Threnody and 1 x Night-Whisper. You must have Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre in order to purchase the pail.

In what is definitely just a coincidence, owners of lodgings at the Brass Embassy can use its card to sell their soul for 7 x Storm-Threnody and 1 x Night-Whisper.

Mr Sacks[edit]

A more detailed guide to Mr. Sacks is located at 12 Days of Mr Sacks (Guide)

Over the twelve days from the 25th to the 5th, a series of pinned storylets will appear. Each storylet (bar the fourth) is a visit from Mr Sacks, a mysterious hooded figure who demands gifts.

On the fourth day, you can spend FATE to investigate Mr Sacks with one of eleven factions. Each investigation continues over the rest of the visits, with some concluding during the visits and some ending in Penstock's Wicket; each gives some lore and a reward at the end.

If you are investigating on behalf of The Widow, The Duchess or Docks you will require an additional 5 ToL to claim your final reward during Penstock's Wicket.

Faction Days Final Reward Stats
Bohemians 7, 12 Perennial Scholar
Devils 6, 10, 12 The Rose Giveth Its Verses to Devils and Also to You
Criminals 6, 11 A Bedraggled, Forlorn Fox
Rubbery Men 8, 12 Your Perpetually Festive Rubbery Friend
Tomb-Colonies 7, 11 The Undying Respect of the Order of the Blackened Hoof
Duchess 6, A Sundered Sea Vial of Cantigaster Venom
Widow 7, A Sundered Sea Elemental Secret N/A
Docks 9, A Sundered Sea Dreadful Surmise
Benthic 5, 9, 12 Dreadful Surmise
Revolutionaries 6, 11 Ray-Drenched Cinder
Urchins 7, 10 Starstone Demark

Incarnadine Fur Robes and Frosted Debentures[edit]

If you spend FATE to have the Masters clear your snow for you, you will receive an Incarnadine Fur Robe instead of a pail of "snow". A robe can then be traded in for one of the following special items, some of which are best (or worst) in slot. Highlighted items have one of the non-highlighted items as a prerequisite; see Incarnadine Fur Robe for specifics.

You can also buy a Frosted Debenture, which has the same cost and similar rewards but is not tied to the SNOWBOUND! storylet. Frosted Debenture items do not have prerequisites.

Incarnadine Fur Robe rewards
Item Equipment Slot Effects  
Terrifying Weathercock Home Comfort
Thoroughly Cowed Pony Transport
Extraordinary Drinks Cabinet Home Comfort
White Glim Telescope Home Comfort
Probably a Coincidence Home Comfort
Ray-Drenched Correspondence Paperweight Home Comfort
Mostly Stuffed Bound Shark Home Comfort
The Khan's Tea Set Home Comfort
Luxury's Lap Home Comfort
A Semi-Autonomous Scrutinising Machine Home Comfort
A Brass-Framed Dark Mirror Home Comfort
A Complete Set of Preserved Internal Organs Home Comfort
A Replica of the House of Chimes, Awash with Snow Home Comfort
You're Not Quite Sure What Home Comfort
Beggar's Crown Home Comfort
A Maudlin Gift from the Heavens Home Comfort
The Iron Correspondents Affiliation
Amaranthine Coil, Sealed in a Jar Home Comfort
Winking Gemstone Ring Adornment
Weasel-Infested Velocipede Transport
The Butcher's Friend Home Comfort
Mr Mirrors' Most Heartfelt Reflection Home Comfort
Wind-Bitten Reins Transport
Velvet-Covered Aviary Home Comfort
Chiropteran Claws Boots
Incombustible Inverness Clothing
Frosted Debenture rewards
Item Equipment Slot Effects  
Vitiating Mantle Clothing
Sapphir'd Funeral Barge Transport

The Wicket and The Sea[edit]

On the 5th of January, Penstock's Wicket opens to those who have experienced all of Mr Sacks' visits. If your Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre is at least 3, you may descend from the Wicket to A Sundered Sea in the Bazaar's heart. Here, Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre can be traded for various rewards:

  • With at least 3 levels, 1 level can be traded for a variety of random rewards by taking the air or searching the shore
  • 3 levels can be traded for a remote address (the Temple, the Pit and the Shell), 3-card lodgings where City Vices cards will not be drawn
  • 5 levels and 250E of Nostalgia items can be traded for a Sample of Lacreous Affection (worth 312.5E ).
  • If you have at least 6 levels, then 5 levels can be traded for a Soothe & Cooper Long-Box, which can be sold to the Bazaar for 62.5E or to zailors for 50E , 3 Favours: The Docks and a special quality
  • If you have a 4-cards lodging, at least 3 Notability and meet some other conditions, between 7 and 9 levels can be traded (along with the Notability) to upgrade the 4-card lodging to a 5-card lodging
  • You can also create a Noman, a short-lived being formed of lacre and a little of yourself. The cost of creating a Noman rises rapidly over time, starting out at 3 levels and ending up at 15. A Noman can be taught about the world - or have its life extended at great cost - via an opportunity card. If it learns enough, it can reveal an Elemental Secret before it dies. If it lives long enough you may receive a tattoo to commemorate it; if you want to attempt this (very difficult) task, consult Noman Tattoo (Guide).

PtPT:tToL can also be spent on extending a Noman's life on its card, or in The Cave of the Nadir via The Catafalquerie on Vial of Tears of the Bazaar.

The Wicket closes on the fourth Friday of January at about 9 am UTC.

But How Do I Get Enough Taste of Lacre to Buy What I Want?[edit]

Although you can get up to 6 levels of Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre for free, this isn't enough to get the most expensive things available. This is where the Unusual Pails of So-Called Snow come in useful; they have a variety of options that allow you to gain more Taste of Lacre, the best of which are:

On both success and failure, each of these options (and all the other options to use a pail) will consume the pail.

Provided you already have some Taste of Lacre and a Vial of Tears of the Bazaar, you may Warm your Tears of the Bazaar to gain Taste of Lacre up to 11, at risk of losing the Vial altogether.

The usual best path depends on how expensive your next goal is, and usually requires Examine it through your Semiotic Monocle assuming that you have high enough Scholar of the Correspondence and Dangerous. If you want several things, it may be best to make several trips starting with your most expensive option to get the most out of your Pails (spending your Taste of Lacre lets you use the +3 Monocle option again). If you need to make several trips, remember to buy your Pails first, since that action requires still having at least 1 Taste of Lacre. Follow these steps until you reach your most expensive goal, and repeat once you need more Taste of Lacre for your next goal:

  1. If you have between 0-2 Taste of Lacre, Examine it through your Semiotic Monocle (+3)
  2. If you have between 3-4 Taste of Lacre, Dip a soul in it (+1) or use Days of Sacksmas.
  3. If you have exactly 5 Taste of Lacre, Examine it through your Semiotic Monocle (+3)
  4. If your target is 9 or higher, either warm your Tears of the Bazaar (stops working at 11), Feed it to a Wild Boar (stops working at 16), or use uncapped Taste of Lacre from the Days of Sacksmas. Fortunately nothing requires more than 15 Taste of Lacre (so far), so you can reach any target if you're prepared to buy enough Pails.

If you don't mind using (and possibly losing) Tears, it's better to Examine the Monocle twice (0 to 6) and then Warm your Tears up to 11 Taste of Lacre. This strategy is especially useful for increasing the durability of your Noman to get the most out of your Pails.

As none of the (optimal) Sacks or Advent sources of Taste of Lacre have a cap, it is advisable to try and use Pails before these sources, though obviously this isn't always possible. Deciding in advance exactly what you want from the Wicket and planning out your Taste of Lacre gains accordingly is highly advisable. Some more advice on how to do this can be found here.

Other Uses for Pails[edit]

If you are a Correspondent, then Write a monograph on it can be a good but expensive source of A Scholar of the Correspondence (up to level 15).

If you don't yet have a Destiny, then The Oracle of the Lintel will allow you to gain one at the cost of a pail; see Destinies (Guide) for more information.