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From Fallen London Wiki
  • Time the Ripener, will bring its rewards (category Pails of Milk Given to the Questionable Cheesemonger Loss)
    at the Apicius Club.  You now have Pails of Milk Given to the Questionable Cheesemonger x A Promise from the Questionable Cheesemonger  Your 'Pails of
    605 bytes (99 words) - 20:43, 2 September 2022
  • Offer a pail of Hellworm Milk (category Pails of Milk Given to the Questionable Cheesemonger)
    your pail of Hellworm Milk. You can only do this at most two times each Whitsun. Unlocked with Hellworm Milk Locked with Pails of Milk Given to the Questionable
    1 KB (174 words) - 13:04, 6 June 2022