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From: This Morning's Gazette

A commotion in Gaider's Mourn?

Unlocked with The Shipwright at Gaider's Mourn is present (World Quality, now locked)



The Gazette writes […] about the appearance of a 'vast fleet of black iron ships' zailing through and around the Snares in the middle of the unterzee, presumably readying themselves to swallow up all honest shipping in a tide of blood. Nonsense, surely.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Success Instructions: The Green-Gilled Shipwright sells advanced ships at eye-watering prices to discerning zee captains. He appears in Gaider's Mourn at unpredictable times; he will be gone on the Tuesday after next, ten days after his arrival, at 11AM UTC. He can also be found on Mutton Island during the Fruits of the Zee festival, at which time his prices are much more amenable.