(Associate with radical academics)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: An Appointment with the Gracile Accountant

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
The title and description vary depending on your Associating with Radical Academics.

1-3Seek the truth about a secret society of academics "That isn't something on which I could possibly pass comment."
4Gain membership to the Dilmun Club "They haven't escaped our notice. They have a great deal of money to throw around."
5-20Continue associating with radical academics "Influence can be more valuable than Echoes."

Wiki note: There are no values of Associating with Radical Academics past 20 for which you have access to the Gracile Accountant's counsel.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Game Instructions: This can open up several substantial stories.

Unlocked with Associating with Radical Academics 1-74


Shadows and dreamers

Description summary:
The success description and instructions vary depending on your Associating with Radical Academics.

1-3"Associating yourself with the fringes of London academia hardly seems like the best use of your resources." The Accountant quirks an eyebrow. Look for cards in your Opportunity Deck to continue Associating with Radical Academics.
4"As I understand it, they have some rather strange ideas, even for this city." He takes a ledger from his bag and begins leafing through it, careful to keep the pages hidden. "You could do worse than to form an association with them, however." Join the Dilmun Club in Ladybones Road.
5-20"These people aren't interested in the contents of your bank account – they are largely disinterested in the contents of their own. They are interested in what you can do for them." Finish raising A Name Signed with a Flourish to continue Associating with Radical Academics, then attend to your duties in Port Carnelian.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]