(Inquire about her name)

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Old Resurrection

Action Cost: 0

Description summary:
This action's title and description vary depending on whether you have already heard the Story of Resurrection.

0Inquire about her nameSurely it's not impolite to ask, now that you're in business together?
2Ask her to retell the story of her monikerShe's told it to you before, of course. But some stories bear repeating.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Unlocked with Acquaintance: Old Resurrection 6

Locked with Story of Resurrection exactly 1 (hidden)


Disrupted trade


[...] "I was a smuggler. [...] They caught me, put me in Old Newgate. [...] I was there when it Fell."

[...] "Wasn't hard to escape in all the to-do. [...]"

A sigh. "Eventually the law remembered what it was. [...] Oh, and the competition! [...] Gracious she was not, that woman [...]"

Redirects to: Old Resurrection