A Drinking Song!

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Publish your song!

Something you can stamp your foot to.

Wiki note: This branch is only visible after being Restored to Court; the actual unlock check is at the parent storylet


All London in one voice

[...] a palpable splash. Spite roars[...] Wolfstack Docks bellows[...] it's rearranged for voice and piano[...] the bells of All Christs chime out the melody[...]

The Court[...] takes to your song less well. The footmen like it[...] You hear reports of it[...] sung [...] in the dead of night.

Description summary:
Everyone in London likes your song, except for the Court itself. (The footmen, however, may be singing your song at Court, in secret.)

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]