A Pawn among Tracklayers
From Fallen London Wiki
The manipulation of your GHR Board is becoming complicated. What do you plan to do in the absence of Furnace Ancona?
Wiki note: Note that all options to manipulate this quality can be found in Plans and Plots, accessed from the Railway boardroom with a redirect from Consider your options for replacing Furnace. You may also decide to Follow up Rumours of Cornelius instead. Note that you will have to appoint a replacement Union leader at least temporarily to progress the Railway storyline. If you decide to retrieve Furnace, you can reinstate her later.
See here for a list of Actions that raise this quality, or click to show them.
See here for a list of Actions that lower this quality, or click to show them.
See here for a list of all pages which use or require this quality, or click to show them.
Unlocked with
- 1: Appoint a Tracklayer who might be a friend of Fires, because an alliance with Fires might be useful
- 2: Appoint a Tracklayer who might be a friend of Fires – and use him to find out what Fires is doing
- 3: Appoint a Tracklayer whose loyalties you've turned towards yourself