A Return to the Revels (The Waswood)
From Fallen London Wiki
Spoiler warning! This page contains details about Fallen London Actions. |
With the resolution of the crisis, Mr Wines has taken it upon itself to organize a new barrage of revels. […]
Tonight, the Master celebrates the Saviours and Preservers of London. Or at least those whose loyalties can be sufficiently assured.[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]
Unlocked with a redirect from Time for a drink
Have a drink with Mr Wines
- Spoiler
New revels
Thus concludes the story of the Grand Clearing-Out. (Raises
Involved in Mr Chimes' Grand Clearing-Out by 100)
Your 'A Motivation:' Quality has gone!
An occurrence! Your 'Bottle of Morelways 1861 'Sporeburst'' Quality is now 1!
Your 'Unusually Loyal Map of London' Quality has gone!
Your ''Look Always to Love' Telescope' Quality has gone!
Your 'Decemberist Pocketwatch' Quality has gone!
The Waswood is finished with this memory. Ruined streets retreat back into the foliage. (Sets
When you Find Yourself in a Hole, Keep Digging to 12)
Redirects to: A Memory of London, When the Cracks Started to Show
Converse with the Efficient Commissioner
- Spoiler Unlocked with
The Efficient Commissioner's Tale 1000
Look to love
Thus concludes the story of the Grand Clearing-Out. (Raises
Involved in Mr Chimes' Grand Clearing-Out by 100)
Your 'A Motivation:' Quality has gone!
An occurrence! Your 'Bottle of Morelways 1861 'Sporeburst'' Quality is now 1!
Your 'Unusually Loyal Map of London' Quality has gone!
Your ''Look Always to Love' Telescope' Quality has gone!
Your 'Decemberist Pocketwatch' Quality has gone!
The Waswood is finished with this memory. Ruined streets retreat back into the foliage. (Sets
When you Find Yourself in a Hole, Keep Digging to 12)
Redirects to: A Memory of London, When the Cracks Started to Show