A Word with the Umpires

From Fallen London Wiki
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Hearts' Game (Guide)

How are the above links here?

Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
They are ever-present and unmemorable, faces in the crowd that one pays no mind to – until they come up to you to quietly note some finer point of the rules, tally a strike, or issue a penalty.

Storylet appears in The Alleyways of London


A rules inquiry
  •  Spoiler 
    Action Cost: 0



    A reminder

    Success Instructions: Play cards to obtain Poisoner's Progress. Raise Poisoner's Progress to 8 to win a round. Win 7 out of 10 rounds to win a trophy.

    Gaining points of Poisonous Preparation will unlock more powerful actions that require an attribute or skill check, but produce more progress.

    Elusiveness of your Target will gradually increase as you play. If it reaches 8, the round will end in a loss.

    The Poison Tolerance of Your Target will also gradually increase as you play. It slows down how much progress you gain from each actions.

    Every action taken in Hearts' Game generates Exploits which can be traded for rewards at the Gamekeeper's Cottage, regardless of results.

Cancel the round
Cancel the round