Watchmaker's Hill
From Fallen London Wiki
A sinister fungal wilderness by the river. The Department of Menace Eradication subcontracts the adventurous to deal with the things that slither out of Bugsby's Marshes. An observatory atop the hill employs only blind men.
See Category:Watchmaker's Hill for cards or storylets that are found in this place or location.
See Category:Watchmaker's Hill Moves for actions that change player location to this location.
Main Quality: Dangerous
This location has access to the Bazaar.
- Card deck: This location uses the main Fallen London deck.
- In addition, the deck also contains cards that are available only in Watchmaker's Hill
- This location forms part of the main Fallen London setting. All locations within the main setting share the same hand and deck. Moving between other locations of the main setting does not affect the hand or the deck size, with the exception of adding or removing location-specific cards to/from the deck.
- The deck in this location is limited to 6 cards (or 10 cards for Exceptional Friends).
- The hand size in this location is determined by your Lodgings.
- If you leave this location and come back later you will start with all the cards that were in your hand when left, except the cards whose unlock requirements you no longer satisfy.
Regular Storylets[edit]
Take to the Air! (unlocked with
41 Firmament)
The Gamekeeper's Cottage, Renovated (unlocked with
50 Hearts' Game: A Player of the Game)
Unfinished Business in Watchmaker's Hill (unlocked with
70 Dangerous)
Business on Watchmaker's Hill (unlocked with
2 A Name Scrawled in Blood)
The Fighting Rings (unlocked with
4 A Name Scrawled in Blood)
Provide Training at the Department of Menace Eradication (unlocked with
3 A Name Scrawled in Blood,
76 Airs)
Deal with Unfinished Men (unlocked with
3 A Name Scrawled in Blood,
51-75 Airs)
Guard duty at the Observatory (unlocked with
A Name Scrawled in Blood,
51 Airs)
Rescue Shipwrecked Clay Men (unlocked with
3 A Name Scrawled in Blood,
26-50 Airs)
A Marksmanship Competition for a Prize of Jade! (unlocked with
A Name Scrawled in Blood,
1-50 Airs)
Donate your body to science for an hour or two (unlocked with
3 A Name Scrawled in Blood,
1-25 Airs)