Airs of the Labyrinth

From Fallen London Wiki

Nothing is in focus; your vision is all periphery, no centre.

See here for a list of all pages which use or require this quality, or click here to show them.

Wiki note: Unlike most other Airs qualities, Airs of the Labyrinth has separate change descriptions for increases and decreases. When the same Airs number is generated twice, the latter is treated as an increase.

Airs Increase Descriptions

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 7 – 11, 19 – 22

Airs of the Labyrinth
1 – 6A pair of gold-framed spectacles, crushed to uselessness.
12 – 18A dog-eared journal, waterlogged.
23 – 29A frayed and torn rag that might have once been a fine silk scarf.
30 – 39Footprints left in soot.
40 – 49The rusted ghost of a sword, decayed to dust.
50 – 59An archaic matchlock arquebus, fouled completely inside and out.
60 – 69A few scraps of leather that might have been a sandal.
70 – 79A scattering of loose stoneware potsherds.
80 – 89A cinnabar bead that might once have belonged to a necklace.
90 – 99A pile of discarded linen bandages, stained maroon.
100A sealed door, covered in tiger and serpent carvings.

Airs Decrease Descriptions

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 69, 79, 95 – 99

Airs of the Labyrinth
0 – 9A soul bottle – broken, its contents escaped.
10 – 1967 taxidermied magpies, stitched together into a single mass.
20 – 29A glass case filled with pinned moths. One of them is still moving.
30 – 39The broken-off tip of a tiger's claw, the size of a penknife.
40 – 49A little cairn of polished river rocks, stacked precariously.
50 – 59A little silver spoon, and a little silver flask, in a little leather case.
60 – 68A tall, tiered wedding cake covered in royal icing.
70 – 78Glass shards on the ground; the remains of a shattered bottle.
80 – 89A basket of rotting peaches.
90 – 94Incongruously, sitting on the floor: a cabbage.