Appeal to the bizarre

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Choose the direction of your campaign

Action Cost: 0

Your campaign will be odd. Compellingly so. [Bizarre description]

Description summary:
The description varies based on your level of Bizarre.

0 - 2It's not in your own style, since you aren't very Bizarre yourself.
3 - 6Your own Bizarreness will be an asset to you.
7 - 9Your own considerable Bizarreness will be an asset to you.
10+You are so Bizarre yourself that this will be a promising avenue.

[Find the rest of the story at]


A strange alignment

"The Neath is an odd place," says the Artful Advertiser. "Its people are drawn to campaigns that reflect their uncertainty and confusion." She shrugs. "Or maybe they just like things with a little personality."