Ask about the territories west

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: The Return of the Gondolier

Your railroad will go further yet. Can he tell you what lies ahead?

Locked with Involved in a Railway Venture 121


Westward lies


The Gondolier frowns and gazes at the river where it laps at the hinterland soil. "Best be back to it. Not far enough yet today." He clasps your arm for a moment, tight. Then he is off, sailing east.

Description summary:
The first paragraph changes each time this branch is played. Various values for the first paragraph are listed below.

Airs of the Hell-Scarred GondolierFirst paragraph
1-9"There are many old things west of here," the Hell-Scarred Gondolier advises, his brow furrowed. "The past is not buried, and if it slumbers it does so only lightly. There are ancient stones and marigold groves and all the historians are liars."
10-14"You must believe nothing that is written in Moulin," the Gondolier says, eyes wide, "History is mutable as flesh! The sacred lies with the profane! Only liars tell truths there," He continues in this vein for some time.
15-24The […] Gondolier tells you stories of the Moulin Waste, a muddy battlefield between London and Hell. "Mud and blood […]" he repeats, punctuating his stories, oscillating between telling you about visiting […] and telling you about fighting […]
25-39"Do not weep for the marigolds," he says, weeping. "You must not. Their Order is false, they go out to die. Weep not, brave marigolds. It shall be over soon."
40-49"It's cold at the Hurlers," he says. "And there is a castle under the ice, built without permission. A castle built out of the absence of permission. It is there because it must not be there."
50-59He tells you of the stones at Hurlers, of cold and brooding monoliths west of here. "You mustn't count them," he says in hushed tones, "Lest you be counted in turn."
60-74"Have you ever seen a herd of grazing goat-demons?" he asks. "Had them stare at you while you row past, all with matching eyes? They graze near the Hurlers. You'll see."
75-99The Hell-Scarred Gondolier smiles as he tells you of the Edict of Towers, a place of glass and stone. A conspiracy of siegeworks that defends Hell's southern flank. "All the defences of Hell are precious," he says, "But none more so than the Towers."
100The Hell-Scarred Gondolier shudders as he recalls the hamlet at Moulin. "The past is a river that is always with us," he says, eyes wide and tone low. "We are just boats. Boats against..." He frowns. "I read that somewhere. Somewhere in ... in Hell."

[Find the rest of the story at]