Ask the zailors to lend their aid

From Fallen London Wiki
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Call to Arms: The Docks

Skilled craftspeople who know their way around a vessel. The Air Fleet may differ in the particulars, but the rudiments remain the same.

Game Instructions: This will cost fewer Favours the higher your Renown: the Docks.

Unlocked with Dreaded 3, 1-5 x Favours: The Docks

Wiki note: The favours cost decreases by 1 for every ? renown


Away from the heart of the Zee

A Robust Forewoman hears you out [...]

"It's not permanent, you understand. But we know you've not abandoned the docks, so [we] think we'd best return the favour. We don't hold with the Admiralty and its golden machine, but we'll stand fast with you."[...]