Ask why she wanted to speak with you

From Fallen London Wiki
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From: Light Fingers: The Rejuvenated Music-hall Singer

She seems very serious, all of a sudden. She contemplates the fire for so long that her tea goes cold.

Unlocked with Remembering the Orphanage exactly 1


The Singer's resolve

[…] "I'm heading […] to the surface […] My sister is safe, and sane, and well. […] She'll have to survive without me, this time. I'll never be happy in the Neath. Memories, you understand."


She pulls you into an embrace. Goodbyes are said. You wish her luck. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Success Instructions: Your Ambition will continue in London. You'll know when.

  • Genderladysmall.png The Singer in the Sunlight. (Sets The Music-hall Singer's Fate to 1 - The Rejuvenated Music-hall Singer has returned to the surface, hoping to carve a new life for herself in the world above)