New/hidden lock condition?

From Fallen London Wiki

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This storylet disappeared for me when the Lorn-Fluke showed up (I had a bunch of unspent Valorous Deeds, so it was still visible during the Ghost Ship event). We'll know more once the Fluke is gone, but it looks like this might lock with <a href="/wiki/The_Lorn-Fluke%27s_Fury" title="The Lorn-Fluke's Fury">The Lorn-Fluke's Fury</a> and/or something based on <a href="/wiki/Admiralty:_Recent_Threat" title="Admiralty: Recent Threat">Admiralty: Recent Threat</a> (the latter has the value "2: Lorn-Fluke" right now, so maybe level 1 will be used when the Lifeberg next appears – although it might just be used to vary the "The threat of ..." text here).