Workers Strike Rant

From Fallen London Wiki

VeryPeeved|Posted on Nov 14 2020 at 11:33 pm

Their rights? THEIR RIGHTS?

It’s not their right to rip from me the fruits of MY labor, anymore than i would theirs. it is not their right to take everything i have done for them this whole time and come back demanding more MORE MORE, IT IS NOT THEIR RIGHT TO TAKE FROM ME THE THINGS I HAVE BUILT** WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS AND BLOOD AND SWEAT AND TEARS! IF THOSE TAFFERS WANT A SHARE IN A RAILWAY COMPANY, **THEY CAN DAMN WELL MAKE THEIR OWN, AND DON’T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN IT CRASHES AND BURNS JUST LIKE THIS ONE WOULD IF IT WEREN’T FOR MY UNENDING LABOR TO KEEP IT AFLOAT.

To hell with your damn unions, if this is what i get after all my labors, and patience, and kindness, why should i bother negotiating with you leeches. you union bastards don’t care about the workers, you just want to advance your own political agenda.

Get the fuck out of my house.

Thighs|Posted on Jan 8 2021 at 10:52 am

I’m trying to help a friend with their railway and you’re commenting on a lot of these things and getting very sweary and angry. Though it’s good to be passionate about things you enjoy, please bear in mind that this is a game that people of various ages play and your comments may reach them.

anonymous|Posted on Apr 10 2021 at 1:43 am

@verypeeved I understand the sentiment but if you laid the tracks yourself you’d have different views

Aro Saren|Posted on Apr 10 2021 at 7:13 am

Revolutionaries. It was never about laying tracks, it was about hijacking the company once it's taken off. And that's why she kept silent about these matters when they could be resolved peacefully.

anonymous|Posted on Nov 9 2021 at 11:04 am

I always wanted to know where Fallen London's Cave Johnson was. Guess we found him in VeryPeeved lmao

Cweeperz|Posted on Jan 1 2022 at 10:59 pm

...and here we have the Neath's most rational bourgeoisie