Is this... an actually good EpA grind?

From Fallen London Wiki

Yes, well, no, well, it depends. In general, all the options are balanced... except for the first one, which:

((15 + 17.5 + 25 12.5 + 20 + 20 + 25) / 6 - 2.5) / 2.2 3.2 = 8.14 EpA; I think... 4.94 EpA

(3.2 = 2 A + 0.7 A for scandal + 0.5 sourcing Implications from Arbor)

But with Implications sourced from the Labyrinth of Tigers Discordance Laws, and with Scandal reducing gear, we get:

((15 + 17.5 + 25 12.5 + 20 + 20 + 25) / 6 - 2.5) / 2.7 2.4 = 6.6 EpA

(2.7 = 2 A + 0.4 A for scandal )

Good thing this can only be done once a week.

Edited: In accordance with the corrections below