From Fallen London Wiki

Legend has it that long before profession rewards, the truth breaker turbine, or university labs existed back when the only way to farm searing enigmas was at Zee, they say Nitebrite (thats a me) amassed a horde of enigmas, intent on robbing the seekers of K&C. But this did not come to pass, for she drank away her maxed out stats- just to finally get around the old level 40 content lock out for finder of heiresses. Only then did she find out you needed 70+ stats to do K&C stabs. Instead she used her unique collection to make the very first Impossible Theorem. They say she was the second cider, but technically it was the third.

They say she raised the first noman to survive to FoTER. That she was Scorched by the Sun, one of three to do so back in the days of old SMEN when it actually deleted your account. That she had a Rubbery Conspirator. That she organized such wildly efficient Hallowmas parties the entire holiday had to be rewritten. That she sent out 8 Destins candles one Hallowmas, raising her stats to 77 and halving them over and over again in just one month. They say that she defeated original SMEN with this one weird trick. That she was the first to betray a rubbery spouse to the well. That she lit a reverse tapper. That she fed her seeking candles to a rat of glory. That she inspired others to do the quad fail. That she burned 7 copies of every lodging before going North.

Lady Nitebrite, an unremarkable lady, with 343 dangerous (seven into seven into seven). A level cap that was set in her honor. A base stat cap that didnt exist until she stopped repeating flint, and yolo'd a bottle of oblivion to get it to an even base number. Dual wielding waxwails. Living in her one card lodgings with the first heptagoat paid for with the first impossible theorem and the first cider to be sold. I imagine that to this day, very few ciders have ever been sold lol. But if you're wondering there, the cider has no special sales text ;)

Edit: How could I forget that time I actually defeated Mr Iron in K&C combat LMAO that was the best. I did a lot of other cool stuff but this is long enough haha