From Fallen London Wiki

i've honestly no idea where to put this comment, but someone will have it in them to edit it into the social engagements category n all that, maybe i'll try figuring out wiki editing this weekend and do it

ANYWAYS two new storylets under 'Your Social Engagements' for new players, here they are

'Fifth City Factionalism

You must have seen them...

Fifth City Factionalism

You must have seen them. The devils. The urchins. The revolutionaries. The rubbery men. The— well, suffice to say that Fallen London has more than its fair share of factions, every one with an angle of their own.

It's impossible to conduct business in the Fifth City without rubbing shoulders with these groups once in a while – but those who you associate with most closely also tell the world something about who you are.

Fallen London's factions each offer powerful and unique opportunities for those they respect. Raising Favours with any faction tends to be very lucrative, and can be a powerful way to raise your skills. Favours are primarily gained via Opportunity Cards.

Raising your Renown with a particular faction unlocks unique items and choices as you play. This generally costs Favours, and more besides. However, you can make inroads with the factions by visiting Mrs Plenty's Carnival.'

this storylet as of right now has an option saying 'Make your allegiances known'. pretty sure if i didnt have renown 5 w/ criminals rn, it'd show something telling me to get it up to 5 or something, but unfortunately i didnt record that before going to the carnival. shame.

'Make your allegiances known

You have a lot to offer. To offer to some of Fallen London's factions, that is.

Return here when you have raised your Renown with any faction to 5. This will unlock an Opportunity Card to help you quickly increase relations with several factions and earn some unique items.'

costs zero actions, picture for the storylet itself is conversation.png, picture for the option is holdinghands.png. picking the option shows

'A friend to many

They will know your worth, very soon indeed.

Look for the Opportunity Card 'Opportunities for Ingratiation'. This will help you raise your Renown to 10 with up to three different Factions. You can also raise Renown by spending Favours on the Faction's Opportunity Card.

You have the chance to play that card for free now. Beware: if you choose to 'Perhaps Not' out of the storylet, you will have to wait until you next draw the card to pick a faction!'

same picture as the option, holdinghands.png, and it sends you to 'opportunities for ingratiation' which i guess is a new opportunity card for new players that helps raise renown a bit. i'll take a screenshot of this and spend some time transcribing it, although i wont be able to get every option on it cos it limits you to three on the card.

edit: never mind on adding 'opportunities for ingratiation', it already exists.