From Fallen London Wiki

So long

"After the last time, I was starting to worry I wasn't very good at this. That I might not actually know what I was talking about." It gives a heavy sniff. It's trying very hard not to cry (and mostly succeeding). "But I look at you, an' I fink about wot a mess you were when I first clapped eyes on you, an' I think: yeah. This city would be lost without me."

It fixes you with a steely gaze. "If you truly wanna make somefing of yourself, you've got to go all the way. Become part of the cream doo la cream. But there's nothing more I can teach you. You're on yer own from here on out."

And where will it go? Ah, but there are plenty of other newcomers who need all the help they can get – and some of them even have sock drawers.

Continue exploring the stories of Fallen London. Finish Making Your Name, pursue your Ambition, or just see what else the city has to offer. More and greater opportunities await for those who become A Person of Some Importance. Raise one of your skills to 100 and await a message from the Ambitious Barrister to get started.

no rewards, but there is a message underneath with the icon of ratsmall.png and 'You learned all there was to learn from the Dubiously Shrewd Rat'

farewell, rat friend.